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Fortunately, during the time when Chu Yan and Lin Wanru left, there was no movement in the barracks opposite.

The savages with a squadron of squadrons did not find it at all, nor did they expect that in the grass outside their barracks, there was a group of remnants of the human race like a wolf.

Moreover, with the achievements of Situ Yang who has been busy for half a day, the current 10000 mountain peak has risen to a thick fog.

The peak of the entire mountain peak is completely covered by the fog created by Stuart Fatty, using Spirit Mark means, and is almost completely wrapped up, almost reaching the 5 finger level.

In such a peak of 10,000 zhang, such weather is often encountered. For this reason, the barbarian squadron of the barracks in the barracks only helped to search the southern mountain range because it could not lift off. Any doubts.


Chu Yan ’s cold eyes swept across the face of more than 400 Imperial soldiers all around, only to say, “In these 9 days, we first wiped out the Elder blood of a witch, an emperor, and killed their 2 captain Wu Mo Sa, how are you doing well !? “

“of course!”


“Silly is dead!”

“That’s the way to kill the gangs!”

More than 400 9 imperial troops, all of them were immediately excited and looked excited.

Even the more aggressive 9 Imperial soldiers face Chu Yan at this time, only full admiration and awe.

You know, when they were released from the Dust Seal City, they were just a group of soldiers with broken armor. If you come to a witch squad, you can kill them all.

But now, after following Chu Yan for several days, he fought several beautiful battles in succession, forcibly turning their group of remnant soldiers into a morale-like, Spirit Armament excellent powerhouse division.

First, there was a small team who wanted to kill them who had just left the city, but they were killed outside the dust-covered city.

Then there are the witch and barbarians full of World who want to surround them, but in turn, they break the Black Water City.

Then 10,000 li rushed into the sea, a fierce battle, killed their dog, bloody elder.

Thousand-man Commander Leng Feng was killed by Wubara, and Chu Yan took them to ambush Wumosa again. Even 10000 commanders and 1000 Wubara warriors were all killed in the valley, and their heads were used to pile up. high mound.

Dare kill my 1000 people, simply is courting death!

What can you say about the battles like this! ?

Apart from being cool and happy, there is nothing to say at all.

Moreover, these fighters, since joining the 9th Imperial Army and participating in the Human Race against the Wu people, have never been so cool and happy for 100,000 years.

More than 400 9 Imperial soldiers, looking towards Chu Yan’s eyes at this time, like a shining star.

“Okay! Cool, isn’t it !?” Chu Yan laughed and slowly turned his head, glancing at the direction of the southern mountain range, said with a smile “You are cool, but we also stabbed the horse honeycomb, then this witch is quite big Guys, we ’ve been staring at us. Just half a day ago, there were 6 Thousand Man Squads, coming from all 4 directions and rushing into the southern mountain range, wanting to kill us. “

“Haha, let’s dream of them!”

“Yeah, Wuman is a group of pigs, a suspect, and they tricked them all into the mountains to feed Monster Beast!”

“Otherwise, let’s beat down the water dog, chase behind them, and kill them again.”

“Not bad! Not bad! You should come and kill as much as you treat Wu Wu!”


Hearing Chu Yan ’s words, more than 400 remnant soldiers, all laughing together, Chu Yan ’s tactics deceived all the savage army who chased them into the 1,000,000 li mountain range in the south.

In this case, even if they don’t do it, these 1000 savage forces will naturally be warmly “welcomed” by the powerful Monster Beast in the 1,000,000 li mountain range in the south!

When they find that there are no Human Race remnants in the mountain range, it is estimated that they will be spitting blood.

“hehe, very good!”

Chu Yan laughed, stopped all around the soldiers’ laughter, then turned his head, looked towards the piece of Muzhai barracks not far away, in the eyes, killing intent surge, then said

“Now, it is time for us to go home!”

This sentence fell to the ground, suddenly bursting into the eyes of all 9 Imperial soldiers at the same time.

Come back home! ?

I can really go home! ?

From the moment they left the city of dust seals, they never thought about when they could return to the city of dust seals. Now when they suddenly heard Chu Yan’s words, everyone was stunned.

The Dust City is of great significance to these 100 remnants.

After all, it is the only city in the 108 Human Race cities that has not been lost.

At that time, in order to defend this city, they finally had a 9 imperial army, almost spilling blood on every inch of the ground in this city, and the corpse of the same battle robe, which could almost pile up a city wall.

One inch of mountains and rivers, one inch of blood, 100,000 soldiers and 100,000 souls!

In order to defend this city, the price they paid was too great, so when they left the dust-covered city, the hearts of almost every 9 Imperial soldiers were bleeding.

But now, a word from Chu Yan, like a fire star, instantly ignited the fire in the hearts of 400 remnants.

“Now, everyone is ready to get rid of all barbarians in that barracks, let’s ride a demon bird … go home!”

Chu Yan landed in a sentence, took a moment, and stood up.

Oh la la !

A mountain breeze blew, 400 tall silhouettes, all stood up from the grass, a pair of fiery eyes, following Chu Yan’s gaze, looked towards the witch barracks in the distance, the violent slaughter aura, gathered in Together, they rushed away like a wave of anger.

“Ride … ride a demon bird !?”

Lin Wanru is the only one who can keep calm. Hearing Chu Yan’s plan, he is silly.

“This is impossible!”

“Those monsters and thunder eagles can only be trained by secrets, and they have been trained for 10000 years, or even more than 10000 years, to train a, simply not something we can control in a short time!”

Lin Wan was anxious and said to Yan Yan with a blushing face.

“Lord … Lord, this … this …” Sun Yuan listened to Lin Wanru’s words and looked towards Chu Yan, hesitantly said.

“Lord, you let us kill the witchman, that didn’t have to be said, but the princess was right, this monster and thunder eagle is really not something that ordinary people can control. None of us 9 imperial army is Controlling Beast Master, nobody Will control those monster birds. “

“Good! And as long as we attack the barracks, those Controlling Beast Masters in the witch will control the thunder eagle into the sky, cooperate with the witch fighters on the ground, attack us from the sky, and use our power to impede them It does n’t take an hour, no … one hour, all of us, 400, will be lost! “Lin Wanru said.

“Hehe, I know what you said! But, besides attacking this barbarian barbarian barracks, do we have any other way to go !?” Chu Yan laughed, asked.


Hearing Chu Yan’s words, Lin Wan was suddenly taken aback.

Yes, as Chu Yan said, their current situation is extremely dangerous. In front of it is the 10000 cliffs that Imperial Capital cannot cross over. Behind, there is the brigade of the brigade.

There are obstacles ahead and chasing soldiers behind. In this case, there is simply no other way to go.

“Moreover, there are only 100 Lei Ying, nothing!”

Chu Yan raised his eyebrows with a strange smile on his face, and then said, “Relax, listen to me, yes!”

“Everyone has it. The knife is out of the sheath, ready to attack!”

At the order of more than 400 imperial soldiers, all with their swords in hand, a path of soaring murderous aura rushed away, all followed behind Chu Yan, like a black Beast Tide, moved towards the barracks in front Rushed away.

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