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Seeing that Xiao Wenliang finally recovered, Yan 10000 long relaxed.

After all, the Emperor Soul Cave, which is about to be carried out, is a matter of great importance and rare opportunities. If good luck actually has the opportunity, it will increase its strength by another level.

At the same time, for millions of years, there has been a saying in the 9 Supreme Sect.

That is, the biggest secret about the 9 Supreme Sects is hidden in the Emperor Soul Cave. Who can get this secret can become the strongest person in the 9 Supreme Sects.

The Emperor Soul Cave is opened once every 100 years, and when it encounters a major event, it can be opened in special cases when all 9 Sect Masters of the 9 Supreme Sects agree.

Xiao Wenliang stepped into Martial Dao cultivation for 50 years. Although good luck met the Emperor Soul Cave once, but not at all came to the end.

Therefore, the Emperor Soul Cave opened at this time, and because of the appearance of Chu Yan, Yan 10000 Hai paid great attention to it.

“Liang’er, remember, Chu Yan is your enemy, if there is an opportunity … kill!” Yan 10000 said coldly.

Xiao Wenliang naturally understood Yan Yan’s concerns and killing intent, and his killing intent was more intense.

“Relax! Master, this time Emperor Soul Cave, I let him go in and never get out!” Xiao Wenliang eyes bright light glittering.

“En! Very good!” Yan 10000 sea nodded, then groaned slightly, and warned repeatedly.

“It ’s important to kill Chu Yan, but it ’s not as important as the secrets in the Emperor Soul Cave! Therefore, when you enter this Emperor Soul Cave this time, you still have to focus on the trial, and try to get to the end and get the one about 9 The secret of the Supreme Sect! “

“Yes! Master!” Xiao Wenliang was nodded.

Xiao Wenliang returned to his anger and calmed down, of course he understood the Master’s words.

Although Chu Yan, who did n’t know there, became the biggest blocking stone in Lingyun Pavilion, compared with Emperor Soul Cave, it was indeed less urgent and important.

Bi Yi, as long as Chu Yan is still in Lingyun Pavilion, with him and Master in Lingyun Pavilion, after so many years of foundation, wanting to deal with him, there are more opportunities.

Right now, of course, is to find a way to improve their strength, and at the same time strive to crack the secret of Emperor Soul Cave!

After all, rumors say that who can get the secret of Emperor Soul Cave can become the Number One Person of the 9 Supreme Sect.

This temptation is an opportunity not to be missed for Xiao Wenliang, who is full of ambition and desire for power.


On the other side, Lingyun Pavilion, Xu Mifeng.

Xumi Peak is the peak assigned by Chu Shuangtian to Chu Yan. It is located on the north side of Lingyun Pavilion, and is the central area of ​​Lingyuan Pavilion.

This place used to be the holy peak of Ling Yunge Holy Son. It was only 100,000 years ago that Holy Son was left behind and left empty. Now it has become the peak of Chu Yan.

After returning from the reward conference, Chu Yan has been staying here, refining the blood crystals, while cultivating and consolidating the cultivation base.

After Little White Bear breakthrough cultivation base, he fell into a deep sleep …

While cultivation, Chu Yan divided a part of Divine Consciousness and observed the 9 meditations in the tower hall.

In the great hall of Lingyun, Chu Yan summoned 3 in order to cope with the 9 holy men.

However, after Chu Yan returned from the reward conference, he found that there was a slight change in 9 Ming. Although it was extremely small, as the master of 9 Ming, Chu Yan still found it clearly.

As an Antiquity Monster Emperor, he was so powerful that he suffered a lot when he lost.

Coupled with these millions of years, the meditation beads provided to it by the Nether Sea Fish Demon are simply not enough for him to recover.

So, even after millions of years, 9 Ming’s strength recovered very slowly, not even 20%.

Chu Yan also wanted to restore it as soon as possible after refining it into Yin Puppet. So, whether it is Ming Pearl, Emperor Crystal, or Five Elements, as long as it is owned by Chu Yan, almost all have been tried.

Has no effect at all …

However, in this 100-day period, Little White Bear’s strength is rapidly increasing, Chu Yan’s strength is also improving, and 9 Ming’s strength recovery speed is also several times faster than the original.

However, the cultivation base of Little White Bear and Chu Yan were all promoted by blood crystals, but why is 9 Ming! ?

Chu Yan’s Divine Consciousness, shrouded in 9 Ugly Ugly Skeletons, constantly probed and sensed, and finally, finally found the reason.

It turned out to be ……… 8-level spirit source!

“Legend, this spiritual source is Martial Emperor cultivation, the most important resource, it seems not false!” Chu Yan secretly said in one’s heart.

After obtaining the 8th-order spirit source from Ling Shuangtian, Chu Yan did not place him in the Rakshasa Space, but was included in the tower hall of the Sea of ​​Consciousness.

Originally prepared, this spirit source will be placed in the Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect of Divine Kingdom World and used as the spirit source of Sect.

But now, after discussing with Yan Divine Consciousness, Chu Yan changed his mind.

“Since it works, then give you cultivation!”

Chu Yan waved his hand and placed the 8th-level spirit source directly in front of 9 Nether.

Suddenly, in the eye sockets of 9 Ning Heidongdong, 2 eyes fired suddenly, the body suddenly started to rise.

2 On top of the spirit source of the 9-color halo, a large share of Spirit Power is gushing out like a tide, constantly blending into the body of 9 Ming.

103 days, soon passed …

On this day, Chu Yan woke up from the cultivation, swallowed a bottle of Golden Pill with his mouth open, and restored the True Qi consumed by the cultivation.

All the blood crystals have been used up, and Chu Yan’s cultivation base has also been re-emphasized from the lower quasi-imperial rank to the 5th layer of the lower quasi-imperial rank.

Such cultivation speed makes Chu Yan very satisfied.

After all, when you reach the quasi-imperial level, each point you raise is one step closer to Martial Emperor Realm.

The greater the difficulty, the more obvious the effect.

Chu Yan’s current strength has improved a lot compared to when he was in Ten Directions Divine Realm.

When Chu Yan walked out of the cultivation hall and came to the square in front of the hall, a silhouette flew across the sky in the distance.

“Have seen 8 Elder!”

When the silhouette landed, Chu Yan bowed his hand.

The old man who came here was the Elder Pavilion 8 Elder who was holding the Pavilion Lord order to prevent himself from fighting Xiao Wenliang while in Moyun Ridge.

The Elder in the Elder Pavilion is the core Elder of Lingyun Pavilion, status and identity, and the Elder in ordinary, has the difference between Heaven and Earth.

However, when Chu Yan saluted, the 8 Elder, but the complexion changed, quickly returned to the courtesy

“Dare not! Dare! Pay respects to Chu Yan Great Elder!”

“Uh …” Chu Yan startled.

“Chu Yan, you are now in Lingyun Pavilion, but you are in the identity of Great Elder. In the entire Sect, except for a few Supreme Elder, Pavilion Lord and offerings, compared to us Elders, it is much higher!” 8 Elder explained.

“So that’s how it is!” Chu Yan nodded, his face pale.

For these infamous status, Chu Yan did not care at all. As a Martial Artist, Martial Dao cultivation base and strength is respected.

These fictitious powers only confuse themselves and become an obstacle to Martial Dao’s path.

“Chu Yan, I ordered the Pavilion Lord to come to take you to Yundi Soul Cave!”

8 Elder saw Chu Yan’s face calm, without any change, and could not help but a flash of applause flashed in his eyes, and immediately spoke directly to explain his intention.

“Okay! There’s Lao 8 Elder!” Chu Yan nodded.

Subsequently, Chu Yan followed 8 Elder and took off, moving towards the 9 mountain ranges outside Lingyun Pavilion.

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