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Chu Yan led the crowd and traveled carefully along the way, and soon walked to the run-down ancient city.

“Didn’t expect, not only this city wall, but even some buildings and grounds in the city, there are traces of divine blood!”

Chu Yan stepped into the collapsed half of the city gate and slowly entered the city, sweeping across it, could not help but startled his face.

“God ah! At least million years, these blood stains, like fresh blood, too terrifying!” Little White Bear looked at the traces of divine blood all around, surprised and said.

“Everyone be careful, 10000000 don’t touch these divine blood, and don’t use Divine Consciousness, let’s enter the city, be careful!”

After a reminder, Chu Yan and his party crossed the city gate and entered the city directly.

The city was ruined and ruined everywhere, but when really stepping on the streets of the city, everyone felt aura of send cold shivers down one’s spine and swept across them.

“Emperor’s Breath!” Chu Yan’s face was dull, and he whispered.

These emperor breaths are far more than 100 times stronger than the Martial Emperor of ordinary, and I am afraid that at least one of the powerhouses above the rank of the Holy Emperor is left.

“Endless years, even the blood of the Holy Emperor, contains a trace of death!” Chu Yan secretly said in one’s heart.

“This city, I am afraid it is not simple!”

The words fell to the ground, followed by Lin Wanru, who was beside Chu Yan, opened the mouth and said “This ancient city, only water is a small city that connects the Ten Capitals of Ten Directions.”

“Moreover, it is said that there are some powerful Monster Beasts here with the help of Emperor Breath cultivation, and some hidden Old Monsters, which are extremely terrifying and accidentally. If they are disturbed, even Martial Emperor will be annihilated!”

Lin Wanru, like while speaking, lowered her voice, as if she was really afraid of disturbing who.

“Oh !? And such things !?” Chu Yan heart slightly startled, and Divine Consciousness soon dispersed, staying within ten steps, his face slightly tight.

This ruined ancient city gave him a feeling of insecurity. Although there was no dead air alarm in his heart, Chu Yan was still careful.

Everyone was nervous because of the atmosphere in this ruined city, and they all followed behind Chu Yan and didn’t dare to make random orders.

Oh la la !

After walking for less than 10000 steps, a large long river suddenly appeared in front of everyone, blocking all the roads ahead.

“Moat inland river !?” Chu Yan startled.

didn’t expect, this seemingly broken city was actually divided into inner and outer cities, with a big river that was nearly zhang wide.

Above the river, an equally broken stone bridge traverses, connecting the two banks of the river to the depths of the inner city.

The color of the river water, dark and red, also exudes a trace of emperor breath. If you sense it carefully, you can clearly feel that there is aura overflowing from the prestige of the emperor above the river.

“How much divine blood is there in this river !? Aura is ten times stronger than before!” Chu Yan looked at the dark red river in front of her, muttered.


Lin Wanru’s face was pale and nodded. “This small city is almost full of divine blood. I’m afraid this city has undergone some changes after so many years.”

“Change! What change !?” Chu Yan startedled and asked.

Not only Chu Yan, but also the Human Race Martial Artists who were behind him, all looked like a shock, looked towards the dark red river, and everyone felt an extremely uneasy feeling.

However, waiting for Lin Wanru to answer at all, the river in front of him suddenly burst into eruption.

Boom … Rumble!

The dark red river water soaring into the sky rushed out of nearly ten huge dark red water columns, exploded in midair, and scattered the bloody rain.

Those raindrops scattered in the air, but did not fall. Instead, they followed Feng Feiyang in the air, continuously evolved, and combined into various natural phenomena, which appeared.

Roar! roar!

A giant golden ape with a three-horned first-born head and dark golden eyes, his arms smashed his chest, and he roared in the sky.


A bird whine, resounding Heaven and Earth, a bloody three-footed crow, soaring in the sky, flying in foul wind and bloody rain.

“3 Foot blood !?” Chu Yan glanced at it, and suddenly the complexion changed.

Three-legged Golden Crow is Antiquity Divine Beast, and this one, blood all over the body, although it is not Golden Crow, it obviously has a great relationship with it.

The appearance of this Divine Beast surprised Chu Yan, but the appearance of the next animal shadow directly surprised Chu Yan with the complexion greatly changed.

hu hu hu!

5 Sexiangyun shuttle, a Qilin of dark azure, soar into the clouds and mount the mists, the dew and water arrows, as soon as they appeared, moved towards the sky and rushed up.

“This … this is water Qilin!”

Chu Yan almost silently exited, watching the azure silhouette of the water Qilin rushing towards the sky, and the Sea of ​​Consciousness shuddered in shock.

If the three-legged blood is just the Divine Beast, then the water Qilin in front of it is the authentic Divine Beast lineage, which belongs to the Qilin Divine Beast of the Qilin family.

The Qilin Divine Beast family, which is the head of Divine Beast, is divided into Fire Qilin, Earth Qilin, Water Qilin, and relatively rare jade Qilin and ink Qilin according to the Five Elements attribute.

These Qilins with different attributes, although there are some differences in appearance, are all real Divine Beast bloodline.

“It seems that the blood in this river is really Divine Race blood!” Chu Yan secretly said in one’s heart.

However, when Chu Yan was running Qilin’s pupil, and wanted to peep into the origin of the natural phenomenon transformed by the blood river, a powerful aura fluctuation invisible to the naked eye suddenly rushed out of the river and rushed towards Chu Yan.

As horror aura rushed by, Chu Yan’s body shuddered, and a huge picture appeared in front of him.

In the picture, a powerful Martial Artist, holding various Heaven and Earth Spirit Treasure, rushed to the blood river in front of him, and seemed to want Divine Race blood essence in this blood river.

Divine Race blood essence, even a drop, has great benefits for the cultivation of Martial Artist.

However, when the powerhouses in the picture, as soon as they approached the dark red river of blood, the river of blood evolved 10000 1000 natural phenomenon as before.

Various natural phenomena came from the blood and the wind, and the Vajra giant ape near hundred zhang high, with just one punch, smashed a Martial Emperor directly into the fleshy body.

As if bounded by that river bank, any natural phenomenon will attack as long as you step on the bank.

The powerful Martial Emperor in the picture, self-supporting and powerful, tried to rush to the river bank again and again, but one after another was obliterated by various natural phenomena.

Since all the powerhouses were shocked, and no longer dared to approach the river bank, those natural phenomena floated Heaven and Earth, swimming in the bloody and windy sky.

In such a broken ancient city, there is even a natural phenomenon of emperor’s blood, which can wipe Martial Emperor by hand.

Under such circumstances, this ancient city has become the most mysterious place in the Outer World.

Later, after numerous Martial Artist’s explorations, a secret was finally released.

That is, this dilapidated small town can lead to … Ten Directions God Capital!

Ten Directions God, legend, before Antiquity, the city where Divine Race lived, after Divine Race disappeared, was completely sealed by the power of Heaven and Earth of Ten Directions Star Domain and fell into a deep sleep.

“Here is the only place to go to the Ten Capitals of Ten Directions !?” Chu Yan was slightly nodded and his heart moved slightly.

“Good! The broken stone bridge is the only entrance to Ten Directions!”

Lin Wanru is nodded, solemnly said.

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