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When flying down the mountain, Chu Yan’s eyes did not leave the silhouette down the mountain.

The closer to the target, Chu Yan’s sense of danger becomes more and more obvious. Although it is not the kind of life-threatening intensity, Chu Yan knows that this opponent may not be so good to deal with.

A mountain peak, but the height of 10,000 zhang, this distance, for Chu Yan, is just a few hours.

Even in order to prevent the other party from discovering and adopting a close approach, it didn’t take much time and Chu Yan went down to the foot of the mountain.

50,000 steps … 30000 steps … 10000 7000 steps …

The 10000-step distance is the shot distance that Chu Yan decided after thinking.

Therefore, when Chu Yan’s feet just stepped into the distance of 10000 1000 steps, True Qi on his body began to surge, and on the Clear Sky Sword in his hand, the sword glow rushed to the night.

With a distance of 10000 steps, even if it was a subordinate Martial Emperor, Chu Yan was sure. If he succeeded, even if he could not kill him, he would at least hit the other party.

But this time, weird things happened!

Chu Yan’s True Qi and Clear Sky Sword, just issued a faint aura, and the witch powerhouse in the distance suddenly turned to look over.

From this point of view, through layers of jungle, it is exactly opposite to Chu Yan, who is approaching.


There was hardly any hesitation. The witch’s powerhouse, flashing rapidly, moved towards another mountain peak in the distance, flashing away.

“I, rely on!”

Chu Yan’s heart suddenly yelled, didn’t expect, was even discovered by the other party.

The distance of 10000 steps is absolutely enough for the expert, whether it is fighting or running away!

But the witch powerhouse in front of him is far beyond Chu Yan’s expectations, because when he found himself, he didn’t rush directly to fight with himself, but turned and fled.

Is this … still witchcraft! ?

Others may be puzzled, but Chu Yan’s mind is getting more and more hairy, and the killing intent in his eyes is getting stronger and stronger.

Because Chu Yan has determined that the witchman in front of him is the real genius-class powerhouse among the witchman Martial Artists. Compared to those ordinary warriors, simply is the difference between heaven and earth.

Not waiting for Chu Yan to be within 10000 steps, the witch’s silhouette has rushed into the peak next to the cliff of 10000.

Chu Yan walked out of the jungle, like a lightning, swept across the road, follow closely from behind, and also rushed into the mountain peak.

However, Chu Yan not at all chased behind the witch in a straight line, but chose to bypass a 90-degree bend, leaning back in the direction of the 10000 cliffs, moved towards the front of the witch, outspoken.

The escape of the Wuman Powerhouse, simply not because of cowardice, more impossible is to compare speed with Chu Yan.

Chu Yan just glanced at the witch’s direction of escape, but knew that this guy had 2 purposes.

One is to take advantage of this mountain peak, close to the location of 10000 cliffs, and check the situation of 10000 cliffs across the mountain.

At the same time, he also wanted to see the strength of his opponents who came after him.

In a simple encounter, the difference between expert and ordinary person is the immediate judgment!

The escape of the witch powerhouse, in the eyes of the ordinary witch warrior, is an extremely shameful behavior, but it implies two important purposes.

“Sample! Play with me, you won’t die!”

Chu Yan grinned lightly, as if discovering something interesting, his whole eyes were bright and his face was excited.

In less than 5 breaths, when the other party had not reached the top of the mountain, Chu Yan held a long sword and waited on the only way that the Wuman would go to the top of the mountain, looking at the large mountain of stone not far in front with a sneer stack.

Within the body thirty two inner cores, running at the same time, Clear Sky in the hand, Sword Qi rushing, Chu Yan full body battle intent, instantly lit.

This wuman powerhouse is more than several times stronger than wumosa. It must not be underestimated, nor can it be careless.

Lin Wanru finally rushed near Chu Yan, hiding in the crown of a big tree, looking at 1000 steps away, Chu Yan looked like a sword guard there, looking towards the mountain pile.

Like Chu Yan, Lin Wanru also discovered that the witch’s powerhouse was hidden among the piles of rocks, not at all meaning to be eager to come out.

The enemy does not move, I do not move!

In an instant, the flat mountain with a radius of 10000 steps fell into a strange silence.

In addition to the three Divine Consciousness, they locked each other and kept observing.

“This Wumani Interesting, there is Divine Consciousness! And, there is a wave of Martial Soul’s power on his body! It must be Martial Artist of Heaven’s Chosen level among Wumani Martial Artist! You just stay there, don’t mess move!”

Chu Yan Divine Consciousness sound transmission, informed Lin Wanru, said.

After some observation, Chu Yan found that the area of 鈥嬧€媡he mountain and rock pile was not large, and his Divine Consciousness had locked the other party. This battle was almost inevitable.

“Go back, don’t let him escape!” Chu Yan once again Divine Consciousness sound transmission to Lin Wanru.


Lin Wan was like a butterfly flying from the crown of the tree, flying across the air, from a big tree, around the bend, to the back of the mountain pile.

Her actions suddenly caused a slight fluctuation in the powerhouse Divine Consciousness in the mountain heap.

And this slight fluctuation, of course, can’t escape Chu Yan’s lock, almost in a flash, Chu Yan locked the specific location of the witch’s powerhouse, Clear Sky Sword rays of light masterpiece in his hand.

……… ..

Beyond 10000 steps, in the pile of rocks.

At the same time as restraining aura, it also requires Divine Consciousness to probe, Wu Tianli’s spirit is highly tense.

As Chu Yan expected, while Wu Chuanli discovered Chu Yan, moved towards this mountain peak close to the 10000 mountain, its purpose was to determine whether the 10000 cliff was the target of the Human Race remnant soldier.

At the same time, it is also to bring Chu Yan over and try a little bit.

Now Wu Tianli is under a special state. His Martial Soul is sleeping through, which has a great impact on his battle strength.

Therefore, Wu Tianli is unwilling to meet force with force unless he reaches the point of being a last resort.

But now, with the exception of Lin Wanru, walking around behind him, Wu Tianli knows that the point of this as a last resort has arrived.

A touch of black True Qi spilled out, fusing his figure, almost fuse with a large shadow in front of him, very difficult to be found.

Compared with Chu Yan’s cautiousness, Wu Tianli appears more cautiously.

Because, even if it was just a process of chasing and fleeing a mountain road, Wu Tianli has discovered that the Human Race Martial Artist behind him is extremely strong!

Moreover, there is an equally powerful helper, follow closely from behind.

Tension and anxiety, in Wu Tianli’s heart, slowly overflowed, making his face very dignified.

But who is Wu Tianli! ?

But he is the direct disciple of Heavenly Punishment King of the 7th King of the Great Matriarch, and Heaven’s Chosen of Martial Soul, who is not owned by the entire Matriarch. How could he be scared by the two powerful opponents in front of him?

“Oh, Interesting!”

Slowly raised his hand, a black long blade, appeared in the hands of Wu Tianli, didn’t expect, he just came to the Black Water City battlefield, and found 2 powerhouses in the Human Race, it is really worthwhile. .

Moreover, just use these two Human Race powerhouses to conduct a battle between Human Race Martial Artists, and adapt yourself to the battle method between Human Races as soon as possible.


Suddenly, a sword glow came straight from the front, with a precise orientation, straight to himself.

The corner of Wu Tianli’s mouth raised a smile, wanting to force himself out, and then hit back and forth! ?

With the black long blade dragged behind him, Wu Tianli didn’t plan to pick up this sword at all, but was about to directly avoid it.

Human Race, Yuanyuan, your tactics are too beautiful. If you ca n鈥檛 see such rubbish tactics, how can you become the direct disciple of Heavenly Punishment King?

However, with a breath, the smile on Wu Tianli’s face instantly solidified.

Just when True Qi was urged to prepare for evasion, suddenly the afterglow of the corners of his eyes saw that, in the direction he was preparing to evade, a silhouette was already storming.

“Asshole! How does he know, the direction I want to dodge!” Wu Tianli turned around and hurriedly passed the moment when the sword glow passed, forcibly changed the direction again, while avoiding the sword glow and the silhouette from the storm.

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