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After the 2nd stone gate, the white Emperor Soul Tree is not far away, a natural phenomenon!

In an instant, the originally noisy square suddenly became quiet, and everyone turned around with a look of surprise.

“Ha ha ha, very good, Qi Yue came out!”

Jiang Yuchuan laughed loudly, glanced over, and immediately saw that in the dense white mist, a silhouette was walking out of the white stone gate. He suddenly smiled and lifted his feet to welcome him.

According to experience, every young man who has crossed the stone gate will race against the clock and immediately enter a stone gate.

However, how could Jiang Yuchuan miss this opportunity and prepare to meet him personally, using the short time to encourage Qi Yue more and more.

After all, Qi Yue helped him and won 500,000 Di Jing at once!

More importantly, the dignity of the Demi-God family is preserved. This is definitely a great achievement and is totally worth doing.

However, Jiang Yuchuan’s actions fell in the eyes of other Demi-God clan Elders, but at the same time, his eyes flashed with surprise, his face full of surprise.

Who is Jiang Yuchuan! ?

That is one of the ten racial forces continent in the outer realm, the Great Elder of the Demi-God family.

Not to mention that in the Demi-God clan, even if it is continent in the outer domain, they are all the big guys in the field, stomping their feet, and half of the continent is shaking.

But now, he will personally greet a genius within the family! ?

What does this mean …

Qi Yue, who can get this honor, is afraid that in the Demi-God family, she will definitely be Bu Qingyun and go straight to the midnight sun.

Suddenly, dozens of Demi-God clan Elder looked up, looking towards the “Qi Yue” in the white stone gate in the distance, full of envy.

Not only did the Elders of the Demi-God family behind think so, even Jiang Yuchuan, who had a high-spirited and vigorous face and strode toward the white stone, also thought the same way.

“Must heavy prize Qi Yue! Absolutely heavy prize! Back to the Demi-God family, you might even consider nominating the” 9 Jiantianfeng “qualification!”

What Jiang Yuchuan thought in his heart, if the Demi-God clan Elder behind him knew that they would all jump up in shock.

9 Jian Tianfeng!

That’s the whole Demi-God family, no …! It should be the entire outer domain continent, all young genius, the most yearn for something even in dreams.

Between the big walks, Jiang Yuchuan was still unable to bear and looked back …

Behind him, the direction of Human Race, Ling Shuangtian, Yuanba and Mu Feihuang, three human race gangsters, all dark, dejected, full of loss and depression.

This feeling makes Jiang Yuchuan more excited and excited …

“Ha ha ha, what 9 Sects, fight me, don’t look, I’m … eh !? No!”

Excited, just rose to Peak,

The moment Jiang Yuchuan looked back, the silhouette of the walked out towards the white stone gate was gradually clear. Suddenly, the laughter and complacent words on his face had not been finished, and it came to a sudden stop.

“That’s … that’s …”

The smile on his face instantly froze, his eyes staring at the silhouette in the stone gate, his eyes almost burst out of his eyes, the horror on his face continued to emerge, and his body quickly became stiff.

By the time the silhouette in the stone gate appeared completely, the expression on Jiang Yuchuan’s face had become a dead grey, and it was unsightly to the extreme.

“you you…..”

Lifting the trembling right hand, his eyes were dull, full of unbelievable colors, pointing to the silhouette in the stone gate, the whole body was cold, the trembling voice said

“You … how are you again !?”

On the ground, the Demi-God clan full of cheers in the distance suddenly became dead, with dozens of eyes, staring at the Boss, staring at the stone gate in a daze.

In the minds of all Demi-God clan leaders, like Jiang Yuchuan, there is also a doubt …

“Why is he again !?”

“Why is he again !?”

“Why is he again !?”


Dozens of doubtful eyes finally became trembling, and the silhouette in the simultaneously shua shua looked towards stone gate, all with big mouths in it, could almost plug a demon cow.

In the stone gate, the silhouette came in a big step, stopped in front of Jiang Yuchuan Great Elder, and arched a hand

“Pay respects to Jiang Great Elder, many thanks, you are welcome, welcome!”

This sentence fell to the ground, and suddenly Jiang Yuchuan’s Great Elder, as if he was stepped on the tail of the cat, jumped more than 3 feet in an instant and roared loudly.

“You’re a fart!”

“Chu Yan, how could it be you !? No … This is absolutely impossible !?”

Jiang Yuchuan’s finger almost poked on Chu Yan’s nose, bloodshot eyes, full of horror and doubt.

“Are you eliminated !? Why don’t you vomit blood !?”

Jiang Yuchuan’s Great Elder, which had been completely messy, was almost incoherent, and the last hope in his heart shouted directly.


That’s right, Chu Yan must have been eliminated, so it only happened when Qi Yue passed the second test.

Not bad! That’s it!

After passing the second test, it must be Qi Yue, and this impossible is this Chu Yan!

“Eliminate !? No …”

Hearing Jiang Yuchuan ’s words, Chu Yan was confused, and the head said, “This second test is so simple, how could it be eliminated !?”

“Jane … simple !?”

Hearing Chu Yan’s words, Jiang Yuchuan was shocked and pointed at Chu Yan’s hand, instantly becoming weak and slowly falling.

At the same time, the eyes full of doubts suddenly become confused …

simple! ?

What do you mean! ?

Could this Chu Yan be the first to pass the second test! ?

However, when Jiang Yuchuan Great Elder, who had fallen into confusion again, had not fully reacted, a silhouette flashed and appeared beside him.

“Sorry! Jiang Great Elder, it’s time to vomit blood, as if you are!”

Ling Shuangtian appeared in due course, first looked towards Chu Yan, nodded with a smile on his face, then turned his head towards looked towards Jiang Yuchuan and said with a smile.

“Pu ….!”

Almost at the moment when Ling Shuangtian’s words fell, Jiang Yuchuan, who was suddenly awakened, looked at Ling Shuangtian and Chu Yan, and suddenly his face was full of blood, and a mouthful of retrograde surges, unable to bear, opened his mouth directly, spewed out A bruise.

“No … no … this is not true! This is not true …”

Can’t accept the reality at all, Jiang Yuchuan Great Elder, shaking his body, retreating again and again, took 7 or 8 steps, and then stood still, and the whole person was ignorant.

“How is it possible ?? It is clear that Qi Yue is ahead and has surpassed this Chu Yan. How is it possible …”

“Qi Yue !?” Chu Yan startled, and then suddenly.

It turned out that the Demi-God clan genius was named Qi Yue!

“Great Elder, that Qi Yue, stuck at the 91st Emperor’s Soul Fruit, it is estimated that there will be a period of time before I can get through …”

Chu Yan looked at Jiang Great Elder with his mouth full of blood, his eyes twitched twice, and I did n’t quite understand why it ’s good. This Martial Emperor Realm powerhouse, Renowned Demi-God clan Great Elder, would spur a big blood for no reason Come.

However, Chu Yan still believed that it was necessary to tell Qi Yue about him.

“Stuck … stuck in the 91st Emperor’s Soul Fruit !?” Jiang Yuchuan Great Elder froze.

“Chu Yan, good job!” Ling Shuangtian pats Chu Yan’s shoulder, a strange smile on his face.

“Master, there are some problems with the discipline, I would like to consult!” Chu Yan said.

“Okay! No problem! No, you go aside first, wait for me for a while, I have something to talk with Jiang Great Elder alone, hehe …” Ling Shuangtian looked at Jiang Great Elder around him with a weird smile, Said to Chu Yan with a smile

“Hmm …!”

Hearing Ling Shuangtian ’s words, Jiang Yuchuan ’s Great Elder, his body was fiercely trembling again, and the congestion that had overflowed from the corner of his mouth suddenly ran free again, staining the long robe on his chest with a large piece.

“Yes, Master!”

Chu Yan glanced at Ling Shuangtian with doubts, and then looked at Jiang Great Elder, who was constantly spraying blood. Although he was puzzled, he still accepted the order and moved towards the Human Race camp.

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