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Morey had a feeling that the threat of this demon bear was even greater than the threat of the Sky Lady.

Moreover, the ghost blood swallowed the sky python just now, it also issued hostility to the demon bear, and should feel the threat as well.

Therefore, when Morey saw Little White Bear continuously pull out Golden Pill to recover his injury and monster qi, he immediately reacted. This monster bear is probably not simple.

Because, even if it is a celestial girl of the celestial family, like this Monster Beast, Golden Pill is not eaten as a meal.

“Little beast! You are that force !?”

Morey, holding the sword, pointed at Little White Bear, who bounced off the ground, and asked proudly.

“Who the little beast scolds !?”

Dangdang, who has recovered the body of the little girl, heard Morey’s words, but he opened his mouth and said.

“Little beast of course scolds … Hmm !?”

Almost subconsciously, as soon as Morey answered, he found that he fell into the trap of Little White Bear.

According to Little White Bear, I became a little beast!

Suddenly, Morey, who was so angry with his nostrils, the sword in his hand raised, and the whole body’s blood energy was like a wave, shouted

“Report your Sect, otherwise die!”

“Hmph! I don’t have Sect, I’m mixing with Boss!” Little White Bear lightly snorted, his face twisted, moved towards the direction of the sea behind him, curl one’s lip said.

“Boss !? You are … Loose Cultivator !? hehe …”

Hearing Little White Bear’s answer, a light of laughter suddenly appeared on Morley’s face, and in his blood-red eyes, the light shone.

“In this case, then you submit to me immediately and become my slave, I can spare you!” Mo Thunder Dao.

“It’s up to you, too !? Bah!” Little White Bear looked disgusted, moved towards Morey’s mouth.

“I’m not worthy !? ha ha ha….”

Hearing Little White Bear ’s words, Morey smiled without anger and said with smug face.

“My Morey is the Holy Son of the Clan, and now I awakened the Antiquity Sacred Beast of the Clan. From today, even the Azure Dragon World domain will belong to the Clan!”

“And I, as the Holy Son of the Clan, is also the Lord of the Clan in the future!”

“So, this Holy Son gives you one last chance to be my slave beast!”

On the ground, Morley’s face was full of triumph and arrogance, his chin high, looking at Little White Bear, the color of his face.

In his view, under such circumstances, Little White Bear has no choice at all.

However, next, Little White Bear’s answer was completely unexpected.

“Dog, fart! Even if you’re Emperor Laozi, it’s not as good as my Boss!” Little White Bear is basically to disdain as beneath contempt, and he’s too lazy to look at Morey.

“What !? Who the hell are you Boss !?” A trace of anger appeared on Morey’s face.

Originally, he just thought that the Monster Beast that can enter the Ten Directions Divine Realm must have out of the ordinary, so he wanted to accept Little White Bear as a slave beast, but didn’t expect that the other party simply disdain him, this He was quite surprised, and there was a sudden interest.

“My Boss is Chu Yan! In the future, it will be my Boss!”

Little White Bear leaned on his chest and said with a smug look.

“And you, still … count as a fart!”

In a word, Little White Bear waved his bear’s paw, directly took out a piece of Spirit Mark Jade Talisman, and flicked away and moved towards Morey.


Spirit Mark Jade Talisman shot, flew 100 steps, directly hit Morey.

I originally heard Little White Bear’s words, his face started, just about to open his mouth, but when he looked up, he saw a shadow, came straight, suddenly waved his hand, and a piece of blood light spilled out.

Spirit Mark collides with blood light, thunder-fire intersects, and the formidable power exploded far beyond Morley’s imagination.

The thunder and lightning of the violent fire rushed away in an instant, and the strength of the grab was rushed back to Morley ten steps before barely standing.

“You … bold!”

Morey face shy, shouted at Little White Bear.

However, before he flew, in the distance, a purple clothes flew over and fell directly in front of him, but … Mo Siqian.

“You just said, what’s your Boss name !?” Mo Siqian’s expression was almost spitting in his eyes.

“Listen to me, my Boss is called … Chu Yan!” Little White Bear shouted.

“Chu Yan !?”

“Chu Yan !?”

Morey and Mo Siqian’s faces changed at the same time, and they turned their heads to look at each other. A cold killing intent appeared in the eyes of two people.

For Chu Yan, the upper and lower clan is known to everyone, known to everyone!

Especially among all the young genius of the Ming tribe, Chu Yan’s name is like thunder piercing the ear.

For Mo Siqian, Vast Heaven Continent tried a line. She was held hostage by Chu Yan and lost her face. Although in the end, Chu Yan kept her promise and let her go, but after returning to the Underworld, all clansman are in Look at her jokes.

If it is not the Master, I am afraid that even her Saintess position may not be able to keep it.

For Morey, just after opening the remains of the Nether tribe and releasing the blood of the Netherworld, he received a message from Litian Martial Emperor, and ordered him to find Chu Yan as soon as the opening was successful, to avenge Mo Wunian.

In other words, Mo Wunian’s loss fell on Chu Yan’s hands!

Mo Wunian, that is the youngest generation of their next generation of Blood Race, the strongest genius, in the 3 domains of the Ming Clan, can also be ranked in the top 10.

Moreover, at this time, more than 300 clansman of the Ming tribe entered the Ten Directions Divine Realm. Except for him and Mo Siqian, they rushed directly to the ruins of the Minghai, and everyone else followed Mo Wunian’s actions.

Therefore, Morey listened to the content of Litian Martial Emperor’s message, didn’t expect including Mo Wunian, more than 300 geniuses of the Ming tribe all fell into the hands of Chu Yan.

What is this concept! ?

The genius, who can represent the Ming tribe in the Ten Directions Divine Realm, is almost the strongest group of young people of this generation.

All of a sudden, Chu Yan was killed by Jing Yan, which is equivalent to making the Ming clan appear to be in a state of dysfunction.

Such a bloody hatred, he, as a Holy Son, must of course repay!

Suddenly I heard that the owner of this Little White Bear turned out to be Chu Yan. Suddenly, Morey and Mo Siqian were in charge of killing intent.

“good, very good, excellent!”

Mo Siqin looked at Little White Bear, with a pair of beautiful big eyes, but full of viciousness, he even said three good words.

Just a moment ago, she was alone in fighting against a dozen females of the day female clan, and she was half killed by her, and all the corpse was thrown to him by him.

Nether blood swallowed the sky python to devour corpse, such a bloody and cruel scene, but she didn’t even frown.

“Since, your master is Chu Yan, then … you must die!”

In a word, Mo Siqian stepped forward, moved towards Little White Bear, long sword and blood light lingering in his hand.

“Dark Blood Abyss! Die!”

Blood Sword is high, moved towards Little White Bear, fiercely falls …

At this moment, whether it was the injured Little White Bear, or not far away, the same blood-stained heavenly lady was all trembling, and his face was all dead and desperate.

After all, they have no power to fight anymore …

However, it didn’t even wait for Blood Sword to fall in Mo Siqian’s hand. On the far edge of the sky, a black lightning, rushing in, a cold voice resounded through the sky.

“Damn, it’s you!”

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