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7 The colorful feather clothing rises with the wind and dances with the wind as the girl walks.

That exquisite and gorgeous face, like a gift from God, is not owned by Mortal World. Although it is just a glimpse, it makes people slammed.

“It’s a beautiful elder sister!” Little White Bear’s eyes were shining with a star on his face.


Chu Yan looked at Little White Bear, and suddenly he was speechless. This Little White Bear was a female bear, and she even showed such a look to the goddess.

“It is said that when Divine Race disappeared, Divine Vein not at all in Ten Directions was damaged, and even some Antiquity remains of Divine Race exist.”

Heavenly girl lotus step moves gently, each step falls, and a feather illusory shadow will appear, turning into a streamer dissipating under the jade foot. For the fiery eyes cast by several people, she not at all reacts too much and her face is still indifferent.

“In the rumors, Divine Race seems to know that the catastrophe is coming, so use Gods Vestige in advance to hide what is in the Ten Directions gods. Some people even say that if there is a living Divine Race person on this continent, It must be in the Ten Directions God Capital. “

“What !?” Chu Yan complexion changed, “Live Divine Race !?”

“Huh, isn’t it legend that there is no Divine Race in this world !?” Little White Bear said curiously.

“Good! At least for millions of years, Divine Race has never appeared on Continent in Outland, but if there is Divine Race hiding in this Ten Directions god, avoiding that big robbery, and being separated by this stone bridge, also I do n’t know! “

Heavenly girl indifferently said.

“In legend, the only Divine Race that can reach the limit of Martial Dao Peak. If someone is alive, the result …” Chu Yan looked up and looked across the river bank, his face sighing.

Divine Race comes first!

If a Divine Race is really born, who is the enemy of this continent! ?

“Oh, those are all rumors, and you can’t believe it.” Tie spear Hou chuckled, shook the head, and said, “Even if there is Divine Race in this Ten Directions god, there is this stone bridge Spirit Mark, they also out Not coming!”

“My goal is to find opportunities, breakthrough Realm of Martial Emperor, nothing else matters!”

“Breakthrough Martial Emperor !?”

Chu Yan Several people heard the words of Iron Spear Hou and looked sideways.

Not bad!

Like Iron Spear Hou, these people, at the risk of loss, came to the Ten Directions Gods, not to find a chance for a breakthrough Martial Emperor?

Martial Emperor breakthrough, not relying on cultivation base, not relying on Martial Soul, all depends on a little chance.

Therefore, the breakthrough Lential Emperor’s bottleneck is the most mysterious level on the way to Martial Emperor cultivation base.

Therefore, the outland continent, Martial Sovereign Realm and Quasi-Emperor Realm Martial Artist are everywhere, but Martial Emperor Realm powerhouse, but very few.

“En! You are right!”

The sky girl closed her eyes, nodded, and looked at the thick fog across the bank, saying, “Everything is days, I can only do my best!”

Just as a few people were discussing, there was another person who stepped on the back, but it was Lou Yuan, the bone clan!

At this point, he had converged on Bone Armor, wearing a snow-colored long robe, with his pale face, without a trace of blood energy.

The whole person looks like the wind is blowing, this kind of Yin Fiend Qi, passing the place, makes people trembling in fear.

Lou Yuansi, as the most famous genius of the Gu people, has a solitary personality and rarely communicates with others.

I don’t know if this time is because of Chu Yan’s relationship or because he is worried about this time Ten Directions’ trip to the gods. Like Chu Yan, they walked to the stone bridge and stopped to stare.

Tiannian clan and Demi-God clan, bloodline, also has a trace of relationship with Human Race, but the bone family is different, although their appearance looks very similar to Human Race, but it has nothing to do with Human Race, even speaking of which , Or the enemy of Human Race.

Because the Gu people refine Yinyin, the favorite material is Human Race’s corpse!

Lou Yuanshu not at all was close to Chu Yan and several people, but stood alone far away, gazing back and forth between the blood river and the dense fog on the opposite bank, his face was extremely dignified.

No one spoke anymore, everyone looked at the natural phenomenon in front of them, silent, a repressed atmosphere quietly dispersed.

The natural phenomenon of the blood river still continued to hit the Spirit Mark boundary wall, traveling around the sky, occasionally, some accidentally hit and missed, flowing through the bridge hole under the stone bridge, appeared on the opposite side of the stone bridge, and instantly disappeared into the dense fog Among.

This blood river, or stone bridge, contains a mysterious Heaven and Earth rule, which makes people involuntarily immersed in it, unable to extricate themselves.

However, no one can rely on these to comprehend cultivation, but it is affected by this.

“These stone bridges Spirit Mark, blocking the natural phenomenon of the blood river, is it more powerful than divine blood?”

Chu Yan looked at the scene in front of her eyes, and thought for a long time

“These Divine Race, is it really Antiquity period, ruling the existence of the entire Ten Directions Star Domain !?”

“In legend, the spiritual cultivation base above the emperor realm really exists !?”

“But why, the Divine Race clansman, which can reach the spiritual base of the cultivation base, will suddenly disappear. What amazing secrets are hidden in this Ten Directions Star Domain !?”

“hu …..”

After exhaling for a long time, Chu Yan looked at the thick fog across the river, his heart sighed.

“This vast Star Domain, boundless, who is it, dominate all this !?”

Like Chu Yan, Tiannv and the others are also influenced by the natural phenomenon in front of them, immersed in them, and have their own thoughts.

As if I could not feel the ebbing of time, everyone stood quietly and silently.

However, suddenly, in the thick fog on the other side, a mighty force suddenly burst out.

This aura with terrifying power swept across the ancient city, Heaven and Earth Might in the sky in an instant, as if it had been summoned and kept gathering.

The powerful Heaven and Earth Might surpasses everyone’s imagination, as if Heaven and Earth is exhausted, the road is extinct, and all the creatures in this world will be wiped out.

Boom … Rumble!

Relative to the surprise of Chu Yan and the others, the blood river in front of them made a roar, grabbed the blood wave to the sky, moved towards the place where the aura originated, and rushed away.

This blood river … is actually fighting Heavenly Might! ?

Bang! Bang! Bang!

2 The power of terrifying, in the dense fog of the sky, constantly colliding, the whole sky, the earth, are shaking, as if the world will be destroyed, I am afraid that the aura 4 will spread out, let everyone ’s Sea of ​​Consciousness, all For one tight.

In an instant, everyone had an illusion that it was like a natural disaster was about to come down, and the end had come.

“Really strong Heavenly Might!” Chu Yan raised his head slowly, looked towards the void in the thick fog across the shore, sensing the collision of the 2 terrorist forces.

In the face of the prestige of Heavenly Dao, the blood wave of Tianhe, obviously has weak power, as if it will be crushed and annihilated at any time.

However, Chu Yan standing in front of the blood river, suddenly, the whole body of blood seemed to boil, even with the blood river roaring again and again, rushing under the body 4 and echoing the blood river roaring.

Weng! weng! weng!

Above the stone bridge, the Spirit Mark rays of light masterpiece contains Profound Truth, moved towards the blood river to suppress it.


However, without waiting for the Spirit Mark rays of light to come close, the blood river broke out completely. The huge waves that were pulled up almost covered the sky and directly smashed those Spirit Mark rays of light.

With the dissipation of Stone Bridge’s Spirit Mark, the huge wave of blood river has evolved madly, turning into a mountain-like silhouette.

This is one humanoid silhouette, holding Blood Sword, pointed finger towards the sky dome, and behind them a mass of blood light blooms, but it evolves into the shadow of myriad beasts.

These beast shadows have giant beasts with scales, two horns growing on the head, and even the dragon shadow and Qilin shape that Chu Yan is familiar with, accompanied by Phoenix, hovering around that mountain-like silhouette. .


Blood Sword chopped down, fierce bloody sword light, chopped to Heaven and Earth void, above this sword, implying the momentum of destroying the Heavens and exterminating the Earth.

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