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The sudden appearance of the silhouette suddenly made all 9 Imperial soldiers nervous.

The march stopped immediately, but before everyone could form a formation, the silhouette roar passed, but all 9 Imperial soldiers suddenly fell.

“Lord …. Lord, Lord, Lord …”

“Yi !? Iron Pagoda!” Sun Yuan walked to the front, heard the voice, and immediately recognized the voice.

“Iron Pagoda !?” Chu Yan suddenly complexed and rushed forward.

Soon, all 9 Imperial soldiers surrounded a tall silhouette and stumbled in front of Chu Yan.

Nearly 10,000 li, Iron Pagoda did not dare to be indifferent. It was almost the fastest speed. He ran all the way, and he was injured originally. This time, it was really enough.

“Golden Pill, come on, take this Golden Pill first!”

Chu Yan glanced over and saw Iron Pagoda’s body, large and small with more than a dozen scars, and some wounds showed bones. He quickly took out a bottle of Golden Pill and poured it into Iron Pagoda’s mouth.

3 Golden Pill went down, and Iron Pagoda, whose face was so gray, finally relieved, and the wound on his body recovered at the speed visible with naked eye.

“Lord, all are dead, all are dead ….. wu wu… .wu wu… ..”

The big man who is taller than zhang high, flung at Chu Yan’s feet, crying like a child, even with an injury, suppressed in his heart and heavy responsibility, for more than an hour, almost made Iron Pagoda’s will completely collapse, and Now, a complete outbreak has occurred.

hearing this, Chu Yan’s heart suddenly sank to the bottom …

“Iron Pagoda, don’t worry, say slowly, how about the cold front and the brothers !?”

Slowly looking up, a pair of eyes became red with congestion and choked for a while before Iron Pagoda finally opened the mouth and said

“Thousand-man Commander Sir is dead! 200 brothers, all … follow Sir …. Self-destruction Qi Sea! All survived! None of them … wu wu wu …!”

Hearing the words of Iron Pagoda, an atmosphere of extreme grief and indignation spread out. All the surrounding 4 Imperial soldiers began to redden their eyes, and some of them began to sob softly.

I was just imposing manner like a rainbow, ready to give back to the 400 9 Imperial soldiers in Black Water City, and I became very heavy in an instant.

The death of the cold front, for this Divine Kingdom World, the last 9 remnants of the Imperial Army, the blow was too great.

Human Race flourishing period, Ten Directions 9 Emperor Army, Battle General over 10000, Ashi Ten 100000000, how great the military power.

But now, with millions of racial battles with the Matriarchs, the cold front is the only general in the entire 9 imperial army.

The loss of Leng Feng also left the 9 Imperial Army without any generals.

It is self-evident that an army, without a general, will end!

The sudden news made Chu Yan feel very heavy, but at this time, he also maintained a high degree of calm.

Now, it can be said that this 9th imperial army remnant soldier, and even the human race’s anxious period of life and death of the 9th imperial army, if it is not handled well, from him to Divine Kingdom World, with these remnant soldiers, fighting all the way All records must be kept in place.

“No! Never let these 9 imperial troops be damaged! You can’t let a warrior leave!” Chu Yan fiercely clenched the teeth.

In the face of a crisis, the opportunity for reversal is often hidden!

At this critical moment, if Chu Yan can handle it well, then with this opportunity, maybe Chu Yan until now can really achieve the goal he hopes to achieve.

That is … Fire Seed Project!

The cold front is dead, and all the 9 soldiers of the 400th Imperial Army are no longer dependent. If they are handled well, the 9 400 soldiers of the 1th Imperial Army will be transformed into 1 Fire Seeds with the Fire Seed of the soul!

Since then, no matter how this army is expanded, as long as a Fire Seed is invested in it, it will form the power of Spark Ignites Origin, no matter facing any enemy, it will be invincible!

And Chu Yan ’s goal is to recover Divine Kingdom World, and even …

Therefore, at this time, it is the only opportunity to ignite these Fire Seeds!

“Everyone lifted my chest and raised my head!”

Angry roar, as if a thunderclap, instantly broke the dignified atmosphere of the scene, all the 9 imperial warriors with their heads down and their eyes reddish, subconsciously looked up, looked towards Chu Yan.

Chu Yan’s pupil light, like thunder and fire, swept across the faces of all 9 Imperial soldiers …

“This is a blood debt! It must be repaid with blood! Who are we !? We are Guardian of Human Race, 9 Imperial Army!”

Chu Yan’s words seemed to be a path of thunderbolt, exploding in the ears of every 9 Imperial soldiers, making their gloomy eyes gradually shining.

Looking at the eyes, a pair of eyes with longing and confusion, Chu Yan’s heart, but the turbulent sea, the monstrous wave, rushed to Yunxiao.

The soldier is the courage of the soldiers, the soul of the soldiers!

a Masters of Tigers and Wolves of the invincible iron blood, without going through the forging of blood and fire, and more importantly, must be injected into the soul!

This kind of military soul, without exception, is the Commander of this army, injected into it.

The more powerful Commander, the more powerful the army, it depends entirely on who is leading this army.

And now, this 9 imperial army, which was unsealed by himself, has fully recognized himself, it is time for him to completely change.

Chu Yan’s eyes with cold flames, like a sharp blade, penetrated into the depth of each soldier’s eyes.

“Our a 9 imperial army, from the time we stepped out of the dusty city, was avenging us, killing the witch, more than several times our own number!”

“Dust City and Slave Battalion, we killed almost 2 witch squads!”

“Besides the Black Water City, the witchcraft we bombed to death exceeded the number of a Thousand Man Squad!”

“Now, we just killed one of their elder blood Elder!”

“But are these enough !?”

When Chu Yan asked this question, he paused for a moment, and immediately gave a loud roar, saying

“Not enough! Not enough!”

“Leng Feng Thousand-man Commander was killed by Wu Man! We … do we want to get revenge !?”

This sentence fell to the ground, and 400 pairs of shining eyes finally ejected boundless anger, and all kinds of roars sounded together.

“Revenge, must revenge, kill these gangs!”

“Cold Sir, there is still the hatred of 200 brothers, we must report! Can’t let them go easily!”

“Lord, our 9 imperial armies don’t have a scorpion. The blood debt of Cold Front Sir must be reported. Even if they die, they must fight!”

400 9 Imperial soldiers, the waves were like waves, like a frying pan.

“Good! A debt of blood must be paid in blood, our Human Race has a deep enmity with the witch’s blood sea, and must be liquidated!”

Chu Yan leaned forward, jumped up on a nearby rock, and shouted loudly, “We 9 imperial army, there will be revenge, anyone who dares to move us 9 imperial army, they will bear our raging anger! ! “




The roar of 400 9 imperial warriors, heaven shaking earth shattering, like a huge wave, caused an endless frenzy.

In the monstrous anger, all people’s eyes became crimson, as if more than 400 piles of dry firewood, in this brief moment, were ignited at the same time, the rising flames, even the sky will burn up!

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