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Hearing Jiang Yuchuan’s words, Ling Shuangtian and a group of 9 Sect gangsters were all blushed and looked extremely embarrassed.

As he said, the first strikes of Emperor Soul Fruit are unbearable, and they are really too weak.

However, this Emperor Soul Tree’s test and promotion of Martial Artist includes many aspects such as Fleshy Body, Cultivation Base, Will, Martial Soul, Divine Consciousness and so on.

Any point is not strong enough to bear the Emperor Soul Tree, this all-round tempering from inside to outside.

However, how many of the younger generations of genius are from all-round genius! ?

Any Martial Artist, any genius, I am afraid there will be two basic foundations, which are weak. In ordinary cultivation and combat, you can use your own advantages to cover up your weaknesses, which is not so obvious.

However, when faced with the Emperor Soul Tree, the weakness will be amplified by endless, resulting in the Sea of ​​Consciousness strikes, just the first Emperor Soul Fruit, just like that young man who just made it.

On the other hand, compared with the Demi-God clan, one of the ten racial forces in Continent in Outland, the strength of the 9 Supreme Sects is still too weak.

The strength of younger generations within the two forces cannot be differentiated.

Seeing Ling Shuangtian and a group of 9 big brothers, all with red faces, Jiang Yuchuan’s face suddenly appeared with a proud and teasing look, opened his mouth with a big smile

“Ha ha ha, Ling Pavilion Lord, it seems that this Emperor Soul Cave trial today has the opportunity to go to the last stone gate. It is very likely that we are the young people of the Demi-God clan, do n’t be surprised …”

“No! No! Of course not!” Ling Shuangtian said with a smile “The Demi-God family is powerful, this outland continent, few opponents, absolute Overlord race, and, this time Jiang Great Elder personally led the team, those Young people will naturally perform exceptionally. “

“So, our 9 younger generations of Sect are just to support you. Of course, we know this.”

Hearing Ling Shuangtian’s words, Jiang Yuchuan’s eyes suddenly showed a bright light, slightly nodded, and seemed extremely satisfied.

However, the big brothers of the 9 Supreme Sect who are all around are all complexion sank, browse slightly wrinkle, looked towards Ling Shuangtian’s gaze, all in doubt.

Wrong ah!

Ling Shuangtian today, what’s wrong! ?

Although the Demi-God clan is powerful, with their knowledge and understanding of Ling Shuangtian, the person in front of the Demi-God clan flattery is really Ling Shuangtian! ?

You know, at Ten Directions Divine Realm, in order to support Chu Yan, Ling Shuangtian was able to resist the oppression of the Wu Clan and the Ming Clan Two Great Influences, either servile nor overbearing.

But today, why is he so dedicated to the Great Elder of this Demi-God family, Jiang Yuchuan! ?

There seems to be something strange …

Of course, there is no 9 big brothers who will think that Ling Shuangtian is really trying to get rid of the Demi-God family.

Because, Ling Shuangtian can become the leader of the 9 Supreme Sect, not only by the strength of the powerful and invincible, but also, his wisdom has once impressed all the big brothers in the 9 Supreme Sect. .

Therefore, when the last 100 doubtful eyes were swept towards Ling Shuangtian, Ling Shuangtian was smiling, did not react at all, but was insignificant, and quietly glanced at Yuan Ba ​​and Mu Feihuang.

Immediately, three people’s eyes turned at the same time and looked not far away. In the black stone palace, under the tall black emperor soul tree, sitting black robe silhouette, three people’s pupil light flashed slightly.

Sure enough, in less than breath breaths, Ling Shuangtian turned his head again, looked towards Jiang Yuchuan with a smile on his face, gently opened the mouth and said

“Jiang Great Elder, there is a proposal …”

“En!? Any suggestion !?”

Jiang Yuchuan was watching the state of the Demi-God youth under the black Emperor Soul Tree. He heard Ling Shuangtian’s words, his face started, and he asked subconsciously.

“These younger disciples are all cultivation, we old guys, waiting here, it is a bit boring, it is better …”

Speaking of which, Ling Shuangtian paused for a moment, a strange smile appeared on his face, and then said

“It’s better, let’s take a small bet and increase the feelings of our 2 races. What do you think!”

“Small bet !?” Jiang Yuchuan Great Elder looked at Ling Shuangtian unexpectedly, his eyes dim, flashing slightly, and asked, “How do you want to bet?”

“It’s better, let’s gamble, the younger generation of that race, but the first to break through the black Emperor Soul Tree !?” Ling Shuangtian said with a smile.

“What !? The young people of that ethnic group can be the first to break through the black Emperor Soul Tree !? This … do you still need to gamble !?”

Hearing Ling Shuangtian ’s proposal, Jiang Yuchuan ’s Great Elder froze for a moment, then opened his mouth said with a big smile

“Ha ha ha, Ling Pavilion Lord, this is of course our young generation of Demi-God.”

“You do n’t know it! Our Demi-God clan this time, was invited to come to participate in this time Emperor Soul Cave trial, all are first-class genius in the clan, even if it is in the clan Rank within 3000! “

“These young generations, don’t say that compared with your 9 Sects, even if you look at the entire foreign continent, it is a batch of cream of the crop.”

“Moreover, the total number of young people who entered the Emperor Soul Cave at this time is 500. My Demi-God clan ordered 100 people. If you gamble with you like this, I am afraid that some … not so good!

The mouth is not good, but Jiang Yuchuan’s Great Elder’s eyes are already shining like stars, looking at Ling Shuangtian, his face full of excitement.

Obviously, he naturally agreed with Ling Shuangtian’s proposal.

For him, first of all, the wealth delivered to the door is much easier than bending down and picking it up from the ground.

On the other hand, this is also a great opportunity to show the strong strength of the Demi-God family to the 9 Supreme Sect.

Even according to the meaning of the Elders in the Demi-God family, in the future, to let these Human Race voluntarily become a vassal of the Demi-God family, they have to let them understand the gap between Heaven and Earth between the Demi-God family and the Human Race.

“It’s okay! Although we also know that I am a younger generation of Human Race, it can’t be compared with Noble, but this is also an excellent opportunity to communicate. For this, I pay some tuition fees. I 9 Sects are still willing! What do you say !? “

Ling Shuangtian said at the end, he turned directly, looked towards Yuanba and Mu Feihuang, and asked with a smile on his face.

“Of course, with a little tuition, our inorganic Immortal Sect can still afford it!”

“Good! I’m Heavenly Eye, and I will!”

Regarding Ling Shuangtian’s question, Yuan Ba ​​and Mu Feihuang didn’t want to think about it. They nodded their heads like a chicken pecked rice and promised.

Seeing that the three big brothers all agreed, Jiang Yuchuan’s Great Elder’s face finally smiled, and his eyes flickered with green light.

Really a fool, send yourself Di Jing! ?

How can I refuse such a request, of course the more the better….

So, Jiang Yuchuan Great Elder, immediately nodded to agree.

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