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Nether sea, an unknown island.


Chu Yan waved his hand, True Qi rolled over, more than 30 meditation beads in front of them, all of them were in Rakshasa Space.

With the retreat of over 100 fish monsters, Chu Yan True Qi slowly restrained himself, and 9 Mingdiwei gradually dissipated.

On this island, more than 30 meditation beads were harvested. Although the number is not large, the number collected on the previous islands exceeds 200.

With 9 emperors, the fish demon on these islands are extremely obedient.

Even without Chu Yan’s opening, as long as 9 Nether Emperor Wei is released, these fish demon will scramble to offer Nether Beads.

“Good! More than 200 pieces, it should be enough for Little White…. Hmm !?”

Chu Yan’s face was full of smiles, slightly nodded, and he didn’t finish a word. Suddenly his face suddenly started and turned his head towards the distance.

“Aura of Little White Bear, weakened !?”

After a brief induction, Chu Yan’s complexion sank, within both eyes, flickered with a haze.

“Little White Bear is in danger!”


With both feet stomping on the ground, the silhouette of Chu Yan, like a black sword, rises from the ground. The powerful force of upward blast continuously explodes 3 Layer gas bursts and rises into the sky.

Uh …!

The long afterimage, like a black lightning, moved towards the direction of the iron lock of the cliff, and flew away.

Under the speed of horror, in the sky, a black robe remnant of a long zhang was pulled out, and even the void was buzzing and trembling.

There is a spiritual bond between Chu Yan and Little White Bear, so any changes in Little White Bear, even if they are separated by 1000 miles and 10,000 li, can be sensed by Chu Yan.

Just like when Chu Yan was in the Swallowing the Heavens Tower, Little White Bear could also sense Chu Yan’s aura change. Even if there was space, he hurried away.

This is Martial Soul World, the spiritual contract!

But just now, Chu Yan clearly sensed that the Little White Bear’s aura was suddenly weak, and it was obviously the state when he was fighting and injured.

Therefore, Chu Yan concluded that Little White Bear is in danger!

Abandoning the plan to collect the Mingzhu directly, Chu Yan opened at full speed, just like a black Flood Dragon. The eagle struck the sky, with a breath of 10 li, and moved quickly towards the cliff iron lock.



The battle between the two sides broke out directly!

Tiannian held a nine colored whip and fought Morey alone, while Little White Bear and a dozen clansman who still had battle strength, clung to Mo Siqian.

However, Morey and Mo Siqian obviously have the upper hand.

Especially with Skyrim, the Enforcement of Swallowing the Heavenly Python, Morey and Mo Siqian’s battle strength have increased by more than 3 times.

At this moment, Morey laughed at the face, wielded the sword in his hand, and resolved the whip shadow attacked by the Heavenly Maiden. At the same time, he slapped a palm in the Heavenly Maid’s vest, which made her bloody again!


From in midair, he fell down and smashed to the ground. The color feather gang yuan around Tiannian’s body was getting fewer and fewer. The blood-stained long skirt was obviously injured.

Teng took a leap from the ground, and Tiannv raised her slender hands and gently wiped the blood on the corners of her mouth. Morey looked towards in midair, and her face was full of anger.

Looking back slowly, the Heavenly Lady looked towards not far away, the huge altar with one big, two small, and three altars in one, a sad color flashed across her face.

The large and small altar is the remains of the Celestial Clan!

It’s just a pity that after losing the Celestial Saintess, this altar may never be opened …

“Ha ha ha, stop dreaming!”

Morey, seeing Heavenly Girl looked towards the altar, suddenly laughed loudly. “You Celestial Clan, without Saintess, no bloodline at all, can activate the altar!”

“So, you now are not qualified to fight me, and even your Celestial Clan are also not qualified!”

“Ha ha ha….”

Amidst the wanton laughter, Morey slashed back …


With a sharp glow of rich blood-reeking qi, she glanced over Tian Nu’s side and made her expression startled, then the complexion greatly changed, and suddenly looked back.

But I saw that the bloody blade glow crossed her body and cut straight behind her, the 10000-color altar beyond 3 steps.


In a loud bang, the 3-color altar was violently shaken and dusty!

“Morley, you are courting death!”

Seeing this scene, Tiannian’s eyes were crimson for a moment, she was arrogantly screaming, her body was full of colorful feathers, like a raging tide, and the long whip in her hand radiated 10000 colorful lights.

“Skystrike, Broke Feather!”

In the soft voice, the sky girl’s whole body of colored feathers rose up to the sky like 10000 7-color meteors, hiding the sky and covering the earth, moved towards Morey.

At the same time, the long whip in his hand waved the sky, forming a colorful sky, follow closely from behind, and went straight away.

The next moment, a path of whiplash, redraws above each a color feather, and explodes directly, exploding layers of air waves.

Every time a color feather explodes, it turns into a layer of color waves, moved towards Morey swept away, and at the same time merges with the whip shadow, making the whip shadow might rise.

bang! bang! Boom … Rumble!

This move, might monstrous, as the Number One Genius of the Celestial Clan, Celestial Women’s powerful strength instantly erupted to the extreme.

“Hmph! The ants only!”

Seeing the whip shadows and the colorful waves striking layer by layer, Morley was disdainful and sneered, seeming to be completely unconcerned.

Immediately, his opponent seals, shoots a path of dark red and prints, soaring into the sky, echoing the tumbling blood swallowing the sky python in the sea of ​​blood in the sky.

Roar! roar!

The Swallowing Python made a roar, bloody mouth wide open, fangs sensuous, spouting a huge pillar of blood light, fell straight in front of Morey, and turned into a huge bloody light shield.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

In an instant, no matter whether it was a whiplash or a wave of colorful feathers, it blasted on that bloody light shield and shattered one after another, unable to break through the defense of the blood shield.

“Ha ha ha, trash, too trash! Ha ha ha …”

Standing behind the Blood Shield, Morey laughed endlessly, his face contemptuous, and looked at the amazed Heavenly Girl, as if looking down on the trivial ant.

Ao ao !

At this moment, a purple silhouette, rushing from the side, fiercely slammed into Morey in laughter.

“En !?”

In a flash, Morey couldn’t help but was blocked by his backhand, and suddenly a huge force struck him. He was slammed back a dozen steps before he stabilized his body.

“You … courting death!”

Suddenly looked up, a pair of blood eyes looked at Little White Bear, Morey gritted his teeth.

Immediately afterwards, Morey’s blood energy surged throughout the body, pouring into the sword in his hand, fiercely a knife, moved towards Little White Bear.


The blade glow is like blood, shuttling through the void, wherever it passes, the void is cracked, and a straight blood line is cut, straight on the bear paw held up by Little White Bear.

Suddenly, the Little White Bear was slammed into the air and flew 100 steps before it rolled to the ground.


A bite of blood spurted out, Little White Bear laughed, took out a bottle of Golden Pill again, and poured it into his mouth.

As Golden Pill entered his mouth, Little White Bear’s injuries quickly recovered, and his body’s monster qi was surging, rising and recovering at the same time.

“En !? So many Golden Pill !?”

Seeing Little White Bear eat Golden Pill as a meal, Morey’s face started, and immediately abandoned the Heavenly Girl, moved towards Little White Bear strode forward.

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