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Chu Yan said that even a fool can guess Chu Yan’s entire plan.

Not bad!

First of all, the high mound of the witch barbarian was used to anger the witch barbarian, mobilizing all the witch barbarian soldiers within a radius of 100000000 miles to come and chase and encircle the 400 remnants.

In this way, it not only disrupted the rhythm of Wuman in the vicinity of the garrison, but also transferred this army without a commander to the mountain range of 1,000,000 li in the south.

A little common sense can be seen. After Chu Yan’s agitation, the witch power near the Black Water City is completely messed up.

And as long as they can jump out of this mountain range and avoid the encirclement and suppression of the 10000 savage army, in a short time, the savage army will be transferred out of the southern mountain range.

Searching the mountain range is not like searching the plains, or the city. For the witch who does not have Divine Consciousness, it depends entirely on the eyes, tree by tree, bush by bush.

Not to mention those Monster Beasts hidden in the mountain range, although Monster Beasts usually hide in the mountain range and dare not go out to provoke witchcraft, but this does not mean that you rushed into the territory of others, Monster Beasts also Will be polite to you.

Even if they can deal with Monster Beast’s attack on the mountain, then, the mountain range of 1,000,000 miles is only 10,000 li Wuman, you should go slowly.

Lin Wanru and Sun Yuan, only a little thought, was shocked by Chu Yan’s plan.

“Hehe, don’t care about them, we’ll just wait! When these savages have almost entered the mountain, it’s time for us to start!”

Chu Yan glanced in front of him, 2 pairs looked towards his own, full of little star eyes, chuckled and said.

“Master! Really … really attack the witch’s demon squadron !?” Sun Yuan startedled and asked.

“Of course! If you want to leave this mountain range and go to the dusty city, this road is the closest and safest! At the same time, Wu Man cannot know our whereabouts for a period of time, so you have to fight!” Chu Yan is sure Nodded.

“However, even if you can beat it, it won’t do anything!” Lin Wanru said.

“Those Thunderhawks, after training for how many years in Wuman, can barely become aerial mounts. If you can’t catch them at all, even if you catch one or two, they won’t listen to you!”

“Hehe, that may not be necessary!” Chu Yan laughed, watching Lin Wanru blink, with a strange smile on his face.

After finishing talking, Chu Yan was ready to return quietly with 2 people, but suddenly, a sense of danger like a needle stick made Chu Yan suddenly have a whole body.

Chirp …! Chirp …!

Chu Yan subconsciously looked up, looking towards the east sky, but only saw thick clouds, and a long roar of demon birds came from the clouds. Obviously someone was controlling the monster bird Beast, in the clouds. , Fast approach.

“Someone!” Sun Yuannong frowned, “It looks like a special powerful monster bird, coming from there! With this monster qi, it is obviously more powerful than the monster bird in this barracks!”

“It seems that most of Heavenly Punishment is over there, and it really deserves us!” Chu Yan is also brows slightly wrinkle, releasing Divine Consciousness from a distance, completely covering the east sky, and carefully exploring it.

The Divine Consciousness released quickly found a fuzzy silhouette, because the distance is too far, I can only feel that this aura is extremely strong, even stronger than the Wumosa that Chu Yan killed.

And what surprised Chu Yan most was that on the silhouette above the demon bird, he actually felt a trace of the aura of Human Race powerhouse.

“10000 Wuman can’t surround us. Send an expert and it will be useful !?” Chu Yan sneered.

Before the time of hundred breaths, in the thick clouds of the eastern sky, a huge black shadow rushed out of the clouds like black lightning. The three people looked up and finally confirmed that it was a witch riding a demon bird. .

“I rushed over! It was against the 10000 cliffs!” Sun Yuan cry out in surprise.

Sure enough, they came to them!

Chu Yan immediately realized that he felt right. This witch powerhouse riding from a demon bird, from the direction of Heavenly Punishment, is definitely a bad guy!

According to his continuous stimulation of witchcraft, I am not sure what those witchcraft will do crazy things.

Therefore, we must not be careless about this sudden powerhouse.

“Concealed! Everyone restraining aura, must not be found!”

Chu Yan’s Divine Consciousness sound transmission is issued instantly and transmitted to more than 400 9 Imperial soldiers in front.

Waiting for Chu Yan’s Divine Consciousness sound transmission, just sent out, above the sky, riding a demon bird’s witch powerhouse, a big roundabout directly in the air, originally rushed to the south of the mountain range direction, forcibly changed, and turned to the foot of 10000 cliff .

This sudden change suddenly made Chu Yan complexion sank.


The needle-like sense of danger in my heart began to become dense, and Chu Yan’s worries grew stronger.

“Look! He landed at the foot of the mountain!” Sun Yuan said solemnly.

Chu Yan and Lin Wanru looked in the direction. The huge bird with a height of ten zhang had flapped its wings and landed near the foot of 10000 cliffs.

This demon bird is obviously different from the Thunder Eagles not far from Chu Yan. They are extraordinarily huge, and the feathers on their bodies are obviously purple and red. Obviously, at least it is also a King Rank demon bird!

On the back of the demon bird, a silhouette jumped forward, standing in front of Chu Yan and made them, tempting the witch and barbaric army to rush to the marching trails in the southern mountain range, and kept observing.

Soon, the silhouette just looked up at the southern mountain range, and then turned directly to look up above the mountain peak of 10000 cliffs.

This move obviously represents that he has seen through the illusion created by Chu Yan.

“Not good! That guy saw it!” Sun Yuan’s expression tightened, and he was startled.

“If he is allowed to discover our true intentions, he will definitely notify the savage army who entered the mountain range and that did not enter the mountain range later and turn to attack us!” Lin Wanru seemed calmer, anxiously said.

Chu Yan stared closely at the silhouette at the bottom of the mountain, the corners of his mouth flicked up, evoking a cruel arc, said with a sneer “Just kill him!”

“This guy, the aura on him is very powerful, and I always feel strange fluctuations in him!”

Lin Wanru was worried when he heard Chu Yan’s words, and reminded in a low voice.

“It’s a bit weird, so I can’t leave him behind!” Chu Yan nodded, waiting for the voice to fall, body flashed, he pulled out a residual image directly, moved towards the mountain, and ran away.

“I’ll help you!”

Seeing Chu Yan moved towards the bottom of the mountain, Lin Wanru shook his heart, and Xiao Wan twisted his waist, rubbing his body to keep up with Chu Yan.

It’s just that Chu Yan’s speed is far beyond Lin Wanru’s. In less than 3 breaths, Chu Yan has reached the mountainside, but the whole figure and aura are like ghost-like, like a ray of air in the sky, I can’t see any trace at all.

In contrast, Lin Wanru is a big step away. In order to conceal aura and body as much as possible, Lin Wanru rushed out within 10000 steps.

2 people one after the other, moved towards the mountain, flew away!

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