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Chapter 1755

A huge beast of 7 more then 10 zhang high degrees appeared on the cliff.

The Purple Encompassing Heavenly Bear, which is Antiquity Spirit Beast, has the biggest advantage over other Monster Beasts, that is, its fur is much stronger than other Monster Beasts.

Even the scale armor of the Jiao class is not as strong as its defensive power.


The bear’s foot stepped on, the whole cliff was shaking, the fur on the Purple Encompassing Heavenly Bear, dark purple rays of light flowing, a pair of animal eyes, full of purple thunder and lightning, imposing manner was amazing.

“Little White Bear, much better!”

I have n’t seen Chu Yan in the Little White Bear true body for a long time, and suddenly the pupil light shines. Under the peep of the pupil of Qilin, I see the strength of Little White Bear directly, and I ca n’t help but slightly nodded.

Every time he saw the true body of Little White Bear, Chu Yan remembered that, outside the unknown Dark Palace, Little White Bear had dyed the purple blood to save himself.

At the turn of life and death, the spiritual contract!

There is no need for excessive communication between the two people. As long as they are in danger, the two people will consider each other first.

Therefore, Little White Bear is Dangdang, who wants to use his own beast as the first way to explore Chu Yan.

There is a spiritual bond between the two of them. As long as Little White Bear walks on the iron chain and feels the formidable power of Pyrophobia, Chu Yan will be clear.

Little White Bear, who turned into a true body, bowed his head and grinned at Chu Yan, then stepped out and walked directly onto the iron chain.


Outside, before the crystal curtain.

“Look, what is that!?”

“Oh my god, Monster Beast from Purple, there is a Monster Sovereign who has entered Ten Directions!”

“Yin Fiend Qi in the Ten Directions God Capital, but the killer of Monster Race, very few Monster Race entered Ten Directions Divine Realm, didn’t expect, this demon bear is not afraid of Yin Fiend Qi !?”

“I’m on the chain of the Dark Sea, ah! This Monster Beast’s purple fur, really strong defense, what is this Spirit Beast !?”

“Not seen! Our foreign domain is continent, as if there is no such Spirit Beast!”

“That is, the outer domain is continent. After the prosperity of the Wu people, Human Race and Monster Race are almost all by them …”

“Hush …! Don’t say it, the Wu people are over there, you want to die !?”


The bigwigs of all races turned their heads together, looked towards the direction where the Wu people were, and looked full of dreading.

However, the bigwigs of the Wu people are now looking at the Little White Bear in the crystal screen with all their eyes, all eyes are glowing, and their faces are greedy.

For them, such a powerful Spirit Beast is definitely a big supplement.

Just as everyone was watching the crystal curtain in the sky, the tall Purple Encompassing Heavenly Bear beast shadow had disappeared into the fire, and the silhouette could not be seen at all.

Buzz …!

A huge purple light cluster, as if it could not be integrated into the different light of the fire sea, appeared extremely dazzling in the large dark red fire waves.

That group of purple light clusters is where Little White Bear’s body protection Gang Yuan is located. Between the sublimation and sublimation, it completely isolates all around from the enmity, and it cannot touch its body at all.

“Haha, Hades, I’m here!”

With a roar, the silhouette of Little White Bear on the iron chain is getting faster and faster. After stepping into the core area of ​​the fire sea, not only does it not slow down, but it gets faster and faster. It seems that these scorching inflammations have no effect on it. general.

“Tianah! Really strong!”

Above the cliff, a group of clansman, a group of Celestial Women, were all stunned. They did n’t expect at all. This Spirit Beast would have such a powerful strength.

Even, it seems that it is twice as fast as the goddess of their clan.

You know, they have explored Little White Bear ’s monster cultivator, but it ’s just a big Monster Sovereign, but the performance in this fire sea is like a flat land, as if those scorching flames, there is no general.

“Could it be … It is Antiquity Sacred Beast !?”

Whether it is the clansman on the cliff, or the outside world’s big men, all are complexion changed, full of doubts.

You know, in this Ten Directions Divine Realm, there are very few powerful Monster Beasts to come, not because they are afraid of the so-called Yin Fiend Qi, but in this Ten Directions Divine Realm, there are not many ruins suitable for Monster Beast. .

However, only the Spirit Beasts who were the Divine Race powerhouse during the Antiquity period, the descendants of Monster Beast called Antiquity Sacred Beast bloodline, will fight for their lives and come here to find the remains of Antiquity Sacred Beast.

“Sacred Beast !? No way !? Our outland continent, even there is Antiquity Sacred Beast bloodline !? God … God, …..”

The more you think about it, the more powerful the people of all races feel, the lesser the White Bear is, definitely the Antiquity Sacred Beast bloodline. All of a sudden, all of you are red light, unable to bear suck in a breath of cold air.

Antiquity Sacred Beast!

That’s Monster Race Supreme bloodline, like Martial Artists of all ethnic groups in the cultivation Martial Dao, there is a hint of hope to shock the gods.

This kind of bloodline is the most noble bloodline in Monster Beast!

Even before the Antiquity period, Divine Race was not in a big time. Legend has it that the number of big Monster Emperor in the entire Ten Directions Star Domain is far more than the Martial Dao emperor of all ethnic groups of cultivation Martial Dao!

It can be said that the Ten Directions Star Domain at that time was completely under the control of the Monster Emperor!

Therefore, the big guys of all ethnic groups, fundamentally didn’t expect, in this session of the Ten Directions Divine Realm, they will see a Spirit Beast with Antiquity Sacred Beast bloodline appear, if it is …

If anyone can get this Spirit Beast, when the time comes, 10000 a Spirit Beast gets Divine Race Sacred Beast inheritance, and if the breakthrough reaches the Divine Realm, it is Supreme Existence.

Even, even if the Martial Artist is the master, the cultivation base or Martial Emperor, with Spirit Beast, can run the entire Ten Directions Star Domain, what a prestige! ?

At this moment, the amazing performance of Little White Bear immediately attracted the attention of many big brothers.

However, at this moment, a strange sound sounded …

“It’s a pity ah! It’s a pity …”

An interracial gangster, looking at the picture in the crystal screen, shook his head again and again, with a sad expression on his face.

“What a pity !?” someone asked.

“Did you not see !? This Spirit Beast, only the Imperial Realm cultivation base, can’t resist these phlegm at all. It will be lost soon! “

“What, … what !? Dark Sea Flame Spirit, hate Monster Beast !?” Someone wondered.

“Yes! There were some powerful Monster Beasts before. They crossed the sea. It seems that up to now, there is no Monster Beast. It can pass. This bear demon, I am afraid …”

Someone reacted again, nodded, and shook his head again.

Roar! roar! roar!

At the time of everyone’s mortal god, in the dark sea, suddenly a large fire wave raged, a group of huge fire spirits appeared suddenly, as if they saw a prey, moved towards the Little White Bear on the chain. go with.

Even the first 100 fire spirits who had gathered together to attack the clansman of the Celestial Clan, all turned around, moved towards Little White Bear.

In an instant, the entire sea of ​​meditation seemed to be boiling, and the endless spirits of meditation poured in like a tide.

The fire in the scorching area where Little White Bear is located has suddenly more than doubled!

“Not good! Fire Spirit found it!”

On the cliff, there was a cry of exclamation, everyone nervously looked towards Little White Bear above the chain, as if he had seen Little White Bear, next moment, and would be directly swallowed by the fire spirits coming like a frenzy.

“Hehe …”

However, everyone didn’t expect, on the iron chain, as the central position of all the fire spirits rushing towards, Little White Bear looked at the fire spirits all around, but grinned.

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