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Hearing Ling Shuangtian’s words, Jiang Yuchuan was nodded.

At this time, he was ordered to come to 9 Mountain Gates and lead the team to participate in the trial of the Emperor Soul Cave. This was the hope that the 100 young genius in the Demi-God clan at this time could gain something.

When I saw Jiang Yuchuan’s nodded, Ling Shuangtian and other 3 saints, they looked at each other, turned around, and moved towards a small hill not far away.

The hill is 50 zhang high, and all three sides are gentle slopes. The only side facing the crowd is the stone wall.

Looking closely at the past, it can be clearly found that there are some peculiar runes on the stone wall, like stone carvings, covered with dust.

Ling Shuangtian and several other gangsters, before walking to the stone wall, first carefully observed them. After confirming that the stone carvings were intact, they took out Jade Talisman.

9 big brothers, 9 Spirit Mark Jade Talisman!

These Spirit Mark Jade Talisman, urged by several people’s True Qi and hand seal, were immediately released, rushed into the air, and gathered into a giant Spirit Mark pattern, moved towards stone wall, slowly approaching.

Closer, it is easy to find that the giant Spirit Mark pattern is exactly the same as the stone carving pattern on the stone wall.

The two merged and quickly embedded in the stone wall, releasing dazzling rays of light.

Ka ka ka !

Above the stone wall, a gap was split, and it quickly changed into 2 huge stone gates, moving towards 2 and slowly opening.

As the gate opened, the nine gangsters standing in front of the stone gate suddenly looked loose and exhaled for a long time.

Although it was a team of several people, it is obviously not expensive to open this Emperor Soul Cave, especially to condense the giant pattern, at least Martial Emperor level cultivation base is required.

“Chu Yan, Xiao Wenliang, you can lead the team in!”

Ling Shuangtian slowly turned around and looked towards Chu Yan and Xiao Wenliang, speaking instructed.

As the host, naturally advanced by them …

Although the Demi-God family has also been invited to participate in it once before, it has not been the same for many years.

“Yes! Master!”

“Yes! Pavilion Lord!”

Chu Yan and Xiao Wenliang all accepted the order, and took the ten young disciples from Lingyun Pavilion, moved towards the opened stone gate to enter.

Seeing Chu Yan’s back disappear into the stone cave, Supreme Elder Yan Yunge standing in the distance 10000 seas in the distance, a cold color flashed in his eyes.

After that, it was the 100 young genius of the Demi-God clan, follow closely from behind, and all of them excitedly entered the stone cave.

At this time, come to 9 Emperor Soul Caves in the mountain range. The Demi-God tribe attaches great importance to it. The youth genius sent by them, half, has reached the lower Martial Emperor Realm.

Such a lineup is quite powerful, and it is obviously a lot stronger than the other 9 Supreme Sect.

When the young genius of the Demi-God clan all entered the stone cave, they were other Eight Sects, which entered one after another.

In less than breath breaths, ten Sects, a total of nearly 500 genius, all entered the Emperor Soul Cave.

Chu Yan and Xiao Wenliang walked side by side, through the long cave passage, all the way down, and soon appeared in an underground stone palace.

This is a huge stone palace square, empty, with only ten stone gates of different colors standing 100 steps apart.

Each stone gate is connected with a different light channel, which is connected to a huge stone palace in the distance of the stone palace, distributed in a fan shape.

Ten passages, ten stone halls!

In each stone temple, there are 100 Emperor Soul Trees, and on each Emperor Soul Tree, there are 100 Emperor Soul Fruits!

According to legend, each Emperor Soul Fruit represents the inheritance soul of an Antiquity Martial Emperor.

That is to say, in this Emperor Soul Cave, at least has 10000 damaged Antiquity Martial Emperor, and voluntarily used his Divine Consciousness to transform the fruits and keep it as the tree of comprehend cultivation of the younger clansman.

10000 Antiquity Martial Emperor, the prosperity of Human Race in Antiquity period, can be seen!

In less than a moment, the 500 genius of all ethnic groups who entered the stone palace all reached the stone palace square, and all looked at the top 10 stone gates with excitement.

Soon after, Ling Shuangtian brought a group of gangsters to the square.

“Everyone, please note that starting from the a black stone gate, enter in order of color, and only after the cultivation of the ten emperor soul trees in the previous stone gate can you enter the next stone gate!”

After Ling Shuangtian simply announced the rules, he directly announced the start.

After all, the detailed information of this Emperor Soul Cave, the genius of the young people of all ethnic groups, had already known it before coming.

“I hope one of you can cultivate to the last stone gate! Inside, there are Supreme Secrets of my 9 Supreme Sect! So far, 1,000,000 years ago, no one has ever entered!”

In a word, Ling Shuangtian is no longer multifaceted. The hand seal flips and shoots directly at 9 stone gate not far away.

Weng! weng! weng!

Suddenly, 9 brilliances rose into the sky, and the entire underground stone palace was reflected in a bright and brilliant 5 colors.

“let’s start!”

Chu Yan took a long deep breath, and with the encouragement of the 3 Saints, strode towards the first black stone gate.

Boom … Rumble!

When Chu Yan stepped into the first black stone gate, in the distance, in a black stone hall, a black emperor soul tree up to hundred zhang, broke out of the sky, showing a huge crown illusory shadow.

On this dense black Emperor Soul tree, there are 100 black light shimmering, just like a black star-like Emperor Soul fruit, scattered between the huge tree crowns.

Ten stone gates with different levels of difficulty, among which black Emperor Soul Tree is the easiest!

Chu Yan crossed the black stone gate and walked under the black Emperor Soul Tree. He looked up and looked at the huge Emperor Soul Tree like a sky. His heart was filled with emotion.

This 100 Human Race Antiquity Martial Emperor, the imperial soul tree transformed by the essence, proves the glory of Human Race in the past!

Sitting slowly under the tree, Chu Yan exhaled, a faint True Qi, spilled out from within the body, moved towards the Emperor Soul Tree, and dispersed away.

With Chu Yan’s movements, the black stone gate behind him, the brilliance kept flashing, one after another, the genius of all ethnic groups, also stepped into the black stone gate, and like Chu Yan, sat under the black emperor soul tree and released Each own True Qi.

True Qi of various colors rises under the black Emperor Soul Tree, and moved towards the tree champion of several ten zhang high, rushing away.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Everyone’s True Qi, once it touches an Emperor Soul Fruit, will have a thunderbolt-like brilliance, blasting out from the Emperor Soul Fruit, and blasting straight to the young genius sitting under the tree.

This light, not strikes fleshy body, just a flash, it rushed into the Sea of ​​Consciousness of each genius, just like Heavenly Thunder roaring, shaking the earth and earth.


At the beginning, in less than 3 breaths, one of the first batch of genius of True Qi was released, and one of them could not bear this force, and his mouth spouted a big mouth of blood mist.

The figure shuddered suddenly, got up quickly, and moved towards the black stone gate with a panicked face, the blue muscles on his face burst, and his eyes were bloody, obviously suffering greatly.


When he rushed out of the black stone gate, the whole person lost a lot of energy like a child, and fell directly to the ground, falling into a coma.

“Hmph! Your 9 disciples of Sect’s descendants are too weak, this is the first one …”

Seeing that the discipline of 9 Sects was eliminated, Jiang Yuchuan was coldly snorted with disdain, and said with a smile.

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