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Chapter 1731

Tweet …!

The loud sound of phoenix resounded through Heaven and Earth, and the whole sky became a fiery sky with the appearance of Vermilion Bird Martial Soul.

Almost at the moment when Vermilion Bird Martial Soul appeared, a dozen thunder eagles who had just returned to Weifeng Linlin, with the light of thunder and lightning in their mouths, were suddenly shocked to explode their feathers. Heavens’ Vermilion Bird, the whole body shivered violently.


Large waves of fire, like the sea of ​​tides, waved the entire heaven and earth with the flutter of Vermilion Bird.

In an instant, whether it is the sky or the earth, everything is engulfed by the fire of Vermilion Bird, and the whole World has nothing but fire.

shua! shua! shua!

Dozens of huge birds, like dumplings, fell from the sky and fell to the ground, making a dull loud noise.

Before the blink of an eye, the whole sky, except for the Vermilion Bird Martial Soul soaring in the sky, there is no a bird that can fly.

Vermilion Bird Martial Emperor, King of the Sky!

Wherever it passes, no bird can fly.


It’s Vermilion Bird Martial Soul, Innate’s built-in soul skill, and it doesn’t even need to be urged to make all the bird’s knowledge allegiance in the world.

This status and the absolute crush on bloodline, regardless of strength and rank, even the most powerful monster, will be suppressed by the bloodline of Vermilion Bird Martial Soul.

It’s just that the powerful monster may still struggle to get up after falling to the ground, thinking about running away.

However, that was only for the powerful monster birds, and now, the top 100 thunder eagles in this barracks, except for the light-red King Rank thunder eagle headed by others, other ordinary thunder eagles, obviously do not belong to This column.

Therefore, when Vermilion Bird Martial Soul, rolled up layers of fire clouds, swooped down from the air, and suspended above the barracks, all the Thunder Eagles were crawling on the ground, the whole body was shiver coldly, and there was still a trace of resistance.

In the barracks, the King Rank thunder eagle headed on the tallest red monster tower, but with its wings tightly clamped, two eagle claws spread apart, as if burning ass, moving towards the direction of the mountain , Ran away.

“Want to run away !? Ha ha …”

Chu Yan glanced at the sight, and suddenly saw the King Rank Thunder Eagle, who actually wanted to escape, and suddenly looked up, looking towards Vermilion Bird Martial Soul in the sky, raised his hand and snapped a finger, forward, and said,

“Get it!”

In a word, Vermilion Bird Martial Soul suddenly opened a big mouth, a ball of 5 colors of fire, like a cannonball, and shot straight into the background of King Rank Thunder Eagle not far away.


A huge fireball hit the back of King Rank Lei Ying, a violent 5-color flame, soaring into the sky, King Rank Lei Ying nearly 6 ten zhang high degrees, issued a mournful scream sound, the whole body was instantly on fire sea Crumbling up and down in less than 3 breaths, it turned into a pile of ashes.

As King Rank’s screaming stopped, the entire barracks was silent.

Whether it’s Human Race 9 imperial army, or savage warriors, including Sun Yuan and Lin Wanru, all the eyeballs glaring at Boss, looked towards the pile of ashes floating in flames, all stupid.

What … what happened! ?

What just happened! ?

What is that terrifying Fire Bird! ?

With just one tweet, there were 100 Lei Ying, scared not to raise their heads! ?

What the hell is this … Bird! ?

All the people’s consternation lasted for ten breaths. The first reaction came from the gang of living savage warriors.

Seeing that the huge Fire Bird appeared, just one blow, they burned the most powerful King Rank thunder eagle in their demon squadron, and suddenly, in the heart of every witch fighter, a rich death, Rising like an ice spring.

“Flee away ah!”

“Attack! Attack! Kill that Fire Bird, and that Human Race!”

“Kill ah!”


The next moment, all the savage warriors seemed crazy, except for a few, they turned and fled, moved towards the jungle under the mountain, and any of its 4 savage warriors, wielding the sword in their hands, moved towards Chu Yan Crazy rushed.

These savage warriors belong to the Demon Squadron. From the day they joined the Demon Squadron, they were proud of Thunder Eagle.

You should know that in this flightless Divine Kingdom World, their Thunder Eagle is like the sky Overlord of this World, there is no threat at all.

No matter in the sky or on the ground, no one is an opponent of their Leiying.

This point turned into a thick pride, almost integrated into their bones, is their full glory.

But now, right in front of them, Thunder Eagle, who used to be so powerful that scared everyone, was burned to ashes by Martial Soul of the Human Race Martial Artist more than pinched a ant.

As a result, the myth of the thunder eagle, which has been aloof and remote and reached the top of the altar, collapsed instantly.

If you do n’t kill this Human Race, then in the future, the Thunder Eagle of their Overlord in the air will have no advantage at all.

Therefore, to keep the myth in their hearts, there is only one way to kill the Human Race!

However, it is possible to kill Chu Yan! ?

Of course impossible …


Chu Yan with a smile on his face, once again snapped his fingers, raised his fingers, like a mad dog, a few hundred witch, came to Vermilion Bird Martial Soul

“Bring them to death!”

With a word, Vermilion Bird Martial Soul turned his head and glanced at the witch warriors, and suddenly a pair of Fire God-like birds eyes, full of disdain and contempt.

Tweet …!

Immediately, Vermilion Bird Martial Soul turned his head slightly, and made a harsh cry against the 100 Thunderhawks in front of him.

There were 100 thunder eagles crawling on the ground. After hearing the whistle of Vermilion Bird Martial Soul, suddenly a glare of light appeared in the eyes of each and everyone, as if to get some amnesty, simultaneously shua shua bounced from the ground, Turning around, a look of the murderous aura looked at the hundreds of savage warriors coming in, and the eagle mouth opened at the same time …

zi! zi! zi!

There are 100 thunder and lightning light clusters formed in the mouth of all Thunder Eagles, which are getting bigger and bigger …

I didn’t even wait for those savage warriors to rush to their heads. There were 100 dazzling lightning bolts, which were all lit up and shot straight at the crowd of savage warriors on the opposite side.

bang! bang! Boom … Rumble!

The large pillar of thunder and lightning exploded among the witch and savage crowd, countless lightning snake 4 scattered, and almost half of the barracks were shrouded in a sea of ​​thunder and lightning.

More than 400 savage warriors, even the screams, did not have time to send out, they all turned into coke for each and everyone, the whole body smoked and fell to the ground.

After a wave of thunder and lightning salvos, more than 400 witch fighters were fully killed by half, and the remaining 100 were still breathing, but they couldn’t even speak their voices, and they could only struggle in a large scorched black corpse , Whimpering.

Within a range of less than 1000 steps, 100 thunder and lightning bursts, such a dense area, can survive, it has been regarded as the reason for these savage fleshy bodies, especially powerful.

It’s just that none of these witches can stand up again.

At this moment, looking at the scorched black corpse in front of the ground, all the 9 Imperial soldiers opened their mouths wide, their eyes burst out, and they were completely silly!

This … This is too powerful! ?

I just snapped my fingers, and all of the 100 Wumans were almost smashed into scum! ?

There are 100 Thunder Eagles on the whole, how can they listen to the Lord, attack the witch and barbarians! ?

Is it, Lord … Is it God? ?

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