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As the towering silhouette appeared above the Blood River, everyone’s eyes turned around and looked.

This silhouette all around, a statue of blood ghosts with different body shapes emerged at the same time.

In an instant, before Ten Directions Divine Realm opened, myriad beasts simultaneously attacked the sky dome and appeared again.

It’s just that at this time, including that sword-shaped illusory shadow, there are 10000 Blood Soul beasts, but they are floating in the sky, looking calmly at the direction of the broken bridge.

Facing the gaze of the 10000 Blood Soul beast shadow and the humanoid illusory shadow, Chu Yan looked calm and looked at them as well.

At this moment, the wind stayed in the clouds, Heaven and Earth was quiet, and even the blood rivers stopped flowing.

It took ten breaths for a whole time, and the humanoid illusory shadow on the opposite side finally moved!

I saw him wielding big swords, 10000 Blood Soul beasts, roaring together, and at the same time cast a different light, moved towards the humanoid illusory shadow, and condensed away.


Void tremor, sky dome blooming, huge bloody light group, like a round of red sun, appeared before the broken bridge.

Immediately afterwards, with the humanoid illusory shadow, the big sword in his hand fell gently, and his right palm was pushed flat. During that round of red sun, he moved towards Chu Yan and slowly flew away.

Waiting in front of Chu Yan, it has evolved into a fist sized blood spar, emitting 10000 red lights.

The rich blood energy spilled out, making Chu Yan within the body blood boiling.

“Blood … Blood Spirit!”

Wu Mofeng’s eyes were split, watching Chu Yan reach out and grab the bloody spar in his hand. The whole person resembled a cat stepped on its tail, making a wailing howl.

“No! No! No! Then … that’s mine! I’m Wu Mofeng!”

Wu Mufeng’s eyes were bloodshot and screamed, pointing to Chu Yan and said, “How can you pass through so many Divine Race ruins as a subordinate Emperor Order? Is it possible that your strength is stronger than that of my Peak Associate Peak? Is it? This is impossible! “

“This Human Race garbage is not worthy of the Blood River Spirit!”

Wu Mufeng’s face was twisted and almost crazy. Fiercely stared at Chu Yan fiercely, his teeth clacking.

“Heavenly Punishment Great Elder!”

At this moment, in the direction of Human Race, Ling Shuangtian slowly turned around, looking towards the Wu clan camp, with a cold face

“This Ten Directions Divine Realm, after countless sessions, has never heard of any problems, Noble disciple, such behavior, is provoking the dignity of my Human Race Nine Sects !? If so, do n’t blame me for Noble disciple, you ’re welcome! “

On the ground, everyone in the audience suddenly looked awkward and turned their heads together, looking towards Maori Heavenly Punishment Great Elder.

They didn’t expect, Human Race this time, it was so strong, first that Chu Yan, born out of nowhere, took the first place in this session of Ten Directions Divine Realm in one fell swoop.

Now, Human Race 9 Supreme Sect, and in front of many strong clan continent in the outland, directly challenge the Heavenly Punishment Great Elder of the Matriarch.

Is it true that Human Race, which has lost millions of years, is really going to rise! ?

The direction of the Matriarch, Heavenly Punishment Great Elder, a look of coldness, first glanced at Ling Shuangtian, lightly snorted with a disdainful face, then turned his head, looked towards Chu Yan above the broken bridge, coldly said

“Chu Yan, in this time Ten Directions Divine Realm, my Wu clan lost more then 100 clan genius, including Wu Tianli and Wu Hongtian, did you kill them all !?”

This sentence fell to the ground, and the audience was quiet for a while. Everyone looked at Chu Yan with amazement.

Even Ling Shuangtian, the big men of the Supreme Race of Human Race 9 were all in amazement, and they looked at Chu Yan with disbelief.

What … what! ?

Chu Yan, actually killed Wu Tianli! ? Kill Wu Hongtian! ?

Who is Wu Tianli! ?

That is the direct disciple of King Heavenly Punishment of the 7th King of Matriarch.

Wu Hongtian ’s identity is even more terrifying, but it is the existence of 700 ranked ranks among the 97 princes of the Wu nationality, which is qualified to succeed the genius of the witch king.

It’s just that, the human race gangsters, the consternation on his face flashed through, and next, the pupil light was bright.

If it’s true….

That ’s why Chu Yan ’s strength has surpassed Wu Tianli and Wu Hongtian. In this way, Chu Yan ’s future Martial Dao achievement may be beyond the imagination of everyone present.

shua! shua! shua!

A group of Human Race gangsters suddenly turned their heads, looking towards the Maori Heavenly Punishment Great Elder, all with battle intent, True Qi surging.

In an instant, in the ancient city, the atmosphere instantly became extremely tense.

Human Race, even with the Wu clan, right! ?

The atmosphere is tense, Ling Shuangtian sneaked, pupil light flashes, opened the mouth and said

“Heavenly Punishment Great Elder, there is empirical evidence for this!”

This sentence said that Heavenly Punishment Great Elder, and a group of Matriarchs, started together.

Positive! ?

There will be evidence!

At that time, the Heavenly Eye curtain of the Holy Crystal Clan had not yet been opened, and all those who followed Wu Tianli and Wu Hongtian had nothing to say.

As for the conclusion that Chu Yan killed them, it is only the speculation of Heavenly Punishment Great Elder and Martial Emperor, of course, there is no empirical evidence!

So, in this case, others said, yes.

However, as the Maori, the Heavenly Punishment Hall Great Elder, words and deeds, all represent Maori, of course, you can’t talk casually.

A pair of snake pupils, constantly flashing, pondering for a moment, Heavenly Punishment Great Elder squeezed a smile on his face, replied

“Ling Pavilion Lord laughed, I just asked at random, it doesn’t have to be this way!”

To retreat to advance, this trick, as a senior Wu people, can be described as a pure fire flame.

At the very least, in the face of continent in the outer realm, the face of many strong families, Heavenly Punishment Great Elder, will never put the Maori in an adverse situation.

Hearing Heavenly Punishment Great Elder’s words, Ling Shuangtian was nodded and didn’t say much.

After all, the strength of Human Race, compared with the Wu people, is really far away. Ling Shuangtian didn’t want to as a last resort, and now he turned his face with the Wu people.

So, a situation with swords drawn and bows bent, scattered with the wind.

Everyone’s gaze returned to the broken bridge of the blood river again, and at this time, 10000 Blood Soul beast shadows above the blood river, as well as the silhouette of the towering sword holding, had returned to the blood river again, disappear without a trace .

Only Chu Yan stood on the broken bridge, holding the Spirit of the Blood River, his face pale.

At this point, Chu Yan’s Blood River Festival was completely completed.

Obtaining the Spirit of the Blood River is equivalent to announcing in advance. The 1st place of the current Ten Directions Divine Realm is Chu Yan.

When Chu Yan walked down the broken bridge and returned to the Supreme Sect of Human Race 9, the remaining 2 young people also walked on the broken bridge and began the Blood River Festival.

No surprises, the next 2 3 young people of all ethnic groups, that is, got 2 3 blood crystals.

So, the entire Ten Directions Divine Realm is over!

At this time, Human Race was in the limelight, and Ling Shuangtian did not dare to neglect. He took Chu Yan to say hello to the Tiannv clan, and then set off directly to return to the Azure Dragon World domain.

Mu Wanxi originally wanted to follow Chu Yan, but the Tian Nu clan begged and even found Chu Yan.

Under the intervention of Chu Yan, Mu Wanxi reluctantly agreed to go back to the Tian Nu clan first.

As a result, Tian Nu clan and Human Race left at the same time.

The Ming and Wu clan, everyone looked at the silhouette that Chu Yan left, all the pupil light was like fire, and the cold rays of light kept blinking.

Especially Wumufeng and Litian Martial Emperor, almost can’t wait to go directly to war.

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