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A reward conference that shook the entire Lingyun Pavilion soon ended.

But the sensational effect it brought was like a shock wave, with Lingyun Pavilion as the center, first nine Supreme Sect, and then spread throughout the Azure Dragon World domain, constantly spreading.

Chu Yan’s identity, in this brief moment, also changed Heaven and Earth turning upside down.

However, after the conference, the new star, which was as dazzling as the sun, disappeared into the eyes of everyone.

Even if some people came to Lingyun Pavilion and found Ling Heaven Hall, they wanted to see this young Yun Lingge chief, but they all came back empty-handed.

Because, after the conference, Chu Yan began a whole-cultivation.

At this time, he and Little White Bear, staying in the hall, are trying to refining more than 100 blood crystals in front of them.

It must be said that the blood crystals of these Ten Directions Divine Realm contain the power of horrible Martial Soul, which not only works for Chu Yan’s Martial Soul, but even for Monster Beast like Little White Bear.

It was just refining ten blood crystals, Little White Bear’s monster cultivator, which suddenly broke through to the median quasi-imperial rank, again exceeding Chu Yan’s cultivation base.

However, after breaking through, Little White Bear fell into a deep sleep state.

Unlike human Martial Artists, Monster Beast will digest and consolidate in a sleepy way once the cultivation base is unstable.

Even Chu Yan’s 5 Divine Beast Martial Soul, most of the time, is sleeping.

Compared with Little White Bear, Chu Yan refining has more blood crystals.

In less than ten days, Chu Yan refining 100 blood crystals, the majestic Martial Soul power, overwhelmed the Martial Soul mountain in the Sea of ​​Consciousness.

It is very strange that these Martial Soul forces, at the top of Martial Soul Mountain, formed a sea of ​​spirit clouds like a human gate.

The power of the tremendous waves like Martial Soul, like a trickle, is continuously poured from the air and poured into the 5 exciting Divine Beast within the body.

To Chu Yan’s surprise, originally, Chu Yan’s plan was to concentrate these blood crystal forces, first let Vermilion Bird Martial Soul in 5 Divine Beast Martial Soul, try to break through to the soul of war.

However, the power of Martial Soul transformed by blood crystals, once entering the Sea of ​​Consciousness Martial Soul, is no longer controlled by Chu Yan at all.

5 Divine Beast Martial Soul, appearing on the Martial Soul mountain at the same time, engulfing the power of these Martial Souls.

Moreover, among the 5 Divine Beast Martial Soul, the only Black Tortoise Martial Soul without Full Star has been given preferential treatment. Most of the blood crystal power that started out has been returned to it.

Time passed quickly, and when the 100th day passed, Black Tortoise Martial Soul finally broke through!


The roaring sound of the sky, the endless black water, rippling in the Sea of ​​Consciousness sky, the body of Black Tortoise Martial Soul, like the derived continent, is constantly expanding.

For 100 days, while swallowing the power of blood crystals, the Soul Body swelled at the same time.

Fully swelled to the range of 81 miles, ten dazzling black mysterious stars, just like stars are born, completely light up the Sea of ​​Consciousness World.

Black Tortoise Martial Soul, breakthrough to the tenth order, Full Star!

roar! roar! roar …

5 respect Divine Beast Martial Soul, at the same time roar towards the sky, the violent sound, the whole piece of Sea of ​​Consciousness World.

Just when Chu Yan thought that 5 Divine Beast Martial Soul, all full rank, what would happen, 5 Divine Beast Martial Soul, but at the same time return to Martial Soul Mountain.

Next, the Sea of ​​Consciousness World slowly returned to calm. Except for the Martial Soul, 5 groups of dazzling rays of light rose into the sky and shot directly at Yunxiao.

Chu Yan was a little dazed, but didn’t care too much.

He knew that it would n’t take long for the 5 Divine Beast Martial Soul to change to Heaven and Earth turning upside down.

The following time, Chu Yan continued to concentrate on cultivation while refining the remaining blood crystals.

At the same time, Lingyun Pavilion, Moyun Ridge …

“Asshole! Damn it! It’s not fair!”

The sound of roar bursts from the white house in Moyun Ridge, constantly coming out.

Xiao Wenliang, who had red eyes in his eyes, and his body was so angry that he smashed everything he saw in front of him into powder.

Even the 100 pillars of the hall were smashed by him in half, making the whole hall, on the verge of collapse.

A group of disciples and Elder huddled in a corner of the hall, their faces full of fear, and the chills were silent, even the atmosphere did not dare to breathe.

“Ling Shuangtian, you are an old fart!”

“How dare you do this !? I am the Number One Genius of Lingyun Pavilion, but I am only authorized by an Elder!”

“That Chu Yan, why !? Why can I get the permission of Great Elder !?”

“This is not fair!”

“Why! Why!”

Xiao Wenliang’s face was grim, and she was crazy, her eyes were full of blood, and her roar was like an animal.

However, in the empty great hall, except for the occasional gravel falling to the ground and making noises, no one dared to answer his question.

Including Yan 10000 Hai, a group of older Elders, looking at Xiao Wenliang’s crazy expression, all shook his head and sighed.

“Liang’er! Enough!”

Finally unable to bear, seeing Xiao Wenliang getting more and more crazy, there is no sense of convergence, Yan 10000 Hai finally opened the mouth and said.

At the same time, a glimmer of disappointment flashed in the dull eyes.

Originally, he thought that Xiao Wenliang was only angry for a while, and after a little vent, he would return to normal.

However, after returning from the reward conference for a full day, Xiao Wenliang, besides yelling and smashing his anger here, had a little temperament in it.

Martial Dao cultivation, Martial Dao will and temperament are the top priority!

Looking at the eyes, Xiao Wenliang, who was already completely crazy, Supreme Elder Yan 10000, a little disappointed …

I do n’t know when it started. The original genius youth obsessed with Martial Dao, dedicated to cultivation, aiming to step on Martial Dao Peak and breakthrough legendary godland, just disappeared.

Instead, it was Xiao Wenliang who was completely lost in fascination, tired of fame and fortune and status.

This makes Yan 10000 in the heart of the sea, somewhat lost and confused!

“Oh! First Heaven’s Chosen, 50 years old breakthrough Martial Emperor, did he consume all his innate talent and Martial Dao will !?”

“If you want something fast, you can’t reach it! The foundation is not stable, the temperament lacks discipline, can’t Liang Er, stop here Realm of Martial Emperor !?”

Yan 10000 The sea walked through the great hall step by step, moved towards Xiao Wenliang, his eyes flickered and pondered.

“No! You still have a chance!”

Walking in front of Xiao Wenliang, Yan 10000 Hai suddenly slammed, like Overhead Bang, straight to Xiao Wenliang Sea of ​​Consciousness.

“Opportunity !? What opportunity !?” Xiao Wenliang’s eyes flickered, looking toward Yan 10000.

“Emperor Soul Cave!” Yan 10000 Haidao.

“The Emperor Soul Cave opened once every 100 years, the 3rd special case opened, when the time comes, as long as you can reach the end in one fell swoop, maybe it can be opened. 100 10,000 years ago, 9 Supreme Sect, the biggest secret left behind!”

“When the time comes, you are still the strongest!”

Yan 10000’s words, like a small island in the vast sea, Xiao Wenliang, who was suddenly depressed, with bright eyes

“Good! Emperor Soul Cave!”

Nodded heavily, Xiao Wenliang’s eyes finally raised a bright man, scattered and violent aura, and gradually calmed down.

“Master, this time, I will not let you down!”

Xiao Wenliang bowed his head, slowly stood up, turned his head towards the north, a killing intent flashed in his eyes, and then said

“Chu Yan, you wait for me! I want you to know, who is Ling Yunge, the real Number One Genius!”

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