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Above the Lingyun Pavilion, the sound of a sword cry crossed, attracting the attention of many Lingyun Pavilion disciplines.

Although it is not prohibited to fly in Lingyun Pavilion, few people dare to be so arrogant, breaking the sky with sword glow, and the cry of the word cry to the whole mountain gate.

Moreover, when the disciplinary of Ling Yun Pavilion looked stunned, and looked up towards the sword glow in the air, he realized that he did not know the black robe silhouette at all.

“Who is that, so arrogant, even in Lingyun Pavilion, Yu Jian flies.”

“I haven’t seen … it seems to have gone to Motianling”

“Motianling is the peak of Xiao Senior Brother, is this guy courting death?”

“Haha, there is a lot of fun watching this time …”

“Quick, go to Motianling …”


On the mountain road, a large group of Lingyun Pavilion disciples, all excited, speed up, moved towards Motianling.

Above the sky, Chu Yan’s eyes flickered, and thunder struck like electricity.

Some low-altitude flights, the Lingyun Pavilion disciplinary, also heading towards Moyun Ridge, only felt around, a sword light flashed …

After the reaction came, the sword light had already disappeared in front.

Breaking the sky Sword Qi, as sharp as the tide, scraping countless Lingyun Pavilion discipline, long robe flying.

Everyone’s face was shocked …

In less than breath breaths, Chu Yan followed the direction of the trail, even if no one led the way, he found Moyun Ridge.

Just after seeing the Moyun Ridge not far away, Chu Yan heard a loud roar of the bear, igniting the thunderbolt of the void and disrupting the whole sky.

ao ao….

Chu Yan heard this extremely familiar voice, suddenly his face relaxed, and the tightness in his heart relaxed.

Now that Little White Bear’s voice with the power of thunderbolt came, it means that she is still okay and not hurt.

As long as there is no injury, the rest is easy to handle.

Moreover, Chu Yan watched the power of purple thunderbolt explode in the sea of ​​spirit clouds over Moyun Ridge, and was slightly surprised.

didn’t expect, Ten Directions Divine Realm and his party, not only their own cultivation base breakthrough, but the strength of this Little White Bear has also improved a lot.

Like this kind of thunderbolt power, she could not do it before, but now, the monster qi surge, the implied thunderbolt trend, even Chu Yan, has several points of palpitations.

At this time, there was a lot of Lingyun Pavilion in the sky above Moyun Ridge, and all around. There were a lot of people around.

Chu Yan True Qi urged, issued a sword cry splitting the air and sound, just like a black electricity, flying away.

Sword Qi was like a tide, and the surrounding crowd seemed to be frying pans, and they all evaded, and immediately gave way to Chu Yan’s sword body.

Coming to the center, Chu Yan stabilized his body, looked up towards Moyun Ridge, and saw a delicate female face holding a silver moon hook, wielding the sky ice blade, attacking Little White Bear.

However, what surprised Chu Yan a little was that Little White Bear did not fight back, but in the numerous ice blades, he avoided left and right to flash, constantly moving, trying to avoid those ice blades.

This … is not the fighting style of Little White Bear at all.

Chu Yan is familiar with Little White Bear’s battle method, but almost all rely on the powerful Fleshy body defense, rushing and beating head-on.

When did it start, this Little White Bear, also began to use movement art.

However, Chu Yan also admitted that Little White Bear’s body speed is not worse than Martial Artist of the same level, and even more.

Remember, when Chu Yan first met Little White Bear, her movement art was several times faster than hers.

The fleshy body and speed have always been Spirit Beast’s biggest cards.

Only later, as Little White Bear gradually grew up, the demon cultivation base became stronger and stronger. After her with the body monster qi became more and more intense, she fought. It was absolutely simple and rude, especially in the mountain range, with the similar Monster Beast fighting.

Basically, it’s all you palm, I claw, whoever falls first, counts who loses.

Therefore, when Chu Yan watched Little White Bear move left and right, pulling out the afterimages of the purple in the sky, he really had some doubts about whether he was wrong.

In fact, of course impossible confess.

Because, as far as the battle situation in front of me is concerned, the Lingyun Pavilion disciples in the periphery are basically one-sided. Little White Bear is rushing through the monster qi and is trying to avoid the ice blades from all 4 directions. Unable to dodge, blasted on her body and exploded a bunch of Ice-Cold Qi.

Obviously, it seems that Little White Bear is at an absolute disadvantage.

In particular, when being hit by an ice blade, Little White Bear will emit a few wailing bears, and the movement art speed will increase again.

Seeing this scene, Chu Yan, connected to the Little White Bear Spiritual Deed, was full of black lines and looked towards Little White Bear speechlessly, his mouth twitching uncontrollably.

Because, Chu Yan can clearly sense that the ice blades that hit the Little White Bear did not cause any harm to her at all, and even her fleshy body defense could not be broken.

Even if it is tickled, it is not much stronger.

However, the mournful scream sound and the painful expression of Little White Bear are just like those ice blades, how strong formidable power really is.

“This little fellow is acting … What is she going to do …”

Chu Yan looked puzzled and looked at the war situation in front of him. He was a little puzzled for a while. Only when the sound of all around came, did he finally shake his head and smiled bitterly.

“Look, that Monster Beast was hit by Senior Moon’s” Moon Ice Slash “again …”

“This Monster Beast, I don’t know who the owner is. I dared to go to the Sky Ridge to steal Senior Sister Feng. The blood crystal bought at a high price is really courting death.”

“Who said no, a blood crystal, but it is worth 10000 emperor crystal, and it has no price, if Xiao Senior Brother loves Senior Sister Feng, how could it be so expensive to buy it for him.”

“Haha, it’s such a treasure. Senior Sister Feng has always cherished it, and he is reluctant to use it for cultivation. Now it’s time to fall into this beast’s mouth.”

“Don’t say, this Monster Beast is really powerful. It can even break into the countless Moyun Ridge, steal the blood crystal, and swallow it directly. I guess Senior Sister Feng should be very angry now.”

“Isn’t it light? I’m going to be blown up, OK …”

“You don’t want to think about it, our Lingyun Pavilion, besides Xiao Senior Brother, there are a few people who can get such a treasure, this is 10000 Emperor Jing.”

“Tsk tsk tsk, that demon bear swallowed for so long, I am afraid it would have been refining …”


The all around argument spread, and Chu Yan finally understood what was going on.

It turned out that Little White Bear took advantage of his efforts to discuss things with the three big brothers in Lingyun Golden Palace, ran to Motianling, and put Ling Yunge Supreme Elder direct disciple Xiao Wenliang’s Dao Companion, Lu Xiangfeng’s treasured jade, a blood crystal I stole it and swallowed it directly.

Lu Xiangfeng, furious, carrying the Silver Moon Hook, will decapitate the Little White Bear and retrieve the Blood Crystal.

However, after playing fast for one hour, in addition to letting Little White Bear keep calling ao ao, it didn’t even hurt a piece of skin. Instead, True Qi consumed too much, and his face was green, and he was as angry as a cow.


Having figured out the whole story, Chu Yan was directly shouted loudly, out of the crowd and blocked in front of Little White Bear.

This sudden mutation suddenly started everyone’s face, Qi Qi looked.

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