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The distance from Ten Directions Divine Realm to 9 mountain ranges in Azure Dragon World is not short.

But compared to Chu Yan and Ling Shuangtian, they use Space-Time transmission, the speed is much faster than when they came.

Within a few hours, Chu Yan and his party returned to Lingyun Pavilion.

On the huge Lingyun Golden Palace, there are three Golden Dragon seats, inorganic Immortal Sect Yuanba, Heavenly Eye door Mu Feihuang, Lingyun Pavilion Ling Shuangtian, Three Saints Sect big brothers gathered.

In the middle of the great hall, Chu Yan stood with his hands down, standing next to the curious Little White Bear.

“Chu Yan, let Elder take you Spirit Beast first, go to your cabinet and rest, the three of us, I have something to ask you!”

Ling Shuangtian looked at Chu Yan with a smile on his face, opened the mouth and said.

“My house !?” Chu Yan startled.

“Ha ha ha, you brat, named me Lingyun Pavilion, and the direct disciple of Pavilion Lord, but he didn’t even know where he lived in Lingyun Pavilion …”

A Lingyun Pavilion Elder came forward and said with a smile.

“Then … there is Elder!” Chu Yan smiled slightly and bowed to the elder Lingyun Pavilion.

That’s right!

Now I really am the disciplinary of Lingyun Pavilion. However, since Xian Mofei joined Taiwan in the battle of Lingyun Pavilion, I have been busy and busy, but I have never been to Lingyun Pavilion.

Therefore, Chu Yan is really not familiar with this Lingyun Pavilion.

However, Chu Yan has thought about it, for the time being, the Lingyun Pavilion should still be used as a place of cultivation.

As for Divine Kingdom World, the foundation is established. It only needs someone to manage and operate normally, and it does not need to stay in it all the time.

“Chu Yan, about Divine Kingdom World …”

On the Golden Dragon seat, the inorganic Immortal Sect, one of the 9 Supreme Sect Three Saints Sect, and the Sect Master, with an anxious look, opened the mouth and said before Ling Shuangtian.

“About Divine Kingdom World is the foundation of my Human Race. I have three Old Guys. I want to rebuild the 3 Imperial Army based on the Dust City. In the future, I will fight with the Matriarchs and completely recapture Divine Kingdom, the leader of Human Race!”

“How about this matter?”

In a word, the three Saints Sect brother, looked towards Chu Yan together, his face solemn.

After all, this matter is related to the rise and fall of Human Race!

However, Divine Kingdom World is self-contained and has been merged by Chu Yan. Therefore, what they want to do in Divine Kingdom World can only be obtained with the consent of Chu Yan.

“Uh … It’s better to be like this! I’m worrying I don’t have time!”

Hearing Yuanba’s words, Chu Yan suddenly looked upset and quickly nodded to agree.

“Ha ha ha, that’s good, since you have no opinion, then this time, my 9 Supreme Sect, I will definitely try my best to revitalize my Human Race force!”

Yuanba Sect Master, when he heard Chu Yan’s words, his face suddenly relaxed, laughed heartily said.

“En! I stay at Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect in Divine Kingdom World, and I will do my best!” Chu Yan replied.

Hearing Chu Yan’s words, the three gangsters at the same time lighted the pupil light, looked towards Chu Yan, and the color of praise appeared in the eyes at the same time.

Originally, they thought that this matter would be more troublesome when talking with Chu Yan.

But it’s didn’t expect, Chu Yan is so open-minded and doesn’t care about them at all.

According to the original discussion of the three big brothers, they were worried that Chu Yan would think that their 3 Supremes went to Divine Kingdom World to grab the site.

In that case, it would be extremely troublesome to explain and discuss.

Now, when the four people are together, things start to go smoothly as soon as they start talking. In this way, the things behind are much easier to talk about.

Lingyun Golden Palace, layers of prohibition, 4 people in the hall, fully negotiated for almost 2 hours before they settled everything.

“Chu Yan, you go back to your residence for a rest. After 3 days, I Lingyun Pavilion held the award meeting for the Ten Directions Divine Realm trial. When the time comes, it was also publicly announced that you became my direct disciple of Ling Shuangtian. time!”

Yuan Ba ​​and Mu Feihuang, looked towards Chu Yan, congratulated at the same time, also congratulated Ling Shuangtian.

“Many thanks Master!” Chu Yan nodded replied.

Several people saw Chu Yan’s face indifferent, startled at the same time.

This is Ling Shuangtian’s direct disciple identity!

This Chu Yan, how it looks, there is no excitement! ?

You should know that in today’s Human Race, the status of the 9 Supreme Sects, such as the middle reaches the column.

The Lingyun Pavilion, especially Ling Shuangtian, is the entire Azure Dragon World domain, Human Race number one powerhouse, can be his direct disciple, how many Martial Artist yearn for something even in dreams.

“Chu Yan, go!”

Ling Shuangtian saw Chu Yan’s reaction, but it was slightly nodded. The temperament alone made him extremely satisfied.

“Yes, Master!”

Chu Yan bowed, then exited Lingyun great hall and walked out.

In fact, for Chu Yan, the identity of Ling Shuangtian’s direct disciple is really not exciting.

After all, no one else knows that Chu Yan is actually the successor of Divine Kingdom World, the leader of Human Race. As long as Divine Kingdom World is completely unified, Chu Yan can directly become the leader of Human Race.

This thing happened in Swallowing the Heavens Tower. Chu Yan didn’t even tell Stuart and Little White Bear except telling father and Qing Elder Yun.

It’s not because Chu Yan is secretive, and these two guys, one is bigger than the other, and if 2 is leaking, the trouble will be bigger.

Stepping out of Lingyun Golden Palace, there is a Deacon Elder outside the door, long waiting for Chu Yan.

Immediately, led Chu Yan, moved towards his cabinet and left.

However, when I walked less than 10000 steps, when I passed a small Martial Arts Stage, suddenly a large silhouette surged and ran in one direction. Obviously, what happened there.

Originally, Chu Yan was not interested in such excitement. Instead, he was anxious to find a cultivation place to study the War Soul Stones and Blood River Spirits.

However, when the voice from the crowd sounded in Chu Yan’s ear, Chu Yan’s figure suddenly stopped.

“Quick, go to the Sky Ridge, Xiao Senior Brother and Monster Beast fight!”

“What !? Demon bear !? We Lingyun Pavilion, that demon bear !?”

“What demon bear, so bold, dare to start with Xiao Senior Brother, is this not courting death !?”

“I heard that the demon bear robbed Xiao Senior Brother of a treasure!”

“That Monster Beast is not small, with purple hair all over his body and strong defense …”


In the voices of various discussions, a ray of cold color on Chu Yan’s face became stronger and stronger.

According to the words of these people, Chu Yan can easily guess who the Monster Beast is!

It must be Little White Bear Dangdang!

It was just Chu Yan didn’t expect that Little White Bear had just come to Lingyun Pavilion, so he started to fight and rob a house. In this case, the treasure might be extremely important to Little White Bear.

Otherwise, Little White Bear will definitely wait for him to go back and talk to himself before starting.

Uh …!

Suddenly, on Chu Yan, the violent Sword Qi surged like a flood, wrapping Chu Yan’s body into a sword glow, rising into the sky, moved towards the direction of the crowd’s surging, Motianling, radio and go with.

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