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Vermilion Bird Emperor Fire, although it is not the final form yet, is by no means comparable to ordinary fire.

As long as Chu Yan finds a way to upgrade Vermilion Bird Martial Soul to War Soul, Vermilion Bird Emperor Fire can be truly released.

At that time, the prestige of Emperor Fire would be more than ten times that of now, far exceeding the existence of True Fire.

In the past, Chu Yan was in a low-cost World, like the Vast Heaven Continent of 3 Star, including the current 2 Star Outtin Continent, and all kinds of different fires encountered were worse than the Vermilion Bird Emperor Fire.

However, stepping into the Ten Directions Divine Realm, this Antiquity period, where Divine Race is located, it turned out to be a powerful alien fire such as Ning Yan.

“Symbiosis! Is there no way to incinerate !?”

Looking at the endless sea of ​​infernal flames in front of him, how could Chu Yan not be moved.

After the awakening of his Martial Soul, the speed of Martial Dao cultivation base is like flying, most of which is due to Vermilion Bird’s “burning refining gas” and soul skill!

Regardless of anything, as long as it is not alive, Vermilion Bird Emperor Fire can incinerate it into pure Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi and turn it into True Qi, which has been used.

Therefore, if the sea of ​​gloomy flames in front of you, if it can be burned, then …

“Dark Flame, the fire of Extreme Yin, like the fire but the ice, contains the rich Yin Fiend Qi … Hmm !? Yin Fiend Qi !?”

Sea of ​​Consciousness is like electricity, Chu Yan keeps pondering, suddenly, his eyes suddenly light up, as if thinking of something.

If Yin Fiend Qi said, he has the same means.

“Holy Rakshasa … Rakshasa refining the domain!”

With a low roar, Chu Yan’s black qi flooded like a tide.

Large shares of Rakshasa True Qi turned into a dark cloud, like wind and waves, moved towards 4 sides, all directions spread out.

Chu Yan seldom uses this Rakshasa refining domain, but he is the other biggest card besides “back against water”.

As a hole card, it is natural to keep it secret. If you use it well and make it well known, the effect of the hole card will be greatly reduced.

In Qi Sea, thirty inner cores run in unison, endless Rakshasa True Qi, rushing all directions.

In less than a few hours, above the iron lock, within 1000 steps, all turned into a world of black fog.

Even Little White Bear, not far away, was enveloped.

Others do n’t know, Little White Bear is quite familiar with Chu Yan ’s Rakshasa refining domain, so when the thick black fog shrouded in, Little White Bear suddenly grinned and his face relaxed immediately.

On the one hand, it was because of the Rakshasa refinement that Little White Bear knew that Chu Yan had already shot.

On the other hand, it was because Rakshasa swept through the refining domain, and the formidable power of all around, began to drop significantly, and the pressure on her naturally reduced a lot.

Especially those fire spirits, when they saw the appearance of the Rakshasa refining domain, it was as if the mouse had seen the cat.


Suddenly, in the dark fog, a dark golden giant shadow, holding a gold and silver double fork, a pair of fishy red eyes, swept 4 directions.

Saint Rakshasa true body, appeared!

At the time of Medicine Sect, Chu Yan held the black and white Rakshasa Order, and for the first time merged the true body of Saint Rakshasa.

Later, Chu Yan also performed a few times, but there are few opportunities to directly summon out Rakshasa true body, and the chance of success is not high.

However, how didn’t expect, a few days ago, Chu Yan blended the heart of the boundary with Divine Kingdom World, using the mountain and river myriad beasts map, carrying Nine Nether Palace, and placed it after Divine Kingdom World.

Sea of ​​Consciousness Rakshasa illusory shadow in the inner tower hall, strangely promoted, completed 2 awakenings, transformed into Holy Rakshasa true body.

Therefore, Chu Yan is now using the Rakshasa refining domain, the domain’s formidable power, far more than before.

Weng! weng! weng!

Within the range covered by Saint Rakshasa’s refining domain, all Yin Fiend Qi contained in the Underworld Flame is suspended in the sky, directly absorbed by the gold and silver forks in the hands of Saint Rakshasa true body.

As if there were 2 tornadoes and 4 sides of all directions, one black one white 2 cyclones poured into the golden trident and silver fork respectively.

Along with this, Yin Fiend Qi disappeared like a low tide in the fire within the confines of the holy Rakshasa refining domain.

In a blink of an eye, the flames within 1000 steps are reduced by more than 30%.

“Originally! This ghost inflammation is the Extreme Yin, contains Yin-Yang Avenue! Good! Very good!”

Seeing this scene, Chu Yan’s eyes flashed with a surprise color, looking up at the Saint Rakshasa true body above his head, Yin Fiend Qi, who was engulfing the inflamed madness, and the gold and silver forks became brighter.

Yin Fiend Qi in Enlightenment is swallowed, and Enlightenment may be irreversible, much worse than before.

Martial Soul World, Yin-Yang reunite, mutualism will overcome each other.

Originally, when he arrived at the sea of ​​meditation, Chu Yan judged that medicaments were useful to Vermilion Bird.

But now, after losing the original Yin Fiend Qi, it is no longer the original one.

Water can kill fire, on the contrary, fire can kill water!

“Vermilion Bird Emperor Fire, burn me!”

Angry roar, Chu Yan waved his big hand, hiding the sky and the fire waves covering the earth, carrying 5 colors of light, sweeping the sky.

hu! hu! hu!

The waves of fire swept through, and the vast expanse of flames seemed to melt like ice and snow, melted in an instant, and turned into countless fire stars.

But in the blink of an eye, within 1000 steps, the dark flame, including the fire spirit, disappeared without a trace.

When Chu Yan withdrew the holy Rakshasa refining domain and looked up, there was a vacuum zone above the vast expanse of the sea.

“Yi!? Vermilion Bird Martial Soul improved !?”

A little induction, on the Martial Soul mountain in the Sea of ​​Consciousness, Vermilion Bird Martial Soul, the whole body of the fire is rushing, rays of light 10,000 zhang, circling the sky, mighty sky.

“Didn’t expect, this scorching flame can actually improve the origin of Vermilion Bird, very good!”

At this moment, Chu Yan’s eyes are as bright as stars, and his face is full of surprises. Compared with other heavenly materials earthly treasures and remains cultivation technique and so on, for the current Chu Yan, this is the only chance to enhance Martial Soul. Can make him excited.

Promoting the soul of war!

Chu Yan is now, the most important goal!

And these phlegm can actually promote Vermilion Bird Martial Soul, is that possible, and can also allow Vermilion Bird Martial Soul to directly advance to the soul of war! ?

Chu Yan flashed in his mind, ecstatic in his heart, Chu Yan, who was still there, suddenly stood up and flew directly away from the iron lock, moved towards the deeper sea of ​​deep sea.

On the fly, on Chu Yan, the black Rakshasa True Qi rolled like a raging cloud, and 4 spread out.

Wherever they passed, the flames of the dark sea disappeared one after another.


Outside, in front of the crystal curtain.

A group of aliens, all eyes at this time, all stared at the black robe silhouette on the crystal screen, counted 10000 big men, as if petrified, standing on the spot.

What … what happened! ?

That Human Race can even devour the sea fire …

How can this be! ?

Originally, the Little White Bear of Antiquity Sacred Beast bloodline, devouring the spirit of Hades, has already surprised them.

Now it’s ok, here comes a declining Human Race young man, who even swallowed the sea of ​​underworld directly. ?

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