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“Master, it’s awesome! At a glance, you can see through the tricks of Human Race’s meat!”

After Elder walked away, Wu Tianli stood beside King Heavenly Punishment, complimenting.

“This is nothing!”

Heavenly Punishment Wang smiled slightly, shook the head, and then said, “I received a call from the Witch Emperor today. Although the Witch Emperor did not express it, it is clear that there is still some damage to Elder ’s blood in my Heavenly Punishment territory. pissed off.”

“This …” Wu Tianli suddenly started, the pupil light shuddered, looked towards Master.

My Master is a person who is extremely proud and confident in his heart. Wu Tianli understands that if the Emperor Wu speaks directly and scolds the Master, it will be better. This kind of punishment, which does not say on the surface, is the most disappointing. What makes Master uncomfortable.

So, without guessing, no one knows that there is no one who hates going to the Human Race residual soldier more than his Master.

That kind of hate is almost boneless, and you can only wash it with blood.

“Master, the death of Elder Emperor Blood is a shame for my great Matriarch! I have a request! Please Master must agree to the disciplinary!”

Wu Tianli looked at Heavenly Punishment King, seriously said.

“En !? What’s the matter !?” Heavenly Punishment King started.

“Please let me go to Black Water City. I want to kill these Human Race meatballs to wash away the shame of my big Wu clan!” Wu Tianli said.

“What !? You …”

Hearing Wu Tianli’s words, Heavenly Punishment Wang was shocked for a moment, and then his face was full of excitement.

Because he knows his own discipline well, he said must be in order to Wuxue Xuesha, in fact, simply for him, in order to help his Master, hate it all!

“Please Master to complete!” Wu Tianli asked again.

“However, you are now …” Although Heavenly Punishment King was moved, he still hesitated.

“Master, please rest assured that my Martial Soul is breaking through and has fallen into a deep sleep. When it wakes up, it is when it becomes a soul of war. So, during this time, I ca n’t even cultivate, Just find something to do! “

Wu Tianli of course knew what the Master was worried about, and he quickly explained.

“Okay! Since that is the case, then I agree with you, go to Black Water City. On this trip, in addition to the Human Race commander, other Human Race flesh element, as long as it is helpful to you, you can devour it at will!” Heavenly Punishment Wang Silence After a while, finally nodded.

“Many thanks Master!” Wu Tianli’s expression was delighted.

“You don’t have to be polite, if you can really wipe out this Human Race remnant soldier, to say thank you, it should be me!” In Heavenly Punishment Wang’s heart, the distance to this discipline has been reduced a lot again, and his eyes have become soft. A few minutes, then asked

“Do you need any support !?”

“No need, Master! I will control my Monster Beast and go as fast as possible. Please wait for the Master to wait for the good news! The disciples say goodbye!”

After Tian Tianli said, body flashed and left directly.


Looking at the direction where Wu Tianli disappeared, King Heavenly Punishment’s face was full of smiles.


10000 cliffs, half way up the mountain.

The time just passed by less than one hour, when Chu Yan cautiously climbed to the top of the mountain, the movement of all directions in 4 directions was getting bigger and bigger.

In one hour, not only the Thousand Man Squad of a witch rushed to the bottom of the 10000 cliffs, but also another Thousand Man Squad, rushing from the north, 2 Thousand Man Squad combined into 2 and the strength was more than 3000 , Along the road under the 10000 cliff, make rapid advances.

Lin Wanru ’s small face was full of tension, and said, “Chu Yan, you really stabbed the horse honeycomb. It is estimated that the witch army of 100000000 in this neighborhood is all coming to us! These are 2 Thousand Man Squad At that time, it was possible to fight against the 9 imperial army with two 2-man teams! “

“Hehe, how many are you, just appearing in front of you now.” Chu Yan laughed, “Relax, it will only get more and more later! It is estimated that the hills here can be leveled!”

“Then what shall we do?” Lin Wanruxiao Face is red, looking at Chu Yan

“This time, not only killed Elder the witch’s emperor blood, but also cut a 10000 captain, you also made the message public. In this way, the witch’s big brothers must definitely destroy us in the fastest time, otherwise , Their so-called Big Wu people’s face can’t afford to lose it! “

“These savage, won’t you send another 10000-person military force? When the time comes, that’s 2 10000-person military halls!” Sun Yuan carried his Lei Ji spear and kept following Chu Yan Around.

After the death of the cold front, Sun Yuan became Chu Yan’s guard Captain, who followed Follow Yan almost closely.

“Two 2-person halls !? No!” Chu Yan was very sure to hook the head. “However, the entire Black Water City military hall is full of witchcraft, it is possible!”

Lin Wanru heard it, and immediately the graceful eyebrows wrinkled slightly, saying, “The Black Water City military hall was originally full of 10000 and 2000 people, but if a combat mobilization order was issued, the reserve recruits in the city could add up to 15,000 people. ! “

“That is to say, counting the 10000 people in the Black Water City that we killed before, there is at least 10000 troops!”

Speaking of which, Lin Wanru’s face changed from red to white, and he glanced at Chu Yan, saying, “You still think we can escape !?”

“Hehe, why can’t it !?” Chu Yan laughed. “What about the 10000 troops, don’t forget, the marching traces left to them along the way, but they were intentionally shown to them, otherwise, you think they can find here!” ? “

“This …” Lin Wan was suddenly dumb.

When I thought of the way from the valley to the 10000 mountain cliffs, Chu Yan sent dozens of soldiers and soldiers to cut trees and rocks all the way. Almost in the mountain range, it was really a bit unreasonable to launch a way of marching.

“You deliberately exposed whereabouts, let them chase over !?” Lin Wanru said.

“Of course!” Chu Yan nodded “The Black Water City’s 10000-person military hall is stationed within a radius of 200000000 million.”

“This is 200000000 million miles!”

“In the Divine Kingdom World that can’t fly, do you think that the distance of 200000000 is easy to walk?”

In Chu Yan’s pupil light, a fine mango flashed, and Lin Wanru’s small face suddenly started.

It is this kind of gaze again. Now, Lin Wanru is very familiar with it. Whenever Chu Yan’s eyes flash such insidious gazes, it is often time to dig to resist people.

“In 200000000, ordinary soldiers, even marching at full speed, will take at least ten days or so!” Lin Wanru thought and replied.

After all, 200000000 million miles is the longest distance, not the actual distance. In ten days, it is estimated that the remaining 10000 troops of the entire Black Water City will be concentrated near these 10000 cliffs.

When the time comes, the entire 10000 cliffs will be like iron barrels.

And where they are now, above is the savage squad of birds, and below it will be 10000 savage warriors, with the current 400 9 imperial warriors, no matter how different the battle strength is, this simply is a mortal battle.

“It seems that you still don’t understand!” Chu Yan smiled and looked at Lin Wanru, blinking.

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