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Unwillingness, remorse, suffocation, all kinds of unbelievable, so Jiang Yuchuan Great Elder’s eyes, a red blood, the bruises flowing out of the corners of his mouth, can not stop.


Like the roaring sound of Ominous Beast, which shocked the entire Emperor Soul Cave, Jiang Yuchuan couldn’t suppress within the body True Qi, a venting roar.


Lost again!

Jiang Yuchuan couldn’t accept this fact at all and actually lost 2 games in a row.

Moreover, it was all lost to this young person of Chu Yan. Even after Qi Yue’s overtake, he even gave it back.

How did he … do it! ?

“Ha ha ha…. Cool! It’s cool!” Ling Shuangtian laughed loudly in the sky, and the powerful sound almost shocked Jiang Yuchuan’s Great Elder’s ears.

“Sorry! Jiang Great Elder, I won again!”

looked towards Jiang Yuchuan, his eyebrows provoked, Ling Shuangtian laughed extraordinarily, his big hand stretched out and said directly

“Many thanks Jiang Great Elder, a total of 500,000 Di Jing!”


Staring at Ling Shuangtian, Jiang Yuchuan’s entire face was green, and the corners of his eyes kept twitching, and his teeth clattered.


Unable to bear at all, the congestion that keeps on receding, spouting out …

500,000 Di Jing!

This is 500,000 Di Jing!

Even if it is noble, the distinguished Demi-God family Great Elder, 500,000 Emperor Jing, is almost half of his net worth.

In less than ten days, he lost half of his net worth accumulated over 10000 years. In exchange for anyone, he would vomit blood, and I am afraid he would vomit more than Jiang Great Elder.

“Jiang Great Elder, trifling 500,000 Emperor Jing only, in your capacity, after a few years, don’t you earn it again!? Hehe …”

Ling Shuangtian’s eyes were shining and he was in a good mood, rubbing his right hand, a strange smile on his face, said

“When the Emperor Soul Cave ends, I will carry some bottles of wine and thank you at the door!”

Good wine! ?

Jiang Yuchuan Great Elder, chest violently ups and downs, unable to bear spurting 2 2 blood again …

What good wine can be worth 500,000 Di Jing! ?

“Give … give you …”

Jiang Yuchuan looked at Ling Shuangtian ’s constantly rubbing right hand, his eyes could almost bleed, lifted the trembling right hand, and gave a light fight, 5 golden storage Jade Talisman appeared, suddenly turned back towards the side, while right hand Stretched forward, said

“500,000 Emperor Jing! A lot of pieces! I Jiang Yuchuan, never say anything!”

“Thanks! Ha ha ha….”

Ling Shuangtian would be polite there, took five Jade Talisman, turned around and left.

At this time, Chu Yan had also entered the Human Race camp, looking at Yuan Ba ​​and Mu Feihuang who suddenly rushed in front of him, with a stunned expression on his face.

“Yuan Sect Master, Mu Sect Master, you …”

2 Pairs of blood-red blood-red eyes stared at themselves as if they were going to eat people. Even Chu Yan was a little nervous.

After all, this is the 3rd saint, and his strength has reached the existence of the median Martial Emperor. Even a trace of Diwei is enough to suppress the Heaven and Earth.

Therefore, when Yuan Ba ​​and Emperor Mu Fei stood in front of Chu Yan and stared at Chu Yan with a grim face, Chu Yan only felt his aura, was completely suppressed, and even had a feeling of falling into the ice cellar throughout his body.

However, Chu Yan couldn’t figure it out. When these two bigwigs started the first test, it was okay. How did they run through the second test? Not only were they not happy, but they looked like people! ?

“500,000 …. Di Jing … ah …..!”

After glaring at Chu Yan ten breaths for a long time, Yuan Ba ​​wailed with a wailing voice.

“Originally at least 170,000 Dijing, 170,000 …”

Not only Yuanba, Mu Feihuang’s face twitched, his face was so low that he almost cried.

At this moment, Ling Shuangtian strode back with a smile on his face, seeing Yuan Ba ​​and Emperor Mu Fei glaring at Chu Yan, and immediately frowned, shouted

“You … deserve it!”

Drinking this sentence, with a powerful Di Wei, swept away instantly, all the emperor breath released by Yuan Ba ​​and Mu Feihuang was dispelled, and at the same time, the body of the 2 people tremble, stepped back, and looked shocked. looked towards Ling Shuangtian.

However, at a glance, when they saw the 5 golden Jade Talisman in Ling Shuangtian’s hands, the 2 people were no longer able to bear and howled directly.

“Ah … I’m not alive! The duck in my mouth flew …”

“Stupid! Stupid! Why am I so stupid …”

The two bigwigs were crying with a headache, and they couldn’t bear to gamble. However, the original scene should have been a scene of sadness and tears.

However, not far away, a group of gangsters from the 9 Supreme Sect looked at 2 people with a smile on their faces, without a trace of sympathy.

And the elders of the inorganic Immortal Sect and Heavenly Eye doors are all black and iron, full of regret.

“Ai, when the two Sect Masters withdrew from the game at that time, why did we just don’t expect to persuade us !? As Ling Pavilion Lord said, deserve it …..”

“Master, they … what’s wrong !?” Chu Yan looked puzzled and turned his head to ask Lingshuang Heavenly Dao.

“Oh, don’t worry about them, come, hurry up, let’s go over there …”

Fundamentally disinclined to pay attention to Yuan Ba ​​and Mu Feihuang, Ling Shuangtian took Chu Yan directly and walked aside, like the first test, began to sit down and discuss Chu Yan’s gains and perceptions in the second test.

As before, Chu Yan quit Ling Shuangtian one day later and went directly to the 3rd stone gate.

grey stone gate!

After Chu Yan stepped into the 3rd stone gate, the grey stone temple trembles, and the tall grey emperor soul tree emerged from the sky.

Ling Shuangtian walked to Jiang Yuchuan’s Great Elder, said with a smile “Jiang Great Elder, how much do we bet on this level !?”

“Bet a fart! No money!” Jiang Yuchuan’s eyebrows flew into the sky with anger, and roared directly.

After losing 2 games in a row, without half of his net worth, Jiang Yuchuan, who was so flamboyant, had regretted setting a game with Ling Shuangtian.

“Then … the Heavenly Dao oath we made !?” Ling Shuangtian said with a smile.

“This …” hearing this, Jiang Yuchuan suddenly complexion sank, browser tightly knit.

Heavenly Dao oath!

That is not cracking a joke, accidentally, even body and soul destroyed, it is possible.

However, the Chu Yan in Human Race, which is not ridiculous, has already made Jiang Great Elder feel a little palpitated.

Although, he is very confident of Qi Yue of the main family, but Chu Yan’s performance is really amazing.

Even if the second test is so much behind, he can still be overtaken by him.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yuchuan suddenly became embarrassed …

“Otherwise, let’s gamble on a piece of Emperor Jing !?”

After contemplating for a long time, Jiang Yuchuan’s face was red, and he tried to speak to Ling Shuangtian.

“All right! Just like Jiang Great Elder’s, just bet on a piece of Emperor Jing!”

What surprised Jiang Yuchuan was that when hearing his words, Ling Shuangtian had no hint of objection, and he agreed very simply, which was obviously a bet.

“Good! Good! Good! Just bet on Di Jing! That’s it!”

Seeing Ling Shuangtian agree to come down, Jiang Yuchuan immediately smiled, and said quickly, for fear that Ling Shuangtian would regret it.

“Good! That’s it!”

Ling Shuangtian also smiled, nodded, and then walked back to the Human Race camp.


Looking at the back of Ling Shuangtian, Jiang Yuchuan, who was supposed to take the advantage, was suddenly started, muttered

“How do I feel that it’s not right there?”

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