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Chapter 1757

In the core area of ​​the sea, which symbolizes the gateway to the island, Little White Bear stepped in directly without any impact.

Unlike the Celestial Clan who reached the core area before, Little White Bear entered the core area, not only the speed dropped, but also directly, buttocks, and sat down.

“What !? Sacred Beast stopped !?”

The outside world stared at the crystal curtain of the big races, and there was a look of shock at the same time on their faces. Of course they knew that the Little White Bear was not stopped by the powerful power of the core fire and the powerful pressure of the fire. Down.

Because, this is Little White Bear’s initiative, he stopped.

Compared with the previous clansman who reached the core area, there is a huge gap between the two.

“The core of the Nether Sea, the strength and quantity of the fire spirit, are far from comparable to the outside. It dare to stop, is this not courting death !?”

An interracial gangster, looking up at the sky crystal curtain, exclaimed.

You should know that Heaven ’s Chosen in front of them, after entering the core area of ​​the Nethersea, braved the attack of the sky and fire spirits. Even if it is slower, they will have to bite their teeth and go forward desperately, hoping to pass through the core area as soon as possible island.

Once there, it will be truly safe!

After all, within the scope of the Nether Island, the Pyrofire Fire Spirit cannot set foot, and the Fire Prestige will be minimized.

Therefore, this iron chain with a length of nearly 50 li is the most dangerous area, and it is also this piece of sea, which is a real test for everyone who enters the underworld and wants to get the legacy of Divine Race.

Before coming to the Nether Sea, the bigwigs of all ethnic groups will carefully teach Heaven’s Chosen in their own family, warning them that must pass through the core area of ​​the Nether Sea at the fastest speed, even if the pressure is great, don’t stay at all.

But now, Little White Bear’s approach has completely broken these … Experience!

At this time, Heaven’s Chosen in front of Little White Bear, even with a horrified face, just looked back at Little White Bear, then quickly turned around and quickly moved forward.

Now is the perfect opportunity to know that the original fire spirits, after the Little White Bear entered the core area, seemed to have found a pack of prey wolves, all moved towards Little White Bear.

Therefore, the pressure on Heaven’s Chosen, the original female, has been reduced by half.

Don’t leave now, just wait for a while, just want to leave, I’m afraid it’s all gone.

You should know that even the outer circle area of ​​Minghai has lost a full 50% of Heaven’s Chosen Heaven’s Chosen. This core area is afraid that even 30% of the survivors are 10000 lucky.

Therefore, the arrival of Little White Bear is tantamount to helping Heaven’s Chosen in disguise.

Such an opportunity, as Heaven’s Chosen, did not understand, so, under the leadership of the Heavenly Girl, the remaining Heavenly Girl Clan Heaven’s Chosen, after seeing the Little White Bear at a glance, quickly hurried away, moved towards the Nether Island go with.

As more than ten Heavenly Daughters’ Heaven’s Chosen ran away, more fire spirits turned around and moved towards Little White Bear.

It’s just that when they rushed to the Little White Bear for 1000 steps, they were blocked by a thick monster qi like a purple cloud, unable to rush in.

Moreover, from time to time, there will be a few lightning snake-like purple electricity, shooting from the purple monster qi, as if a few electric cables, binding a certain ghost flame spirit in the sky fire spirit, pulling it towards Little White Where Bear true body is.

Roar! roar! roar!

The prey was in front of him, but he couldn’t get close. He was blocked by monster qi, and suddenly the sky was full of anger, and he became extremely mad. When he sent out roar, he also hit the monster qi more crazily.

As a result, the pressure of Little White Bear began to gradually increase, and the expression that was originally full of lightness also became more and more dignified.

After all, Little White Bear is alone, blocking 1000 to 10000 ghost spirits, the pressure is not so great.

What’s more, almost 90% of these golden red ghost spirits are King Rank, which is several times stronger than the outer fire spirits.

I do n’t know how many years there have been, and I have been bred by the endless fire sea of ​​the sea, and how many have some wisdom wisdom.

After their impact on monster qi is blocked, more ghost spirits begin to gather slowly, concentrate their strength, and attack monster qi in a certain direction.

This tactic suddenly put the pressure on Little White Bear several times.

Of course, Little White Bear can completely give up swallowing the fire spirit, and like those of Heaven’s Choir Heaven’s Chosen, quickly pass this iron chain and go straight to the Nether Island.

However, after this period of devouring, Little White Bear discovered that these spirits of scorching flame, after being integrated into the body, will increase its bloodline power.

Let her Life Source Monster Crystal be more solid!

Little White Bear cultivation is not short in time and grows fast. Especially after encountering Chu Yan, it is basically a pile of swallows of Monster Crystal. Golden Pill eats when eating, and can encounter various opportunities to obtain a rapid increase.

However, this rapid improvement often leads to unstable foundation of demon cultivation base.

This problem has plagued Little White Bear for a long time, and has not been able to find a solution.

Among Monster Beasts, especially some powerful Monster Beasts, they often consolidate monster cultivator through deep sleep. Moreover, a few years of sleep, several decades, is very common.

However, Little White Bear doesn’t work, she has to follow Chu Yan, so, except in her childhood, she has hardly slept.

Therefore, the spirits of the underworld in front of her are the only opportunities she encountered to consolidate her monster cultivator, how could she be easily given up.

Over time, Little White Bear’s complexion became more and more dignified …

Devouring the speed of the fire spirits, the monster qi started to make ends meet, and the merged monster qi can’t resist the attack of the fire spirits outside.

In less than breath breaths, the purple demon cloud, which was originally nearly 1000 steps, was attacked by the fire spirits, which was reduced by 100 steps.

Moreover, the Little White Bear sitting on the iron chain, the animal body began to tremble slightly, and seemed to be unable to work.

“This guy…..”

On the cliff, Chu Yan black robe is like the wind, hunting lightly, a pair of Qilin pupils are running, taking the situation of the Little White Bear on the iron chain in the distance, taking in the entire scene.

Involuntarily a bitter laugh, shook the head, face full of helplessness.

Others do n’t know, how could Chu Yan not understand Little White Bear ’s thoughts …

Connected by Spiritual Consciousness, Chu Yan can easily sense that the current situation of Little White Bear is extremely dangerous, and it must support less than 2 hundred breaths at most, and the fleshy body will collapse and the demon soul will be annihilated.

But Little White Bear did not choose to get up and leave at all, but still clenched his teeth, sitting on the chain, completely motionless.

Not because Little White Bear is not afraid of death, but she knows that no matter what danger is encountered, Chu Yan will definitely save her!

So, Little White Bear never thought about leaving, but was waiting for Chu Yan to come over …


a black Jindian, shot from the cliff, rushed into the chain …

The silhouette, like a rainbow, swept past, pulled a long afterimage on the iron chain, and ran straight to the core area.

At that speed, almost naked eye disappeared, as if a ghost flashed.

The ghost fire in all directions, as well as the low rank fire spirits, is like nothing, and can’t cause any obstacle at all.

“Look, that Human Race!”

“God, so fast, what … what happened !?”

“Those fire spirits are useless to him !?”

“No … impossible! Is this child’s strength so strong ?!”


Seeing that Chu Yan rushed onto the iron chain and flashed across the outer circle area of ​​the sea like lightning, there was no trace of obstruction. The outsiders, as if hell, were shocked.

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