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The stone bridge was ruined. Pieces of blue ancient stone bricks, covered with cracks, were washed by the blood river under the bridge from time to time, making those broken blue bricks flash a trace of jade.

One end of the bridge is at Chu Yan’s feet, while the other end is full of spiritual fog, and it’s impossible to see what is going on.

On the entire stone bridge, the light power of Heaven and Earth, 4 scattered.

“Now, the entrance has not been opened!” Lin Wanru glanced at the richness across the bridge, opened the mouth and said.

“Then we can only wait!”

Chu Yan nodded, then greeted everyone, and then returned to the land outside the city.

On the 2nd side of the outer city street that I have just walked through, buildings are dilapidated. Only some buildings are supported. Like a gust of wind, these buildings can be directly blown down.

However, this is not the case. Even after millions of years, these broken buildings still stand and are safe and sound.

Using the pupils of Qilin and sweeping at a glance, Chu Yan can clearly see that there are very few divine blood marks on the surface of the broken building.

So, the wood stained with divine blood is no longer ordinary wood.

No one dared to enter these buildings with divine blood, including Chu Yan.

If you are not careful, and provoke some strange existence in this city, it will cause a lot of trouble.

After all, in the picture just now, even the powerful Martial Emperor, in this ruined city, was also killed by a natural phenomenon.

This city is extremely evil!

This time, following the Human Race Martial Artist from Chu Yan, the number reached nearly 1000.

Although most people ’s cultivation bases are in the quasi-imperial rank, there are also some Martial Sovereign Realm powerhouses, and even a small number of Martial Venerable Realm Martial Artists.

No matter how low the cultivation base is, it is rare.

Because, Ten Directions is the Danger Land, the cultivation base is low in strength, and it is extremely vulnerable.

The ruined town is small in size. Chu Yan took everyone and randomly selected a street corner as a temporary waiting place.

When they just settled in, all of them sat cross-legged and began to adjust their interest rates. Above the sky, second wave men and women have already appeared.

They followed Chu Yan and they arrived in the small town, but it was Chu Yan ’s Old Acquaintance.

A large group of people holding bone sticks, followed by skeletons, and the bones clansman wearing Bone Armor fell outside the small city and quickly entered the outer city.

On the main street, walking in front of the clansman of the bone family, it is really … Lou Yuansi!

Compared with a few months ago, in the World War I of Swallowing the Heavens Tower, Lou Wu’s strength at this time has obviously improved a lot.

It seems that these races spent a lot of energy in preparation for entering Ten Directions.

Chu Yan discovered Gu Yuanji, and of course, Gu Yuanji also found Chu Yan, a pair of eyes with pale ghost fire, and when he saw Chu Yan, the entire Lou Yuanji stood still on the spot.

“You … aren’t you dead !?” Lou Yuan’s stunned stunned as if he had seen a ghost.

“hmph! ”

Chu Yan glanced at the Yuan Yuan and was too lazy to take care of him. It was just coldly snorted. If it wasn’t for the strangeness of this small town, Chu Yan was afraid to be with Lou Yuanzhi.

Seeing that Chu Yan didn’t pay attention to himself, Lou Yuansi also reacted quickly, and his face became extremely ugly. With the Martial Artist of the bone family, they escaped Chu Yan. They were far away and found a place to wait.

Obviously, they are more aware of the strangeness of this small town than Chu Yan, and this should not be the first time they are here.

In the ensuing hour, above the sky, there was no rest, and there were Martial Artists of all ethnic groups rushing to the town.

The clansman horses, after entering the town, were surprisingly quiet.

Even if some hostile races met, they all chose to be calm. All ethnic groups were in awe of this ruined town. No one dared to make trouble here.

Even in the small town, there are very few people who speak loudly.

“This remnant city, I am afraid it is a bit strange!”

Chu Yan did not adjust the cultivation, but instead came to the Blood River Stone Bridge again and stared at him.

Stone Bridge like a block of Forbidden Land!

Even in this small city, a large number of people of all ethnic groups have gathered, but almost no one is near the stone bridge.

At this time, before the stone bridge, only Chu Yan and Lin Wanru stood quietly.

Also there is a person Old Acquaintance, it is iron spear hou!

This iron spear hou, who is very famous among the younger Martial Artists of Human Race, and like Chu Yan, followed him to the Human Race Martial Artist of the small town, with up to 500 people.

The eyes of several people stared at the Blood River Stone Bridge in front of them, and no one spoke.

Above the blood river, there was still a bloody wind and a raging scene.

The sky-blowing blood energy brings up a lot of emperor breath and sweeps half of the city.

In the void, Monster Beast of various natural phenomena, and a small amount of Divine Beast, soar and wander through the bloody wind.

A hundred steps along the river bank, there is a path of mysterious Spirit Mark.

Those Spirit Marks are suspended in the void, like a space boundary, completely isolating the space between the blood river and the small city.

The natural phenomenon above the void of the Blood River, as long as it hits the Spirit Mark boundary wall here, it will be directly blocked.

With the collapse of the natural phenomenon, it turned into a bloody rain and returned to the blood river, slowly condensing, and starting again.

Strangely, the natural phenomenon of 10000000 on the blood river, which hits the Spirit Mark wall, is very rare. Obviously, as long as no one takes the initiative to provoke these natural phenomena, they will not actively attack.

“The other side of the stone bridge leads to the Ten Directions God Capital!” Lin Wanru has been staring at the dense fog opposite, seeing many natural phenomena of the blood river, rushed into the dense fog and disappeared, not muttered

“Is there anything in the dense fog that attracts these blood river natural phenomena?”

“These Spirit Mark walls are just blocking this side of the river bank, and the opposite river bank seems to have no obstruction.” Chu Yan said.

“Legend, the emergence of the natural phenomenon of the Blood River is the harbinger of the opening of Ten Directions!” Iron Spear Hou said.

“And those natural phenomena of the blood river seem to just want to enter Ten Directions!”

“Enter the Ten Directions God Capital !?” Chu Yan startled, his face stunned.

Looking at the Spirit Mark on the stone bridge in front of me, Ten Directions, which is clearly cut off by the power of Heaven and Earth, what is the secret! ?

“According to legend, the gods of Ten Directions were the places where Divine Race lived, and there was a place of Divine Vein!” Lin Wanru explained.

“That’s the most mysterious place on the entire outer domain continent!”

Tie spear Hou said, with both eyes full of shining, looking across the shore, the color of the face full of expectations.

The Ten Directions gods were opened once in 10000, and the secrets have never been fully investigated.

Some people even said that Divine Race cemetery was found in it!

“The land of Divine Vein !?” Chu Yan shuddered.

“Good! It’s Divine Vein!”

a pleasant sound suddenly sounded, causing Chu Yan to look back together.

The person who came behind was Saintess, a Celestial Clan, wearing a 7-color feather coat, walking like a Fairy.

In her body, a pure aura, 4 scattered and elegant, as if sacred and inviolable.

Behind her, one left and one right, followed by a man and a woman, also a clansman of the Celestial Clan. The man was handsome and handsome, handsome like a jade tree, and the women were all as beautiful as Celestial Immortal, with extraordinary temperament, as if descended on the 9th Layer Fairy men and women.

The emergence of Saintess, the goddess, made Tie Spear Hou and Chu Yan move simultaneously.

The posture of a goddess, through the world Musou!

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