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The time lapsed, and after 3 days, the Sect conference was held.

The Sect conference is actually specifically for Chu Yan in the Ten Directions Divine Realm trial, to suppress the genius of all ethnic groups and win the first announcement and reward.

Ling Yunge’s move, on the one hand, encourages inside the sect disciple, and at the same time, it can be regarded as the official introduction of Chu Yan’s whole body.

On Nuoyun ’s Lingyun Square, the black pressure is like a tide, and it is full of disciplines. Even on the sky, according to each peak and each hall, it is also full of disciplines.

The first is an Elder. After a brief introduction to the situation of Ten Directions Divine Realm, he began to announce Chu Yan’s rewards.

This time, not only Lingyun Pavilion, but also the inorganic Immortal Sect and Heavenly Eye doors sent Great Elder to come and also gave Chu Yan a big award.

When the disciples and envy awards were issued one by one, the exclamation of the audience almost never stopped.

Various cultivation techniques, Golden Pill, including heavenly materials earthly treasures, are ordinary disciple, yearn for something even in dreams, but the treasures that cannot be obtained, so that all the disciplines present are all crimson.

The most amazing thing is that Ling Shuangtian even came up with an 8th-order spirit source as the grand prize for Chu Yan.

As soon as this reward came out, the audience was suddenly in an uproar.

“God, Lingyuan … Lingyuan …!”

“The Pavilion Lord’s great handwriting actually uses the spirit source as a reward for the discipline. It is said that even inside the sect Elder, who has made great achievements, may not necessarily receive the spirit source reward.”

“Good! If this 8th-order spirit source is placed in the hall, the source of the majestic Spirit Power can at least increase the cultivation speed by more than 3 times!”

“Too terrifying! It is said that I am under the Lingyun Pavilion, but there are only 81 Grade 3 spirit sources, but Ling Yun Pavilion has been established for millions of years, Spirit Power is endless!”

“The 8th-order spirit source, on the auction last time, seems to have sold the price of 300,000 Emperor Jing!”

“terrifying !too terrifying!”


In various voices, Chu Yan took the piece of spar with 2 colorful halos from Ling Shuangtian’s hands, and finally showed a surprise in the calm face.

Because, when he just touched this 8th-level spirit source, he could feel that he was within the body True Qi, and quickly increased a trace.

“Tier 8 spirit source !? Good stuff!” Chu Yan satisfied with the nodded, waved his hand, and received Rakshasa Space.

For Chu Yan, the cultivation techniques that started, Golden Pill, heavenly materials earthly treasures and so on, did not attract his interest at all.

After all, Chu Yan robbed the treasures of the Matriarch Black Water City in Divine Kingdom World and robbed the private treasure of Elder’s blood, which was extremely rewarding.

Up to now, the general treasure cannot enter Chu Yan’s eyes at all.

Ling Shuangtian also discovered this, so when he saw Chu Yan receiving the previous rewards, his calm and indifferent face made him suddenly annoyed.

So, impulsively, Ling Shuangtian clenched the teeth, took out this 8th-order spirit source, and temporarily made it as a reward for Chu Yan.

Sure enough, Chu Yan’s eyes changed as soon as he saw the 8th-order spirit source.

of course!

Not to mention Chu Yan, the entire Azure Dragon World domain, that Martial Artist, does not want to get a high rank spiritual source, so as to quickly improve the cultivation base.

However, the value of Lingyuan, even some strong Influence Elder and Sect Master, may not be able to buy, let alone ordinary disciple.

“Next, I announced that from today, my direct disciple, Chu Yan, will enter Ling Heaven Hall! As the chief disciple!”

Ling Shuangtian strode out and stood on the rostrum, announcing loudly.

When the words hit the ground, everyone in the audience shook their eyes at the same time, looking at Chu Yan’s eyes, all in amazement.

Ling Heaven Hall!

That’s Lingyun Pavilion, where all the extraordinary Heaven’s Chosen is located. Only in the Heaven Ranking in the Azure Dragon World domain, within the rank of 1000, are they eligible to join!

Under such strict conditions, in Ling Heaven Hall, up to now, the number of disciplines has not exceeded 300!

However, it is these 300 people, but they have almost got the entire Lingyun Pavilion, all youth disciplines, and nearly 10% of cultivation resources.

Moreover, in the Lingyun Pavilion, the ten cultivation sites are all endless.

The dignity and speciality of its status, almost reached the outrageous level.

In Lingyun Pavilion, a few 100000000 million young disciples, even for life, aim to join Ling Heaven Hall.

But now, Chu Yan, who just joined Lingyun Pavilion, joined Ling Heaven Hall so easily, and directly became the chief!

In other words, the chief of Ling Heaven Hall is basically equivalent to the identity of Ling Yunge First Heaven’s Chosen!

Suddenly, all the disciples in Lingyun Pavilion, looking towards Chu Yan’s eyes, became fiery.

Ling Heaven Hall Chief!

There is a layer of more important significance, that is, almost every session of Lingyun Pavilion Holy Son has served as the chief of Ling Heaven Hall!

In this way, Chu Yan’s silhouette, in all the Lingyun Pavilion’s disciples, quickly rises!

However, when Ling Shuangtian spoke again and announced one more thing, the whole scene almost exploded!

“In addition, I announced that from today, Chu Yan is in the Lingyun Pavilion and has the authority of Great Elder!”

The word fell to the ground, like a thunderbolt on the sunny day, all the disciples in the audience, and even Elder on each peak and every hall, were even more shocked and white.

Great Elder…. Permissions! ?

Would n’t it be that the ordinary disciple will not only Chu Yan saluted, even if it is inside the sect Elder, see Chu Yan, pay respects to the gift of Great Elder! ?

“Pavilion Lord, absolutely nothing about this matter!”

On the rostrum, next to Ling Shuangtian, a green robe old man suddenly bounced from his seat and dissuaded him.

“In the history of Lingyun Pavilion, I have never had that discipline, and I can get such treatment!”

“You must not break the rules of inside the sect million years because of a Chu Yan!”

This person, named Yan 10000 Hai, is one of the 4 Supreme Elders in Lingyun Pavilion and Xiao Wenliang’s Master.

“Good! Although Pavilion Lord and Chu Yan won the first of the Ten Directions Divine Realm trial, Yang my sect prestige, but the previous reward, plus Ling Heaven Hall Chief Position, is enough! This Great Elder authority is not suitable rule!”

Another Supreme Elder, also stood up and dissuaded.

“Breaking the rules !?”

Hearing several Supreme Elders, they stopped to speak, Ling Shuangtian’s complexion instantly sank

“In the beginning, when Xiao Wenliang gave Elder permission, why didn’t you say it, breaking the rules !?”

Turning slowly, facing the direction of Elder Hall, Ling Shuangtian shouted thunderously, loudly said

“Hmph! I have decided this matter! Not to discuss with you! You better remember for me, the Pavilion Lord of Lingyun Pavilion is me!”

The word fell to the ground, suddenly 4 Supreme Elder, at the same time stunned, his face full of embarrassment.

“My words are the rules! Whoever doesn’t agree can try them!”

The words fell to the ground, Ling Shuangtian’s eyebrows twisted, his whole body was like a wave of tide, soaring into the sky, sweeping all directions.

“Don’t dare! Don’t dare!”

“Respect Pavilion Lord Order!”

“Yes Yes!”


In the face of Ling Shuangtian’s mighty emperor, let’s not say that the all directions disciple of the retreated body, even the direction of Elder Hall, at least half of the Elder, are backed by half a step and their faces changed.

Such Diwei is not what they can bear at all, and immediately bowed down to accept the order, and no one dared to say anything.

The prestige of Martial Emperor, the respect of Heaven and Earth!

Ling Shuangtian used one person to suppress the audience. Such courage, like the domination of Heaven and Earth, made Chu Yan pupil light blink and surprise.

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