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Hesse, who smiled for a few ten breaths time, didn’t feel anything until he saw Wada and looked at himself indifferently.

“I swear by my Demi-God bloodline, this news is … really!” Wada indifferently said.

“You know how much I spent to get this news and confirm him! Fortunately, the Elders of the Matriarchs are mostly greedy for money, you know …”

“What are you talking about !? This news is not a joke !?” Hessen’s face, the smile instantly solidified, his mouth wide open, can be stuffed into an adult witch fighter.

“Moreover, the news received at the same time also mentioned that the Human Race 100 imperial army, which had only a few hundred soldiers, also captured Black Water City at one time!” Wadang added.

“Wh … what !? Captured Black Water City !? A few … A few 100 remnants !? Hiss …!”

The air-sucking sound sounded, and Hessen bounced from the chair with a pair of eyes, almost staring out, as if watching a monster, looking at Wada.

“The Matriarchs originally wanted to block the news, but, did you know !? The crippled general of the Human Race 9 imperial army, took the lead and took this news in the Azure Dragon World domain of Human Race. If you go out now, you might be able to hear earth-shaking cheers in some secret Human Race venues, of course, if you can get in. “

Wadang shook the head with a bitter smile. Before he came to Hesse this morning, he had wanted to mix into the Martial Artist Guild of Human Race. Unfortunately, the difference between aura and Divine Consciousness was recognized at a glance. Blocked by the door.

“God ah! This … too terrifying!”

Hessian finally believed a few points, and all thoughts returned to the impact of this shocking news.

a 100 imperial troops composed of a few 9 remnant soldiers, not only captured the Black Water City where the Mausoleum of 10000 people is located, but also killed the elder blood Elder protected by heavy soldiers. The difficulty of this is that Hessen can use the heels. think.

World Race, the leader of Human Race, has fallen completely in 70% of the places. The team of Human Race 9 emperor has not even appeared in 10000 years.

The battle strength of the 9 remnant soldiers of the Imperial Army, Hessson of course knew that a few 100 remnants, not even an ordinary squad of Wuman, could be defeated.

So, if the news is true, then the only possibility of such a shocking record is that there is an extremely powerful general in Human Race.

A powerful general, how big is the impact of a war, also as a soldier, who has studied Hessen in various ethnic wars for 100,000 years, is more clear than anyone else.

Their Tarot people, because of the 10000 capable Tarot Emperor, led an army of 1000 people. After millions of years of fighting, they laid a foundation in Ten Directions Star Domain, and finally developed into Ten Directions Star Domain. So far, strongest There is no one big race.

A powerful race, the most indispensable, is a powerful Commander, not others.

“Good! As you think now, my estimate is just like yours. Human Race may have awakened a terrifying and powerful general!” Wadang saw the shining, nodded, said solemnly flashed in Hessen’s eyes.

“However, when he was so weak, he publicized the news in such a high-profile way, but I was a bit worried for him!”

“Yes! The anger of the Matriarchs will soon come!” Hessen nodded heavily.

“The next step is to surround the Malay army, and then block this remnant soldier somewhere and completely destroy it!”

“Maybe, there will be other results …” Wadang smiled softly, slightly replied.

The words fell to the ground, and Hessen was stunned for a moment. Under the 4 eyes, both of them saw the look of expectation in the other person’s eyes.

The entire room immediately became silent.


Azure Dragon World domain, 9 mountain ranges, Lingyun great hall.

Lingyun Pavilion, the head of the 9 Supreme Sects, Lingyun great hall has always been responsible for various major event discussions and decisions, with Supreme’s majesty and solemnity.

But now, there is no trace of majesty in the whole Lingyun great hall. There are dozens of silhouettes. In Lingyun great hall, the sky is overturned. It looks like a vulgar street market.

“Give me shut up!”

Ling Shuangtian was unexpectedly lifeless, just shouted loudly, preventing the noisy quarrel.

“It is no longer necessary to discuss the true or false of the news, nor to discuss the origin of the 9th Imperial Army residual soldiers. Now, what I want to know is, how can I give this 9th Imperial Army soldier residual soldiers the greatest support! “

In a word, the whole Lingyun great hall suddenly fell into silence. All the big brothers in Lingyun Pavilion were all grave expression.

“Pavilion Lord, our power in Divine Kingdom World is really limited. Although there are still a few small cities, for some special reasons, they did not fall into the hands of the witch, but this is all impossible and combined with these forces. Wuman confronts head-on. “

3 Elder explained Deacon Elder as the director of Divine Kingdom World Resources.

“I know these, but Old Ancestor has already spoken, let us anyway, we must do our utmost to help this 9 imperial army remnants and let them survive!”

Ling Shuangtian was nodded and opened the mouth and said softly.

“What !? Old Ancestor !?”

“Old Ancestor has spoken !?”

“Old … Old Ancestor !?”

The big brothers, when they heard Ling Shuangtian’s words, the complexion changed suddenly, and they couldn’t believe it.

“So, I am going to unblock 2 Qianlong teams and try to join this 9 remnants of the Imperial Army!” Ling Shuangtian said solemnly.


Hearing Ling Shuangtian’s words, all elders again complexion changed, looking at Ling Shuangtian above the Golden Seat, all kinds of complex eyes, constantly flashing.

“Yes! Follow Pavilion Lord’s order!”

“Yes! Pavilion Lord order!”


Seeing Ling Shuangtian’s complexion, everyone knew that Ling Shuangtian had already made a decision, and they all joined hands to accept the order.

“3 Elder, immediately arrange to unblock the 2 Qianlong teams in the mountain range near Black Water City and let them look for the traces of the remnants of the 9th Imperial Army. Among them! Do it now! “

In a word, each Elder accepted the order and exited the great hall.

It’s just that this time stepping out of Lingyun great hall, every Elder’s face is a little nervous. In the midst of it, they seem to feel that a shocking change may be coming!

……… ..

On the other side, the Matriarch City, the capital of Heavenly Punishment, is above the Palace of Parliament.

A military meeting aimed at the remnants of the imperial army of Human Race 9 is in progress. The top of the list is the Heavenly Punishment king who is covered with grey mist.

The senior members of the Malay Army who participated in the military debate can no longer remember how long Sir Heavenly Punishment King had not participated in the military debate.

After all, the current situation of the Wu people has been improving all the time. There are no important things happening at all. Some minor things, the generals below and the Generals of the Heavenly Punishment military hall, will handle it well, and will not disturb the cultivation of King Heavenly Punishment. .

But today, King Heavenly Punishment personally presided over the military discussion, and the goal was actually a Human Race remnant with less than 500 people!

More importantly, at the beginning of the military discussion, Heavenly Punishment King announced that an order on the Matriarchal Headquarters must be used to destroy the remnants of the Human Race as soon as possible.

At this moment, things seemed to really happen!

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