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Very wrong!

Not only was Jiang Great Elder, Fiercely’s lesson, at the same time, in the first two levels, Qi Yue did not understand how the young Human Race surpassed himself.

At the beginning, Qi Yue believed that it was because Chu Yan merged the Emperor Soul Tree in the first 2 levels, so the comprehend was faster than himself.

But later, his own method was exactly the same as Chu Yan’s, and it also integrated the Emperor Soul Tree, but starting from the fifth test, his leading advantage disappeared.

The young Human Race, quietly, a little closer to himself, and finally overtake.

Even if Qi Yue used all one’s strength, he still couldn’t achieve the overtake.

“Why is this !? Why !?”

Towards the stone gate of the 7th level, Qi Yue’s heart kept roaring, his face suffocated.

“Don’t …”

Suddenly, a consciousness, like a thunderclap, flashed in Qi Yue’s Sea of ​​Consciousness, making his body tremble fiercely, standing on the spot, looking full of shock.

“Aren’t the innate talent and strength of the young Human Race younger than … better than me !?”

Such a consciousness flashed, just less than half the time, Qi Yue will hook the head and throw this unrealistic idea out of Sea of ​​Consciousness.


A Human Race young man whose cultivation base is not the next quasi-imperial rank, how can he exceed his own cultivation base! ?

Moreover, he still has the identity of the Demi-God young generation, one of the ten genius.

Contemplating for a long time, with a face of doubt and holding back, Qi Yue’s silhouette disappeared in the 7th stone gate.

He suffocated with him, and … Jiang Yuchuan!

When Jiang Great Elder walked back to the middle of the square, Ling Shuangtian with a smiling face had already been waiting for him …

“you you…..”

Looking at Ling Shuangtian with a strange smile on his face, Jiang Yuchuan’s breathing was heavy, and a scorching breath, with a high temperature of anger, kept spitting out.

At the same time, every time you breathe, Great Elder’s face will be red, and within the body’s aura, it will be more violent.

“Many thanks Great Elder reward!”

Looking at Jiang Great Elder, who was about to breathe fire, and his chest was violently undulating, Ling Shuangtian smiled and opened his hand, while reaching out to the nose of Great Elder’s nose.

That means nothing more obvious …

“Tianlu … Divine Tablet! Tianlu Divine Tablet! Give … to you!” Jiang Yuchuan’s sentence almost consumed the energy of the whole body.


Golden light crossed, and a small golden stone tablet fell into Ling Shuangtian’s hands.

“Ling Pavilion Lord, I recorded Divine Tablet on this day. When I returned to Sect, I raised 200 10000 Dijing. I must redeem it!”

Watching Ling Shuangtian put Tianlu Divine Tablet into his arms, Jiang Yuchuan gritted his teeth and said.

You know, this Divine Tablet, in the Demi-God family, is not only a piece, but a total of 5 pieces, respectively in 3 Supreme Elder, a dedication, and his own hands.

Originally, the patriarch was hope that 5 of them, each with 5 Divine Tablets, can sense the aura of the remaining 4 Divine Tablets, find all, and open the collection of Divine Level cultivation techniques !

But now, if you let patriarch know that you have lost the Divine Tablet, and still lost to Human Race, I am afraid that you, the Great Elder, don’t do it!

“No problem! Pay the money with one hand and deliver with the other!”

Ling Shuangtian still answered so succinctly, but his answer caused a rattle of grinding teeth, and even within ten steps, the temperature of the air increased a lot.

“This level, I bet …”

Jiang Yuchuan kept reminding himself to calm down, but looking at the smile on Ling Shuangtian’s face, he couldn’t calm down.

2 levels left …

There are 9 levels in the Emperor Soul Cave, but no one has ever reached the 9th level. The strongest genius will be eliminated at the 8th level.

Therefore, the current 7th and 8th levels are the last chance for Jiang Yuchuan to turn over the book.

However, after losing 100 6 100,000 Dijing, plus a Divine Tablet, all the resources on his body are gone!

This time came to Human Race 9 respect mountain range, originally was a simple trial to lead the team, but didn’t expect, spread such a big thing.

“I bet … I bet …”

Jiang Yuchuan Great Elder, the unwillingness and suffocation in his eyes, turned into anger, constantly rising …

“I bet …”

Finally, the Great Elder of the Demi-God clan broke out completely!


a Shake the blade glow of Nine Heavens, soaring up to the sky, like the sharp sword of the tide, like the 100 rivers of Haina, and the all directions like the Pentium Nu River.

The blade passed by, and the entire Emperor Soul Cave Square, everyone felt only that a gust of cold hit, and his scalp exploded directly.

“I bet … Yue Tiandao!”

Waiting for everyone to follow the source of the sharp knife, but I saw that in the hands of Jiang Great Elder, there was an a blade shining Spirit Armament!

“Yue Tiandao !?” Ling Shuangtian was stunned suddenly.

Not only Ling Shuangtian, but also a dozen Elders of the Demi-God clan, seeing Spirit Armament in the hands of Jiang Great Elder, all of them were so scared that soul flies away and scatters, almost at the same time, rushed to Jiang Dachang ’s side, anxiously opened the mouth and said

“Great Elder, don’t …”

“Great Elder, Yue Tiandao, but your Life Source Spirit Armament! No …”

“Great Elder, don’t be impulsive …”


Seeing Jiang Yuchuan take out his Spirit Armament, a group of Elders of the Demi-God clan, all their faces were green.

This handle Yuetianblade is not an ordinary Spirit Armament!

That was high grade Emperor Spirit Armament. Jiang Yuchuan had been using blood essence for 10000 years, even if it was only a short distance from Divine Weapon.

This is not important …

The key is, who is Jiang Yuchuan, but it is the Great Elder of the Demi-God family. If accidentally, he lost his Life Source Spirit Armament, which has to be spread out. I am afraid that it will be continent from other domains and other Great Influence. Big teeth.

I can’t afford to lose this face!

“Hmph! Get away … all get out of my sight!” Jiang Yuchuan growled.

“Ling Shuangtian, I, Yue Tianjian, bet 4 million Emperor Jing! You dare to take it!”

4 million Di Jing!

This sentence roared out, suddenly the entire Emperor Soul Cave Square, a silence …

Just Jialing Shuangtian, also brows slightly wrinkle, looked at Jiang Yuchuan with both eyes, his expression seemed very dignified.

But in fact, what everyone in the audience didn’t know was that when Ling Shuangtian saw Jiang Great Elder and took out the Life Source Spirit Armament, the whole person was finally relaxed, and he laughed in his heart!

“Successful! Finally successful!”

Ling Shuangtian’s face was solemn, but Sea of ​​Consciousness was already excited.

Not only Ling Shuangtian, but also on the side, Yuan Ba ​​and Mu Feihuang, who had always been dark and extremely depressed, also shot their eyes together.

The two gangsters looked at Yue Tianjian in the hands of Jiang Great Elder, and looked towards Ling Shuangtian. With a look of consternation in his face, his eyes were also full of excitement.

“Didn’t expect, Ling Pavilion Lord, actually … I did it!”

However, without waiting for everyone to react, Ling Shuangtian’s voice resounded throughout the Emperor Soul Cave Square.

“I … pick up … next …!”

“At this level, I will bet with you 4 million Di Jing!”

Ling Shuangtian carried his hands on his back, waved his big hand, Tianlu Divine Tablet, plus 200 10000 Emperor Crystal, flashed in front of him, suspended in the air.

The audience more then 100 big brother, suddenly turned his head, looked towards Ling Shuangtian, and all the wealth in front of him, suddenly all stunned.

8… 8 million Di Jing!

Are these 2 big guys crazy? ?

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