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Wu Tianli covered his chest, and blood flowed like a spring. As he fled down the mountain, he pulled out a long blood line.

How did he also didn’t expect that his first battle with Human Race after going out of the customs, would be defeated so miserably.

If before the Black Water City, most of the Heavenly Punishment, someone told him that he ’s the direct disciple of the Heavenly Punishment king, the million years, the first Maori cultivation of Martial Soul ’s Heaven ’s Chosen, will be a Human Race was defeated by meat, and was chased like an injured wild dog. Wu Tianli would definitely think that the other party’s brain was broken.

But now, Wu Tianli has to face reality, that Human Race Martial Artist is very strong, very strong!

He did not understand that the ethnic war between the Wu race and the Human Race lasted for several 100,000 years. During this time, Wu Tianli also participated in several battles. He had never met him, and his battle strength exceeded or even approached his own Human Race Martial Artist.

How can this be! ?

However, because of this, Wu Tianli was very certain that the Human Race Martial Artist he was chasing behind him made the Master so angry that he destroyed the Human Race remnants of the 2 palaces.

When fleeing, Wu Tianli was afraid to take any chances. He restrained aura to the extreme, and even had no time to deal with the wound. He leaned on True Qi in Qi Sea and ran in the jungle to increase the speed to the extreme.

When thinking of the war just before, Wu Tianli felt a sense of palpitation.

The Human Race Martial Artist behind him is the most terrifying powerhouse of Sword Intent he has ever seen!

Even if he was condescending, the knife within 1000 steps was not hurt by the opponent, and was injured by the counterattack.

That sword, fast!

Speed ​​to the pinnacle, a knife that originally thought to win the game, not only did not succeed, but also let myself relax the vigilance, and was passed by the fast almost invisible backhand sword.

My own sword, the enemy of kill, is more than 10000000, and today, even a Human Race meat element has not been killed.

The battle strength of this Human Race meat element is terrifying.

Not only that, the other party’s word drawing speed, and that flash of chill, until now, has made Wu Tianli’s neck cool.

The difference between that feeling and battle strength gave Wu Tianli full self-confidence, only despair remained at this time! Very desperate!

A backsword between the hurriedly and unexpectedly broke his own body protection Gang Yuan, and cut himself a blood hole into a Fleshy body as strong as steel.

In addition to despair, this power, this sword power, Wu Tianli has no other feeling!

Compared with the Human Race powerhouse in front of me, the Heavenly Punishment in the Heavenly Punishment is a group of arrogant geniuses who are all arrogant and have eyes high above the top.

At this time, Wu Tianli, there is still the confidence to kill this Human Race Martial Artist, all his mind is to escape.

However, he is very clear that it is not easy to escape. Let me not say that he is bleeding constantly. Bloody aura is the best road sign. He clearly tells the Human Race powerhouse behind him the direction of his escape.

At the same time, with the continuous loss of blood essence, his own power is also quickly disappearing.

However, Wu Tianli did not dare to stop, swallow medicine pill, or urge True Qi to heal, because the distance between the two people is constantly shrinking.

A lot of blood loss will bring some blood essence. For the strong body of the Wu people, it may seem that it has a much greater advantage than other races.

But at the same time, the support required by the tall body is much greater.

Even the passage of a little blood essence seems to Wu Tianli as the power of within the body, overflowing like a tide, and even at this time, even the steps under his feet are starting to be emptied.

The feeling is like running on the sand, with a deep foot and a shallow foot, and heavy heart in chaos, without knowing it, you will fall if you go down with that foot.

However, Wu Tianli’s eyes were fixed on the road at the foot of the mountain. In his eyes, there was light of hope.

Because at this time there was a large group of Maori warriors. From the end of the road, moved towards 10000. The cliff was marching. As long as he fled to the foot of the mountain and merged with it, the danger behind him was naturally cracked.

So Wu Tianli gritted his teeth, bursting out the last trace of strength, like a wounded wild beast, with a roar sound in his throat, increasing in speed and moving towards the mountain road, madly running.

At this point, Chu Yan and Lin Wanru, who were chasing behind him, also discovered the witch army that had just appeared.

“Chu Yan, Thousand Man Squad!” Lin Wanru chased while holding a bone whip while turning his head to Chu Yan.

“He is fleeing in the direction of Thousand Man Squad, we are too late! What should we do?”

“Hmph! He can’t escape!” Chu Yan coldly snorted.

A savage Thousand Man Squad, by no means Chu Yan plus a Lin Wanru, can deal with it, even pulling all the 10000 400 imperial troops lurking on the 9 cliffs, also impossible is the opponent of the savage Thousand Man Squad .

In the first few battles, Chu Yan is well designed, either sneak attack or ambush. If you really face to face, open the posture, let the Human Race 9 emperor fight with twice the number of Thousand Man Squad, meet force with force For the attack, there is no need to guess at all.

The witch’s battle strength is not blown out, but it actually exists. Compared with the Human Race fighters, the battle strength is one to ten.

Even now, Chu Yan ’s 9 imperial troops are much more powerful, but they can only fight one-on-one with the ordinary witch warriors. In the face of twice the number of thousand man squads, I am afraid it will only be full The end of the army annihilation.

Chu Yan brows slightly wrinkle, a faint 5-color pupil light, staring closely at the blurry silhouette in front, thinking constantly in Sea of ​​Consciousness.

You must get rid of this witch powerhouse before converging with the witch army!

“Qilin Martial Soul, reverse the void!”

Chu Yan shouted in a low voice, the whole body up and down, True Qi erupts like a volcano, five-colored cloud light accompanied by 7 colorful clouds, surged out.


In the beast roar sound that shakes Heaven and Earth, Qilin’s power is like a Five Colored Divine Light’s Divine Sword. From Chu Yan, it shoots out directly and directly to the head of Wu Tianli beyond 1000 steps.

five-colored cloud The light passing by, a dazzling streamer, seems to be transient, between the light and the dark, as if it is shuttled in the void, the speed is not clear at all, only a few flashes, and it is 100 steps behind Wu Tianli.

“What !? Not good!”

After Wu Tianli sensed behind him, the power of terror struck, and suddenly his body shook, and his already weak body almost fell to the ground.

Roar! roar!

Just when Wu Tianli was desperate, suddenly, on his body, a large piece of black True Qi, like the tide of the high tide, rushed out madly, turned into a huge black paw print, fiercely one paw, shot in the back attack Come to the light of Qilin.


One black and one color, one spear and one claw, the two collided and burst out, and the violent air wave, like a shock wave, spread out.


Under the huge force of anti-shock, the air burst in front of him, Wu Tianli’s tall body suddenly, his mouth spouted with a big mouth of blood, like a rag bag, was washed up and flew up, moved towards the mountain road down.

However, Wu Tianli, who flew into the air, had a ecstatic look on his face, and his eyes were as bright as stars.

“Wake up! Finally wake up!”

Finally, a consciousness flashed in Wu Tianli’s Sea of ​​Consciousness. Immediately, a large share of darkness swallowed him like a tide, and Wu Tianli directly fell into a deep coma.

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