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Hearing Lin Wanru’s words, Chu Yan was about to speak, but Sun Yuan ran with a team of soldiers.

“God, it’s done! According to your order, we opened another march route and pushed to the south of the mountain range!”

Sun Yuan was dusty, his face flushed red, aura was a little quick, obviously obviously tired.

“Very good! If so, you can do it!” Chu Yan said with a smile.

“Chu Yan, you …” Lin Wanru was more anxious when he heard Chu Yan’s words, and quickly said again, “Witchy Thunderhawk, with Power of Thunder and Lightning, great strength, and the feathers on his body are imperial ranks. Spirit Armament ca n’t be cut. You have n’t watched the savagery. In 100,000 years, we have caught less than 1000! We only have 400 people, and we attacked a station with ten thunder eagles. Are you … crazy? ? “

“That’s pretty stupid. They can’t do it, it doesn’t mean I can’t do it! Hehe …” Chu Yan smiled lightly, staring at the cliff above the mountain, said with a smile.

“However, even if you let Sun Yuan drive a false road and confuse the witch behind him, but attack a station with ten thunder eagles, plus the witch savage who controls the thunder eagle. When the time comes, the front ca n’t be beaten down, the witch behind is back up, and we … ”Lin Wanru said that here, he was already in a hurry, a small face turned into a ripe apple, anxious Looking at Chu Yan.

“It’s too late! The Wuman who chased us later has already followed!” Chu Yan glanced behind him, the mountain range in the distance, Chu Yan’s Divine Consciousness could already find the army of Wuman, and was rushing in. .

Just a cursory sweep, Chu Yan can find nearly 3000 witchmen, and this does not include, in other directions.

At this time, the savage Black Water City 10000-person military hall was really pressed by him, almost coming out of the nest, all coming towards them.


Thousand-man Commander of Wulin looked at the golden building ship dumped on the bank of the river like ruins, and the corpse of Maori warriors all around horizontally and vertically, and his face became extremely ugly.

This is not the first time. His 7th Thousand Man Squad, from a soldier to a corpse collector, is the second time today.

On the way to the black liquid sea and into the estuary, they had just been in a valley, dealing with their top boss Wu Mosa and the entire 3rd Thousand Man Squad, nearly 1300 Maori warriors, and dealing with the corpse that covered the entire valley.

What made him and all the soldiers even more angry was that on the side of the road in front of the valley, there was a high mound piled up with the heads of all Maori warriors.

This … simply tramples on the majesty of the Matriarch!

That abominable Human Race remnant soldier is clearly provoking the great Wu clan!

But now, in front of him, even the most noble witch, the elder blood Elder who owns the bloodline of the witch, died on the bank of the river.

The loss of his boss Wumosa can only be regarded as a disgrace to their 10000-person military palace in Black Water City!

However, the meaning of the damage of Elder Elder is completely different. It is an insult to the entire Matriarch!

“The corpse of Elder Blood, found it!”

A 100 captain, with a team of stretchers, walked to the Thousand-man Commander in Wulin and signaled to the stretcher covered by the grey cloth behind him.

“Damn it! Bastard!”

When Wu Lin pulled the grey cloth, he saw at a glance, a corpse wearing a 3 Layer gold wire gray robe, and the head and corpse separated, obviously cut off the first level by a sword.

“Is there a live clansman !?” Wu Lin asked, carefully covering the corpse again.

“No! The entire Emperor Blood Elder Guards, including 2 Gold Spear Emperors, no one has a mouth!” The 100 captain took the head, with a low tone, smashing Wu Lin’s last hope.

“Asshole! Damn it! Damn Human Race, don’t let me find …”

Wu Lin, who was flushed with rage, was about to open his mouth and scolded. Not far away, a wandering wanderer rushed over.

“Report!” The Rangers stood up and saluted. ,

“My 23rd parade squad, in the south-east direction, found traces of human race remnants!”

“What !? Found it !?” Wu Lin hearing this, suddenly the snake pupil brightened.

At this time, because of the loss of Wumosa, the Heavenly Punishment was overwhelmed, and directly ordered all the soldiers under the Black Water City Army to give up the original station and join the action of encircling and suppressing the human race.

At the same time, the military order made it very clear that if the Human Race remnant soldiers cannot be eliminated within a day, all Maori warriors in the Black Water City military hall will be buried with Emperor Blood Elder, but …

If anyone can wipe out this Human Race remnant, then Wumosa left behind, leaving the position of 10000 captains.

This military order almost made the entire Black Water City military hall, nearly 5000 Maori warriors, completely crazy.

5000 Maori warriors, how difficult it is to deal with 400 Human Race remnants! ?

“Very good, the whole team, chase me!” Wu Lin shouted.

Immediately, Wu Lin left a squadron to escort Emperor Blood Elder’s corpse, and he took the remaining Maori warriors and screamed toward the south-east direction, following the traces left by the Human Race remnants. Crazy chase away.

But after a short chase, Wu Lin’s face was full of worry.

Because of that marching trace, it has been leading to the 1,000,000 li mountain range area in the south …


“What !? Found it?”

Heavenly Punishment The grey mist on the king ’s face slowly shivered, and the cold aura all over his body rushed out. Through the grey mist on his face, it can be clearly seen that after the mist, the pair exudes redness The eyes of the snake.

“Where was it found?”

“Reporting back to my king, in the south-east direction 2000 li or so, which is the edge of the 1000000 mountain range in the south, this is the place!” Elder of the military hall opened the map and quickly pointed out the specific location.

“10000 mountain cliff !?” Heavenly Punishment Wang flashed the crimson pupil light, staring closely at the map in front of him.

“Yes, my king, according to the direction of their march, it is most likely directed against the demon squadron stationed at 10000 cliffs!” Elder nodded.

“Demon Squadron !? Hehe …” Hearing Heavenly Punishment, King Heavenly Punishment suddenly smiled at the words of Elder in the military hall.

“If they really attacked the Demon Squadron, that would be great! However, with the cunning of this Human Race remnant commander, I am afraid this is just an illusion he deliberately created!”

Heavenly Punishment Wang smiled slightly, the flashing red pop light seemed to be extremely proud of seeing the opponent’s strategy.

“Fake … Fake !?” Elder of the Military Hall froze.

“The squadron of demon birds has a total of 100 Thunderhawks. There are nearly 300 Maori warriors who control these Thunderhawks. Together with the guards and logistics personnel of the ordinary soldiers, the total strength is not less than 1000 soldiers! There are 3 defending spirit formations. With the number of Human Race 400 remnants, if you want to attack, simply is a dream! “

Heavenly Punishment Wang was confident in his face and slowly opened his mouth to explain, “Even if their battle strength is strong, they can really fight against my 1000 Maori warriors, but do n’t forget, it ’s a monster squadron, as long as it is attacked What is the benefit of the remnant soldiers who are trapped in the air, even if they lose a few Thunderhawks!

“Then, their goal is …” Elder hearing this in the military hall, suddenly, quickly looked towards the map, full of doubts.

“Here!” King Heavenly Punishment raised his hand and made a large circle on the map, which was replied.

“1,000,000 li mountain range !? This … so that’s how it is!” The military hall Elder saw the endless mountain range and was suddenly nodded.

“Let them check carefully. There must be a hidden marching route on the road to the 10000 cliffs, which may have passed their cover, but that is the direction of their escape!” Heavenly Punishment Wang ordered.


The Elder accepts the order in the military hall, and has not turned yet. Another Elder has already stepped forward and reported to Heavenly Punishment King

“Informed King Heavenly Punishment, the Wulin 1000 Husband reported that at 10000 mountain cliffs leading to the southern mountain range, traces of the Human Race march were found!”

“Sure enough …” Elder hearing this, suddenly smiled, looked towards Heavenly Punishment King, his face full of admiration.

“Oh, that’s right! Tell Wulin Thousand Man Squad to let them chase the mountain range in the south, don’t care about 10000 cliffs!” King Heavenly Punishment also smiled and ordered casually.


2 military hall Elder Qi Qi accept the order, turned away.

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