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in a flash, Wu Tianli wanted to turn around again, avoiding attacks in two directions, which is obviously unlikely.

Just a flash, the silhouette has rushed to within 1000 steps in front of him, and rushed into the range of the mountain and stone pile, and Wu Tianli’s war knife has lost the lock of the target, and wants to counterattack, more impossible.


In a burst of air, sword glow was chopped on the mountain stone that Wu Tianli had just settled, and the whole sky was filled with stone dust and mist.

Wu Tianli’s face was pale, although he avoided the sword glow dangerously and dangerously, because all around the flying stone chips and dust, his figure was completely exposed.

In this short in an instant, while Wu Tianli evaded, the corners of his eyes were swept. The Human Race Martial Artist, who rushed into the mountain and stone pile, chuckled at the corner of his mouth.

For the first time, it was clear that the opponent won!

Originally he was dark, the other party was bright, but after one move, the situation was reversed and it became that he was bright and the other party was dark.

In this round, not only did I lose, but I was also fooled by the opponent!

However, as the Matriarch’s Heaven’s Chosen, Wu Tianli’s Wu Dao will not let him lose, but the battle intent in his heart is getting stronger and stronger.

It’s just the first round of fighting, expert moves, victory or defeat is only in one thought, there are more opportunities!

Wu Tianli held the war sword, jumped forward, and jumped directly onto the largest mountain rock next to him. The aura in the body continued to rise, and a pair of snake pupils, with a glimmer of light, began to scan the whole mountain rock pile.

Now that it has turned from dark to light, Wu Tianli is no longer scrupulous and is ready to fight with all his strength.

Moreover, the other party is 2 people, if you can quickly kill one, and then deal with the other, it will be much easier.

Wu Tianli is very strange, why is there such a powerful Human Race Martial Artist in the Black Water City, which has been cleaned up by 300,000 miles under the rule of the Wu people?

However, he is very clear that this Human Race powerhouse is most likely to be the general who commands the remnant of the Human Race.

According to the command of the Master, whenever he meets this Human Race general, he will kill him at all costs.

However, from Wu Tianli’s heart, this is a bit troublesome.

Because, from the moment he stood on the rock and no longer hides his figure, his heart has been haunting a feeling of being stared at by the wild beast in the dark.

The cold intuition made him frost all his hair, and the sense of danger rushed into his fragile Sea of ​​Consciousness.

Can you kill it! ?

Wu Tianli is not so confident, so he is still subconsciously ready to retreat at any time.

It didn’t take long for the time to pass. The Human Race Martial Artist, who had passed behind him, had also reached directly behind him, cutting off his retreat, leaving him only the front, downhill road when he came.

“What to do !? Withdraw !?” Wu Tianli clenched the teeth, and the sword fell slowly in his hand.

Wouldn’t it be easier to mobilize the nearby Maori 10000 team and then clean up this Human Race powerhouse?

Compared to those ordinary Maori warriors, his life is much more valuable.

If they were really killed by the two Human Race powerhouses, or were hit hard, their Martial Soul has not yet awakened, it is not a loss.

After making up his mind, Wu Tianli’s figure rose into the sky like a sharp arrow, shooting straight at the sky.

In this punch, Wu Tianli flew to nearly zhang high degree, after reaching the maximum height, before the body fell, Wu Tianli exerted force on the waist, suddenly twisted, and the whole body fell over instantly.

Concentrated looking towards the ground, the entire rock pile completely appeared in front of him, including the silhouette of the Human Race Martial Artist hiding behind a rock.

“Oh, go die!”

With a grin, Wu Tianli’s sword in his hand, without any hesitation, fiercely slashed down, the fierce blade glow, like a startling rainbow, with a powerful True Qi and power, as if the meteor fell, falling straight down.

This move martial skill was learned by Wu Tianli after devouring the cultivation base of a Human Race powerhouse. Its huge formidable power made him very convinced that the Human Race Martial Artist was dead.


Almost in the witch’s powerhouse, the figure was off the ground, and the moment he soared into the sky, Chu Yan almost rushed up at the same time.

However, when Chu Yan held a long sword and cut it out with one sword, while chopping up the mountain rock where the Wuman Powerhouse was located, atop the head, a with destroying the Heavens and exterminating the Earth was enough to blow off the whole mountain rock Heap of blade glow, dropping from the sky.

In an instant, Chu Yan’s entire scalp was numb. Didn’t expect that the witch was running away.

“I, rely on!” Chu Yan reacted immediately. When the blade glow fell, the Clear Sky Sword rose in his hand, and the sword glow instantly cut out.


Sword glow collided with blade light in the air, blade light sword shadow, exploded into the sky, all kinds of energy, rushed all directions.

However, after all, in a hurry, with a sword at hand, the formidable power is obviously weaker than the opponent. Even if it is bursting with energy, it is also crushed, and moved towards the rock pile.

Boom … Rumble!

The surging energy like an air wave swept through the whole mountain rock pile.

The gas wall formed by the powerful force hit Chu Yan, and immediately made him step back a dozen steps, with the body qi and blood tumbling.

“The power of really strong!”

Chu Yan complexion slightly changed, the power of this witch powerhouse is so strong.

Although the Martial Artist of the Malays, relying on the advantages of Fleshy Body, has been good at power a, which is much stronger than the strength of Human Race Martial Artist, but the Maju Powerhouse in front of it is stronger!

However, with this, if you want to deal with Chu Yan, it is still a little bit worse.

Almost in the moment when he was standing firm, on the Clear Sky Sword in Chu Yan ’s hands, black and white sword glow skyrocketed at the same time, near the long zhang long sword glow, condensed into shape, such as 2 black and white interwoven Divine Dragon, roaring and Out, moved towards where the witch’s powerhouse fell, straight away.


Bang! Bang!

With a burst of sound, with 2 muffled noises, Chu Yan covered the sky and dust, although Chu Yan could not see, but clearly heard, his sword glow definitely hit the other side.


Without any hesitation, Chu Yan held the long sword, stepped forward, and stormed towards the other party.

Hey you are sick, want your life!

Whether it hurts the other party or not, take advantage of it now.

However, when Chu Yan rushed to the witch’s landing place, he only saw a large pit on the ground, and a large spread of blood, but no silhouette.

“Run !?” Chu Yan frowned.

Lin Wanru also rushed into the sky of dust from the hiding place, joined together with Chu Yan, and watched the blood on the ground stunned.

“Wuman is different from Human Race. They are huge. Once injured, it is extremely difficult to recover!” Lin Wanru looked at the blood on the ground and turned to Chu Yan.

“Hmph! I can’t let him escape anyway!” Chu Yan coldly snorted, his face full of murderous aura.

Only two simple players will fight back, and Chu Yan knows that this witch must never stay, not only his personal battle strength is strong, this kind of witchcraft will and temperament, if he is allowed to converge with the brigade warriors, he will even Threat to his 2 400 imperial army.

“Chasing!” Chu Yan body flashed, looking in one direction, and hurried away.

Behind him, Lin Wanru also gritted his teeth, followed Chu Yan and chased deep into the secret forest.

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