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Chapter 1754

Nether Sea 9 prison fire, can burn 10000 things in the world, and even directly wipe out the human reincarnation.

However, after these countless years of research, the Celestial Clan has found some ways to restrain and weaken it. Therefore, the Celestial Lady can travel through the sea of ​​fire and the problem should not be a big problem.


Heavenly female celebrity, looking at the crystal curtain in the sky, a light of expectation flashed in the pupil light, it took a long time before slowly opening the mouth and said

“My juniors, in order to get the Oracle of the sea of ​​meditation, succumbed to succession, how much was lost in this sea of ​​meditation.”

“Gods live up to my family. It was finally in the session 100,000 years ago. I got the Oracle of the sea and found a little news about Saintess, but what Oracle said, Saintess returns, Nirvana Rebirth!

“What does that mean !?”

Speaking of which, the face of the celestial family is full of dignity and doubt. This Oracle of 100,000 years ago, the celestial family has comprehend for so many years, but it is clueless and completely ignorant.

Therefore, the entire top of the Celestial Family can only hope to open in the next Ten Directions Divine Realm, hoping to get Oracle again, which can obtain useful information.

In any case, if you do not find Saintess, the Celestial Clan, you will not be able to get the Divine Race legacy in the Sea of ​​Netherworld, and Celestial Clan will never be able to revitalize.

“Hopefully, at this time, Heavenly Lady can get Oracle! Hope Heavenly Dao, the god of Ten Directions, can pity us the lost people and give Saintess news!”

The celestial female gangster, with a sigh in his face, sighed quietly.

This expectation has to be experienced every 100 years. The entire Celestial Clan will, at all costs, send the descendant of the cream of the crop, Heaven’s Chosen, to the Ten Directions god capital and head to the Nether Sea.

Even if it is known, these descendants of Heaven’s Chosen, in the sea of ​​at least, should be damaged more than half, but there is still no hesitation.

“Consult with the Holy Crystal Clan, divide 10% of the crystal screen, and move to the Nether Sea!”

For a long time, the goddess clan opened the mouth and said.

“Yes, 9 Elder!” Deacon Elder accept the order, turned around and pulled out a piece of storage Jade Talisman, looked at Jade Talisman 2 eyes, thought of the huge resources in Jade Talisman, the corner of the flesh-ache mouth twitched twice, but still raised The feet moved towards the direction of the Holy Crystal Clan.

Every Ten Directions god is opened. In order to see the situation of the juniors in the Ten Directions Divine Realm, all tribes must pay tribute to the Holy Crystal Clan, so that they can divide a picture on the Altar Screen of the Holy Crystal Clan and observe The situation of the descendants of their own race.

Therefore, every time the Shengjing tribe relies on this altar screen, the resources earned are astronomical figures.

A short time later, as the Deacon Elder of the Celestial Clan returned from the Saint Crystal Clan, a small area appeared in the crystal screen above the sky, and began to move towards the direction of the sea, zooming in, and the silhouette gradually appeared. .


In front of the iron chain leading to the Nether Island, the silhouette of the Heavenly Girl has completely disappeared into the fire of the Nether Sea.

“It should be over!” Chu Yan stared closely at the fire sea empty space, slightly narrows the eyes.

“It’s me!”

Clansman, another Celestial Clan, strode out of the crowd and moved towards the chain.

This is a male goddess clansman, looks handsome like a jade tree, looks like a crown jade, a jade belt at the waist is not a mere mortal at first glance, and his status is precious.

He set foot on the iron chain and walked in less than ten steps. The body protection Gang Yuan on his body had already risen to Peak, and his face was distorted and painful.

“This person, I’m afraid I can’t get through it!” Chu Yan muttered when he saw this.

Sure enough, when the handsome man of the Celestial Clan walked to the edge of the 100-step fire sea core, he suddenly rushed out of a fire spirit python, just a collision, and he knocked him off the iron chain and fell into the fire sea in.

There was n’t even a scream, everyone ’s eyes followed. On the fire sea below the stranded zhang, only a cloud of gray smoke was seen rising, and the whole person was left.

Seeing this scene, everyone on the cliff suddenly changed his face.

This is the first lost Clansman this time, but everyone knows that this will never be the last one.

For each session of the Dark Sea, the number of Celestial Clan who can reach the Nether Island alive is only about 50%, although in this case, Elder in the clan has said before.

However, when I saw it with my own eyes, the feeling of coldness in my heart still made all the heavenly clansman feel heart-wracking.

“Hmph! I’m coming …”

Seeing the dignified atmosphere, another clansman clansman strode out, but was a woman, wearing 5 color feathers, obviously not weak.

Celestial females, with their mother as the esteem, most clansman, women are stronger than men.

She stepped on the iron chain and walked between them, she seemed extremely careful. After taking dozens of steps, she adapted to the power of the fire sea, stopped for a moment, and then clenched the teeth, and entered the core area of ​​the fire.

“Not bad!” Chu Yan nodded.

Next, clansman, one after another, stepped on the iron chain and moved towards the nether island opposite the fire sea.

However, the number of successful people in the future is getting smaller and smaller. Most of Heaven’s Chosen, Heaven’s Chosen, was buried in the fire sea and turned into nothingness.

didn’t expect, in this trip to the Underworld, the Tiannong clan didn’t even achieve a 50% pass rate.

Outside, the celestial clan gangsters, looking at the scene in the heavenly crystal screen, shook their heads and sighed together.

“Alas … if my family can’t find Saintess again, another 10000 years later, I’m afraid that even Heaven’s Chosen, who can break into the Nether Island, can’t find it!”

However, if Saintess is not found, the Celestial Clan will become weaker and weaker. In the end, even establishing a foothold in Ten Directions Star Domain will become a luxury.

500 days female clansman, can safely step into the iron chain, the core area, less than 300.

According to this probability, there are only more than 100 people who can finally pass the fire sea burning body and reach the Nether Island.

“Maybe, even 100 people, will not have! 9 Elder, look at that chain …”

A clan elder reminded.

9 Elder hearing this, his face started, and suddenly he turned his head to look, but I saw that above the chain, the speed of many clansman’s clansman’s progress was slow and scary, and even many were crowded into a pile.

In this way, as the number of people in a certain area increases, the fire spirits that rush out of the fire sea will also accumulate, which naturally increases the difficulty.

“No! Hurry to use clan news, give them an order and let them separate!”

9 Elder complexion greatly changed, quickly ordered.

“Yes, 9 Elder!” Deacon ordered.

“Tian Nu, this time, it’s up to you …”

9 Elder’s eyes turned, looked towards the sky girl who was at the forefront, and a trace of anticipation rose in her heart.

Even if only one person arrives at the Nether Island, at least it is also a hope.

……… ..

In front of the cliff, Chu Yan, 3 people, whispered after some discussion, began to prepare to break into this chain of fire sea.

The first to set foot on the iron chain is Little White Bear, Dangdang …

Relatively speaking, as the Monster Sovereign Dangdang, Fleshy body is much stronger, plus she got the inheritance of “Cang Thunder Dao”, among the beasts, there is a trace of thunder attribute.

The Ray attribute is also a variant of the Fire Attribute, same root with different branches.

Therefore, in the nervous eyes of Chu Yan and Lin Wan, Little White Bear roared directly to true body.

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