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Chapter 1758

Seeing Chu Yan, like a rainbow, swept across the sea, the big men of all races, with a look of horror.

Could it be that all the prohibitions on the underworld have disappeared! ?

The sky full of scorching flames, together with the scorching spirits like the tide, could not have any impact on Chu Yan at all. Even when Chu Yan silhouette passed by, the scorching flames and fire spirits all stagnate without any movement.

Looking at Chu Yan again, within ten steps of the week, Emperor Vermilion Bird of 5 colors is lingering in fire, and his golden light masterpiece is like God’s going across the sea.

“God, what is that human brat !?”

“5… 5 color fire !? That’s True Fire … No! It’s stronger than True Fire!”

“Human Race! Martial Artist of Human Race, how come to the Dark Sea !?”

“Does he want to get the Legacy of the 3 races left by Divine Race on Hades !?”


Numerous consternation eyes stared closely at Chu Yan Rudian silhouette, and all kinds of speculation made their hearts full of doubts.

Human Race is down!

The entire Azure Dragon World domain, even the foreign domain World, is known to everyone.

Over the past 100,000 years, there have been few human race talents in the major Danger Land and ruins.

Even if a few hidden Human Race powerhouses come out occasionally, they are often of inferior strength and simply cannot attract everyone’s attention.

But now, the Human Race Martial Artist in front of him, the golden light masterpiece of the whole body, Five Colored Divine Light body protection, falls in the eyes of the big men of all races, like a dazzling star out of the world, under the glory, just like in gradually The rising sun.

“Did this child get Human Race divine runes !?”

My heart is full of curiosity. There is no secret about the 3 clan legacy on the island. Everyone knows that the 3 bloodline races created by Divine Race include Demi-God, Tiannian and Human Race.

Only by obtaining the divine runes that Divine Race inheritance gives them, will they have the opportunity to obtain the secrets left by Divine Race in the heartland of Hades by their own Holy Son and Holy Lady.

However, Human Race, even the leader Divine Kingdom World, was captured by the Matriarchs, not to mention divine runes, and even the roots no longer exist.

So, even if this child is on Nether Island, what can it do! ?

“Maybe, like the Celestial Clan, this child wants to get Oracle from the altar through blood sacrifice to get news about Human Race divine runes and Holy Son !?”

Some of the big brothers looked at Chu Yan, who was amazed, and looked at the direction of the Celestial Clan not far away.

Tiannv clan, in the past 10000 years, in order to get Oracle, looking for Saintess, sacrificed many young supreme talent.

Even, every once in a while, a descendant of the bloodline strongest clansman will be selected by the divine runes in the clan, named Tiannian, sent to the nether island, blood sacrifice altar, in exchange for Oracle.

The descendants of bloodline strongest are often Heaven’s Chosen with the strongest potential in the family, which is very expensive!

For several 10000 years, the Celestial Clan did not know how many outstanding descendants Heaven’s Chosen had lost, but until now, the lost Saintess has not been found and the Celestial Clan Law on the Nether Island cannot be obtained.

But now, Human Race is just a person, what’s the use! ?

“Hmph! Want to get Oracle !? Dreaming!”

Suddenly, a coldly snorted sounded. Before the crystal screen, a group of purple robe aliens stared at Chu Yan in the crystal screen, the murderous aura with a full face.

These people are, the headed people, are the acquaintances of Chu Yan, Martial Emperor Li Tian!

At the beginning, Chu Yan broke through the shackles of the Vast Heaven Continent, crossed the Space-Time channel of the 9th layer mountain, and came to the continent of the outer domain.

Moreover, Chu Yan killed countless Heaven clan Heaven’s Chosen during the breakthrough Space-Time channel, and even caught Saint Clan of the clan clan.

This extraordinary shame and humiliation, the Ming tribe did not want to kill Chu Yan in revenge for a moment.

However, after Chu Yan rushed out of the Underworld, they never found a chance. Just in Vajra city, using hidden power, Chu Yan ran away.

However, at this time, at Ten Directions Divine Realm, they met Chu Yan again. With such a godsend opportunity, how could they miss it.

You should know that the Forbidden Land of the Nether Sea has not only the remains of the 3 clan, but also one of the ruins belonging to the nether clan.

A team of Heaven’s Chosen sent by the Ming tribe is already on the way to the sea.

“Subpoena, let Mo Wunian give them up, give up chasing and killing Ancient-Devil Race, and immediately rush to the sea, kill… .Chu Yan!”

Li Tian Martial Emperor’s face was somber and ordered in a low voice.


A Hades Deacon Elder ordered to take out Jade Talisman, Divine Consciousness sound transmission invaded Ten Directions Divine Realm.

“I haven’t seen it in half a year, this child’s strength has grown so much! Never stay!”

Li Tian Martial Emperor’s whole body was surging, imposing manner was like a tide, and the cold murderous aura 4 spread out, attracting all the clan leaders from all around.

“Yi!? Li Tian Martial Emperor, to deal with that Human Race Martial Artist !?”

“Yes, it looks like that human brat seems to offend the Ming clan, tsk tsk tsk…. Now he is dead!”

“The Ming tribe is also regarded as a great clan, a human brat, who dared to offend the Ming tribe, really courting death!”

“The land of the Nether Sea is also where the ruins of the Nether tribe are located. This time, I am afraid that it is hard to avoid calamity!”

“Unfortunately, unfortunately, Human Race is down …”


The bigwigs of all ethnic groups shook their heads in regret, didn’t expect, such a dazzling new star, just risen, it will be damaged, naturally let people sigh.

Martial Dao World, powerhouse is respected!

In particular, some powerful forces, with countless powerhouses, are even more respectable.

Just like the Ming clan, the number of Martial Emperor is probably a few 100, and the power is like the sun at high noon. Although it cannot be compared with the strong clan of Peak, it is considered to be extremely strong in 2nd Rate Influence.

In particular, according to rumors, the Nether tribe has secretly surrendered to the Wu clan. In recent 10000 years, it has been supported by the Wu clan. The strength of the young Martial Artist in the clan has become more and more outstanding, and there is a trend of being among the 1st Rate Influence .

Such a force, don’t say a Martial Emperor lord, even if it is a junior Heaven’s Chosen, you can wipe out the fallen Human Race, any Martial Artist.

Missing so far, some aliens have looked sideways, looked towards the big screen of the crystal screen, and moved their eyes to find …

Sure enough, a distance of less than 10,000 li from the sea of ​​meditation, a group of Martial Artists of the meditation group was turning rapidly, moved towards the cliff of the meditation sea, and flew at a rapid speed.


On the other side, the fire area of ​​the dark sea, above the iron lock.

Chu Yan flew in a hurry, moved towards Little White Bear quickly approached, five-color flames blazed all over the body, golden light spilled out, and the speed was amazing.

Little White Bear is in danger. Chu Yan did not dare to neglect. He directly used Vermilion Bird Emperor Fire and Rakshasa golden body power to disperse all the enemies attacked by all around.

In the eyes of others, Chu Yan’s move seemed extremely relaxed, but Chu Yan himself knew that these black flames and fire spirits still caused some resistance to him.

“Immortal inflammation is really good!”

Chu Yan stepped on the iron lock, his eyes were thunderous, his face slightly sullen.

Chu Yan was the first time he encountered an unusual fire that could compete with Vermilion Bird Emperor Fire. Somewhat surprised him.

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