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As expected, the military discussion had not started yet, the roar of Heavenly Punishment, and the general hall almost collapsed.


“Great shame!”

“This is the shame of our Heavenly Punishment military hall! It is also the shame of the entire Matriarch!”

“Aren’t you guys all pigs !? A Human Race remnant of only a few hundred people caused the damage of Emperor Blood Elder !? Now, the entire Matriarch has become a joke of Ten Directions Star Domain! This cannot be forgiven! “

“This time, be sure to kill the Human Race remnants completely!”

“Yes!” A group of Maori Generals, all tight together, quickly accept the order.


Heavenly Punishment Wang’s satisfied nodded, then asked, “This time, how do you prepare to deal with it?”

“I told my king that in the Black Water City area, there was only the Wumosa 10000-man team, and other nearby military halls were far away, so only the Wumosa 10000-man team was the most suitable.”

An Elder waved his hand and showed the entire Divine Kingdom World map in front of everyone, while raising his finger to the vicinity of Black Water City and explaining.

“Black Water City, located in Extreme East Land, is connected to the Black Sea. It is an important area leading to the capital of Heavenly Punishment. After 100,000 years of rule, within 100000000 million miles, Human Race Martial Artist activities have been rare. At the same time, In this place, the mountain range is continuous and the terrain is extremely complex. If the Human Race remnants are hiding in the mountain range, at least one 10000 people must be dispatched to search the entire mountain range. “

In one breath, he directly dispatched a 10000-person team. This time Wu Man really gave his blood.

However, who let that Human Race remnant soldiers kill Elder! ?

Moreover, in the vicinity of the entire Black Water City, in addition to the mountain range, which is the mountain range, a team of several hundred people drilled into the mountains and wanted to find out.

“Yes, Not Bad!”

Heavenly Punishment Wang nodded, as the Commander of the army, he naturally knows these problems, so now this time is the best time to destroy the Human Race remnants. Once missed, it is really troublesome.

Therefore, for a one-time 10000-person team, although it sounds like a small masterpiece, Heavenly Punishment hopes that with this thunderbolt, the resistance of Human Race will be completely extinguished to declare the powerful strength of the Matriarch. .

“In addition, send a squad of monster birds to assist Wumosa to search the Human Race remnant soldier who sneaked into the mountain range!”

Heavenly Punishment got up and opened the mouth and said with a deep voice, “Tell Wumosa that if he can destroy that Human Race remnant within 3 days, I can avoid his mortal crime!”

With a word, Heavenly Punishment, Wang Dabu moved towards the outside of the Junyi Hall, and soon disappeared.


Everyone bowed.


Chu Yan took Sun Yuan and a few people, walked to the mouth of the valley, and waited quietly.

Soon, within the time of hundred breaths, a plume of smoke flew from the end of the road in the distance, and there was obviously a large group of people who were rushing.

Not bad!

It was the a 1000-man brigade led by Umosa that drove up the dust.

I just received a military order from the Heavenly Punishment, and learned that if I could destroy the Human Race remnant within 3 days, I would be able to avoid the mortal crime. The flame that had been extinguished in the heart of Umosa burned again.

So, as if he was crazy, he directly ordered that everyone march in a hurry and ran all the way, moved towards black liquid and rushed into the sea.

Only a little one hour, it rushed to the valley before Chu Yan where they were.

Seeing the dust flying on the sky, Chu Yan’s mouth suddenly flicked, and a grin appeared on his face.

“Move Yixing secret skill, come with me all! Act according to plan!”

With a single order, True Qi 4 overflowed on Chu Yan. At the same time, the whole figure was quickly pulled up, and within a short time, it rose to nearly 5 zhang high degrees, and turned into an elite and brutal look.

Not only him, but also Sun Yuan, 2 or so 9 imperial warriors who cultivated the secret skill, all of them changed the shape of become intelligent, and followed Chu Yan to move towards the valley.

The sudden appearance of a team of Chu Yan suddenly disrupted the mad march of Wumosa, and the 1000 witches stopped to look stupidly.

what’s the situation! ?

How can there be fighters of the same race here, is it faster than us! ?

Not only were the wicked warriors of ordinary ignorance, but even Wumosa also had some ignorance, and directly ordered that the dozen elite witches report the situation.

Chu Yan was covered with blood, dishevelled hair, and there were wounds all over his body. His expression was extremely panic. Hearing the order of Wumosa, he rushed forward to the Monster Beast mount of Wumosa, opened the mouth and said

“Sir, under the Elder Guards of the Emperor Blood, Elder was attacked, sent me to rush out, and went to Black Water City in search of rescuers!”

“What !? Elder Guards !?” Wumosa was completely ashamed.

At this time, almost half a day had passed since the attack of Emperor Blood Elder, and according to the news from the capital of Heavenly Punishment, it was confirmed that Emperor Blood Elder had been damaged.

Even the remnant soldier of Human Race has sent a message to the outside world, why now there is a guard team of Elder Emperor Blood! ?

“You, really are the Elder Guards of the Emperor Blood !?” Wu Mossa’s brain was a little short-circuited, and all his thoughts were messed up at once.

“Yes, we are from the 3rd squad of Emperor Blood Elder Guards. Emperor Blood Elder is now very dangerous. Fortunately, there are two gold spears. Emperor Wei guards the building ship, and the sources of the Spirit Array are sufficient. There is no way to break it, but I ca n’t hold it for too long, please ask Sir to go to the rescue immediately! “

Chu Yan quickly poured out all the information he had received from the witch woman who was released, and rushed to Umosa in two steps, grabbing the edge of the leather armor of his Monster Beast, and begged loudly.

Not only Chu Yan, but also the eleven elite Wumans behind him, they also squeezed forward together, moved towards Wumosa, and promised loudly that what Chu Yan said was true.

Hearing Chu Yan’s words, Wumosa was completely silly, and his eyes fell into a dull state.

King Spear Emperor Wei, he had heard about it, but it was the Imperial Guard of the Witch Emperor.

didn’t expect, this time Emperor Blood Elder’s trip, and Golden Spear Emperor Wei accompanied the protection.

Moreover, the golden building ship, as the flying spirit of Emperor Blood Elder, is of course extremely strong in defense. The Human Race residual soldiers emerging from the ordinary mounds cannot be broken for a while, which is completely normal.

“Could it be that…..”

Suddenly, a thunderclap-like thought flashed through Wumosa’s mind, and the whole body was fiercely trembling.

“Don’t you say that Elder is still dead !?”

In an instant, Wu Mosa’s heart almost jumped out of his throat, and his blood was completely boiling.

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