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“Chong ah! Kill ah!”

“Slay these gangs!”

“Destroy them, don’t stay!”


In the sky-screaming shouting, 400 9 Imperial soldiers ao ao called, armed with swords, moved towards the Witch and Barbarian Poultry Barracks, and launched an attack.

Chu Yan long sword in hand, Sun Yuan on the left, Lin Wanru on the right, rushed to the front of everyone.

With a distance of 10000 steps, just two blinks, he rushed to the wooden door of the military camp without any hesitation, and cut it straight out.


The fierce Sword Qi, with a violent power, was heavily chopped on the huge wooden door. Suddenly, the wooden door of nearly 2 ten zhang high was chopped with flying sawdust, and the whole burst open.

“Kill me! All the savage, one does not stay!”

With a wave of Chu Yan long sword, a few hundred soldiers behind him suddenly rushed into the barracks like a tide.

“What … what happened !?”

A captain, a small witch, was feeding a demon bird on a demon bird tower. Suddenly he heard a loud noise and was almost scared. He nearly fell from the demon bird tower near hundred zhang high.

Suddenly turned his head, and at a glance, he saw the doorway of Daying, and countless silhouettes were rushing into the barracks, spreading like a flood.

The savage warriors in the barracks, like themselves, each and everyone looked dull and couldn’t understand the situation at all, so they were directly split into two and a half by the blade glow that fell down.

Just in a blink of an eye, a witch squad in charge of patrol in the camp, and a total of 50 witch fighters, were all killed.

Only when the blood of the witch fighters, as well as the residual limbs, were thrown into the air and brought up a large foul wind and bloody rain, the other witch fighters finally reacted.

“Enemy attack! Enemy attack! Quick … Counterattack! No, protect the demon bird!”

“What about Captain !? Where is Captain !?”

“What’s going on, these Human Races, come from there !?”

“Not good! They are going towards the demon bird tower, block them!”


The entire barracks was completely stirred into a pot of porridge. It was originally dense fog weather, and the sight was not good, which made these witch fighters without Divine Consciousness even more chaotic.

Chu Yan immediately rushed into the barracks, took Sun Yuan and Lin Wanru, and a team of 9 imperial troops, rushed directly to the entire barracks, the tallest building, before stepping into the door, he greeted The famous witch and the barbarian general hit him.


Chu Yan will be polite to them there, as long as he sees that there is no black mark on his forehead, he will cut it with a sword.

Just heard the shouting and killing. The dozen or so generals who rushed out of the wood house just opened the wooden door, and I saw that there was a sword light blade glow. 7 8 pieces, visceral blood, all over the floor.


The remaining few generals, seeing that Captain was killed by Human Race Martial Artist, a sword, and his face was suddenly scared to green, where he dared to fight Chu Yan, turned around and fled directly, moved towards not far away The demon tower flew away.

These witchcraft Controlling Beast Master, battle strength is not as good as the ordinary witchcraft warriors, but if you let them ride the demon bird, relying on the battle strength of Thunderhawk alone, I am afraid they can kill a bunch of 9 imperial army.

“Want to go !? hmph!”

However, Chu Yan, who had already prepared, how could make them close to the Demon Bird Tower, the cold flame burst out of his eyes, and the Clear Sky Sword was thrown in his hand. The Clear Sky Sword that came out of his hand suddenly crossed the void, as if a Silver electricity, pulled out a long bright line, passed through the heads of those escaping witch little Captain, blooming a bunch of blood light flowers.

Several Captain Controlling Beast Master little Captain didn’t know until death. These human race remnants are not in the southern mountain range. They will suddenly appear in the 10000 cliffs of their demon squadron.

Seeing all the savage generals, all of them were killed, Chu Yan’s lips were light, satisfied nodded, turned directly, moved towards the monster tower not far away.

Chirp …! Chirp …!

Before Chu Yan walked to the Demon Bird Tower, a few bird cries suddenly sounded above the barracks sky.

Chu Yan brows slightly wrinkle. Looking up, I saw that there were nearly fifteen thunder eagles that had lifted off from the demon bird tower and flew into the sky.

On the back of each a monster, there is a witch’s Controlling Beast Master, who is looking at the blood in the barracks below, slaughtering other witch’s Human Race 9 imperial warriors.

These savages, once they passed the initial chaos, the battle strength was immediately revealed.

Several savage squads protected the Controlling Beast Master, guarding the demon bird tower, and finally let a part of the Controlling Beast Master ride on the Thunder Eagle and rose into the air.

“Damn Human Race flesh element, let you see the power of Lei Ying!”

A Controlling Beast Master controls the Thunder Eagle, hovering above the barracks, the Thunder Eagle under him, the monster qi surges, a group of snow-white Power of Thunder and Lightning, quickly gathers in the Thunder Eagle’s mouth, just watching To fall down, bombarded in the crowd of 9 Imperial soldiers.

“Not good! Thunder Eagle took off!”

Lin Wanru looked at the barracks above, a dozen or so hovering Thunder Eagles ready to attack, his face suddenly turned pale.

What I really worried about was what happened. Although I had made 10000 preparations and mobilized more than half of the 9 soldiers to attack the demon tower first, the most terrifying scene still happened.

After all, there are nearly 100 monster towers, relying on 2 300 Imperial soldiers, they are simply impossible and quickly captured, so that these Controlling Beast Masters have the opportunity to take off.

This time, more than a dozen monster birds took off into the sky, and the result was absolutely disastrous.

This is comparable to the lower Martial Emperor battle strength Thunder Eagle. If it is on the ground, there may be a way, but once let them go to the sky, it is almost the existence of the Overlord level.

“It’s done! It’s done! This is troublesome!”

Sun Yuan’s complexion was gleaming, staring at the dozen thunder eagles in midair, his eyes covered with bloodshot eyes.

Not only Lin Wanru and Sun Yuan, in the barracks, nearly half of the savage 9 Imperial soldiers have been killed, but also the thunder eagles that were lifted off, all of them looked pale, the morale suddenly dropped, and the attack formation , Also began to shake up.

“Quick withdrawal!”

Sun Yuan roared loudly and gave orders to the soldiers who were still staying near the demon tower.

At this time, Lei Ying on the sky has already started diving …

With the roar of Sun Yuan, there are 100 9 Imperial soldiers, all moving backwards, moved towards where Chu Yan is, retreating quickly, forming a huge Defensive Array shape, all the swords are all aligned to the sky , Lei Ying dive down.

However, this type of Defensive Array on the ground has no use at all for attacks on the sky, so everyone’s face shows a breath of death.

“Several stray birds, in front of me, yet dare to be arrogant!”

At this moment, Chu Yan stood up with a smile on his face, but slowly opened the mouth and said.

“Vermilion Bird, come out for me!”

In the astonishment of all 9 imperial warriors, as well as Lin Wanru and Sun Yuan, a huge Fire Bird, from Chu Yan within the body, soared into the sky, like a round of golden sun, and emptied Heaven.

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