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Drinking like thunder, a black robe silhouette, like a sharp arrow, directly separates the blood clouds and gallops.


Almost a cold sound rang in the ears of everyone, while the black silhouette had descended to the ground of the nether island, just before the little white bear.

“Boss !”

Little White Bear’s eyes were bright, and he turned around Chu Yan several times in excitement.

“Um hmph!”

However, the injury was immediately affected, and the Little White Bear suddenly issued a groan in pain, and the body was slightly trembled!

“Quickly swallow the Golden Pill, and the rate adjustment will resume!”

Seeing this scene, Chu Yan suddenly complexion sank, slightly narrows the eyes, cold light flashed in the pupil light, became more intense.

“Well, Boss! It’s yours, but the big insect, it’s me!”

Little White Bear um, nodded, raised his hand to the top of his head, wandering in the sea of ​​bloody clouds and swallowing the sky python, said to Chu Yan.

“OK! It’s you, it’s you!”

Chu Yan agreed quickly, but he didn’t look at the swallowing Tian Python who was roaring on top of his head.

Hearing Chu Yan’s promise, Little White Bear’s immediately excited ao ao yelled, his eyes gleaming, looked up at the sky’s ghost blood swallowing the sky python, grinned, and then turned and walked not far away, began to adjust interest restore.

“En !? Heavenly girl !?”

Chu Yan glanced at the clansman, the Celestial Clan, who was dead and wounded, and even the Celestial Girl was seriously injured and fell to the ground, covered with blood, and even had no strength to stand up.

“Hurry up and swallow Golden Pill! These 2 rubbish, leave it to me!”

Chu Yan waved a hand, threw a bottle of Golden Pill, threw it to Tian Nu, squeezed a smile, and said to Tian Nu.

“You … you are careful, they are strong, they have awakened the Antiquity Sacred Beast Remnant Soul of the Ming tribe, they are offering sacrifices, they can’t … they can’t let them succeed, otherwise, Antiquity Sacred Beast is fully resurrected, we … we …”

Tian Nu was worried, and kept reminding, but before he finished, Chu Yan waved his hand and said

“OK! I’m all understood, you can rest assured! Since I’m back, I won’t get their arrogance!”

Between the words, Chu Yan slowly turned around, the light of the pupil lifted lightly, and looked towards the sky far away, like the Blood Dragon swarming in the bloody sea of ​​clouds, swallowing the sky python, could not help but grin, showing a trace of ridicule, muttered

“Hmph! Blood swallowing the sky python …. It’s you who finds it!”

The word fell to the ground, and originally fiercely stared at Chu Yan’s Morey and Mo Siqian, and started at the same time!

“What !? Are you looking for a bloody swallowing sky python !? Do you know my antiquity Sacred Beast !?”

Morey stared at Chu Yan and asked with a stunned expression.

“Of course I don’t know, but someone knows!” Chu Yan’s mouth was light, and the pupil light was like thunder, sweeping Morey and Mo Siqian, and smiled strangely.

This smile fell on the eyes of the Holy Clan Holy Son and Saintess. Suddenly, the whole body couldn’t be shaken by his own master. I didn’t know that a cold rushed to the whole body, so they had an extremely bad hunch!

“Chu Yan, you and I are my enemies, it should be counted!”

Mo Siqian was deeply exhaled, urged within the body blood energy, dispelled the inexplicable coldness, stepped out in one step, Blood Sword pointed finger towards Chu Yan in his hand, opening tenderly shouted.

“It’s up to you, it’s also worthy!” Chu Yan said with a sneer, and immediately, but slammed, “Mu Wanxi, come out!”


A purple clothes silhouette of gold silk, split open space, silhouette from the virtual solidification, slowly appeared in front of Chu Yan.

“pay respects to Master !”

As soon as Mu Wanxi appeared, he bowed down and bowed to Chu Yan.

“Let’s get up!” Chu Yan waved his hand slightly, lifted Mu Wanxi’s lovable body, and said, “It’s time, this is the place you are looking for!”

Mu Wanxi heard Chu Yan’s words and swept the spirit eye. At a glance, he suddenly saw the tall altar not far away, and exclaimed suddenly.

“3-color altar !?”

“Good! And the big bug! Just above the head …” Chu Yan nodded raised his hand again and said.

“Blood swallowing the sky python !?” Mu Wanxi pointed to Chu Yan, and at a glance saw the cloud, suddenly stopped, looked away towards the ground, swallowed the sky python again, and said in shock.

However, in the next breath, a very excited expression appeared on Mu Wanxi’s face, and even the entire body was trembling slightly.

“Many thanks Master! Xi’er will live up to the oath and serve Master forever!”

After some excitement, Mu Wanxi thanked Chu Yan again.

“No! Everything is doomed! You … go! Protect the Fa for you!” Chu Yan smiled softly and said to Mu Wan.


Mu Wanxi’s spirit eye trembles, gently nodded, then lotus step moves slightly, moved towards the 3-color altar.

But at this time, the whole scene, everyone looked at Mu Wanxi with a dull face, did not understand at all, she came out of there! ?

Moreover, it seems that she is related to the three-color altar! ?

Even the Little White Bear in healing, eyes opened, looking at Mu Wanxi, a look of anticipation.

Others do n’t know that Little White Bear, as Chu Yan ’s spiritual partner, is of course clear, so Mu Wanxi ’s approach to the 3-color altar also made her extremely curious about the next scene.

“Chu … Yan, dare you ignore me !?”

Mo Siqian, who was standing not far in front of Chu Yan, was about to explode in anger, fiercely said verbatim.

“Dark Sea Nirvana, 9th rebirth!”

“God, still that day! The world, but it is no longer the world …”

Watching Mu Wanxi wandering towards the 3-color altar, Chu Yan’s heart was mixed with 100 feelings, murmured lightly said.

He naturally heard Mo Siqian’s words, but in his eyes, whether it was Mo Siqian or Morey, they were already dead and no longer important.

Because, hurt Little White Bear, that’s why they must die.

Even the goddess who had known her for a few days, Chu Yan was regarded as a friend and also hurt them.


It has been endless with Chu Yan life and death, and has a big hatred!

Chu Yan has vowed to see one killing one …

And now, Chu Yan did not provoke them. They dared to take the initiative to provoke Chu Yan. This is simply courting death!

Just cultivate base breakthrough to the quasi-imperial rank, at this time, just use these 2 people to try battle strength.

“Holy Son Saintess, right?”

Chu Yan turned slowly, his eyes blazing coldly, looking towards Morey and Mo Siqian, sneaked.

“Good! Chu Yan, you are my enemies of the Ming clan. In this Ten Directions Divine Realm, Mo Wunian and more than 300 clansman of the Ming clan were killed. This is a mortal crime!”

Morey looked at Chu Yan, aura surging all over his body, connecting with the blood of the sky above the sky, swallowing the sky python, suddenly imposing manner on his body, his face also regained his arrogant color, and then said

“Since you know that we are Holy Sons and Saintess, and we also know the blood of swallowing the sky python! Today is the day when the Ming clan is in great luck. You are a good luck and give you a chance to commit suicide! Otherwise … hmph! “

“Let me commit suicide !?” Chu Yan sneered.

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