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Chu Yan’s words made Lin Wanru and Sun Yuan stunned at the same time.

“Submit the order, no one can make a sound, can’t expose aura, and never let the witch demon bird on the top of the mountain discover!”

Chu Yan smiled and ignored the doubtful expression of the two people, directly ordered.

Immediately, under the influence of more than ten pieces of invisible hidden mark, 400 nine soldiers of the Imperial Army almost left a ripple in the sky, quietly moved towards the top of the mountain, and slowly climbed.

With 10 Hidden Spirit Mark, don’t say that those savage without Divine Consciousness, even if it is Human Race powerhouse, it is extremely difficult to find the existence of these 1000 void silhouettes without approaching 400 steps.

However, Chu Yan was extremely cautious about this action. During the climbing process, the speed was extremely slow, almost the same as the climbing speed of ordinary person.

As a result, the peak of nearly 10,000 zhang climbed for 3 hours before finally approaching the top of the mountain.

This is a hilltop platform with a radius of 10000 steps. Obviously, it has been transformed by the witch. The top of the mountain is as flat as it is, except for the half-height bushes and wild grass, the terrain is extremely flat.

In the middle of the top of the mountain, in a wooden barracks, a silhouette of a tall witch warrior can be seen vaguely.

In addition, in the barracks, there are 100 wooden towers standing up, which looks extremely conspicuous.

Because, on each wooden tower, there is a huge thunder eagle standing, a tall bird, with a full three hundred zhang high degree, even if it is already a sufficiently big witch warrior, in front of them, it is like a trivial ant .

“It’s here! Everyone is lying down, not allowed to talk, not allowed to move, and go to sleep!” Chu Yan stared closely at the barracks of the demon squadron in front of him, while Divine Consciousness sound transmission gave orders.

“What !? Sleep … sleep !?” Sun Yuan was stupid on the spot, looking at Chu Yan with a dazed face.

Not only Sun Yuan, the 400 9 imperial warriors who received the order, simultaneously shua shua turned his head, looked towards Chu Yan, his face was stunned.

what’s the situation! ?

Go to the door of the enemy’s barracks, come … sleep! ?

“What do you see !? Executing military orders!” Chu Yan glared, and immediately made more than 400 soldiers all shrink their necks, quickly rolled in place, drilled into the bushes or grass, and prepared to sleep.

Not to mention, although the battle of the past few days was done very well, the physical strength of each fighter and the consumption of Divine Consciousness are not small.

Although, with their current cultivation base and strength, they do not need to sleep at all, as long as they adjust interest rate cultivation for a period of time, they can recover almost.

However, this kind of battlefield, interest rate cultivation is extremely dangerous. Once an enemy suddenly appears, it is very likely to cause cultivation deviation, True Qi retrograde.

Therefore, it is still safest to sleep, and you can fight at least when you get up, with no effect.

“Sun Yuan, come with me!”

Chu Yan cats waisted, walking through the grass, greeted when passing Sun Yuan.

“Nuo!” Sun Yuan got up and followed Chu Yan, walking towards the road.

When the two return to the back of the mountain, you can clearly see in front of them, at the foot of the mountain, a large black shadow is walking along the road, moving towards the south and rushing away.

All of these savage armies came in succession. The soldiers belonging to the 10000-person military hall of the Black Water City, under the death order of the savage Heavenly Punishment, plus the traces made by Chu Yan, almost all moved towards the rush here Come.

On the big road at the foot of the mountain, the Grandiose’s brigade was following the trail left by Chu Yan and moved all the way towards the southern mountain range.

In less than one hour, it was another 3000 soldiers and barbarians, which disappeared into the rolling mountain range in the south. The dust picked up by the march flew into the sky and passed through the sky.

“Plus the previous ones, it’s almost 5 Thousand Man Squad!”

Lin Wanru slipped beside Chu Yan without knowing when, staring at her big beautiful eyes, looking at the situation on the road under the mountain, his face dignified.

“It’s not enough!” Chu Yan hearing this, but it’s the hook.

“What’s not enough !?” Lin Wanwan was stunned.

“As you said, the 10000-person military hall in Black Water City has at least 10000 witch fighters. Now it is only about 5000, which is still a lot worse, so it is not enough.” Chu Yan smiled lightly.

“You … originally wanted to lead these 10000 witchmen into this southern mountain range !?” Lin Wanru wrinkled gracefully eyebrows, suspiciously.

“It turns out that you deliberately placed that high mound, and then left obvious marching marks, that’s the purpose! But, what’s the use of this !?”

“Of course it’s for the dust-tight city!” Chu Yan grinned, but his answer made Lin Wanru and Sun Yuan stunned again.

“Dust City !?”

“Dust Sealed City !? What does this have to do with Dust Sealed City !?”

2 Everyone was surprised and asked with a puzzled look.

“Did you not find it? Behind this mountain range of 1,000,000 li is the Dust City!” Chu Yan smiled lightly, slightly hesitated for a moment, or decided to tell them the plan.

“The Dust City, as the very east of Divine Kingdom World, is the only Human Race City that has not been damaged. The reason is not only because of the seal, but also has a great relationship with its geographical location!”

“First of all, the Dust City is close to the 1,000,000 li mountain range. Behind it is the endless Black Sea. On the other side is the majestic Snow Mountain. Such a geographical location is absolutely easy to defend and difficult to attack. As a base, there is no better than it. ! “

“Root … base area !?” Lin Wanru like Zhang Wei twitched, completely unable to understand what the base area meant.

“Uh … this means the place for our strength, survival and development! After we have the base, we are able to strengthen our strength and continue to fight the witch, until the restoration of the entire Divine Kingdom World!”

“But … we have only 400 troops now, even if this time escaped, but really stay in the dusty city, I am afraid that soon will be surrounded by a large army of witch sent!” Sun Yuan directly Said.

“400 !? Who said we only have 400 people !?” Chu Yan said with a smile.

“Don’t forget, there is that announcement, I believe that now, it has spread throughout the entire Azure Dragon World domain, and the entire Divine Kingdom World!”

“This … is almost the same! Such news is not easy to say on the Wuman side, but for the Human Race living under the rule of the Wuman, I believe it must be passed quickly!” Sun Yuan nodded.

“Did you want to pass the notice …” Lin Wanru twisted her small brows and pondered for a long time, and finally a trace of surprise appeared on her face, and she was surprised.

“Hehe, yes! You guessed it! I’m betting!” Chu Yan nodded.

“I believe that the blood of 10000 100000000 Human Race clansman, not at all, is completely cold, they are not thinking about returning at all times, looking forward to the day when Human Race will drive away the aliens and rise completely!”

Chu Yan’s voice, such as Hong Zhongmu’s drums, echoing Heaven and Earth, made Sun Yuan and Lin Wanru’s eyes rise at the same time.

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