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With the crazy gambling of 2 big brothers, the audience was shocked.

This is the general Martial Dao gambling game, which is simply betting on the success or failure of the entire Sect!

Ling Shuangtian and Jiang Yuchuan stared at each other, and two bright glow burst into their eyes at the same time, just like thunderbolt lightning, meeting in the air and exploding countless sparks.

“Ha ha ha… .. good! Happy!”

For a long time, Jiang Yuchuan laughed loudly and turned away.

Up to now, the Great Elder that put all the wealth, even the life of the family and the glory of the Demi-God clan up, like a child became very easy.

Now that the game is over, let’s laugh at the situation!

The real powerhouse, blending Heaven and Earth, contains 10000 things, facing all Divine Punishment Heavenly Tribulation, if the heart is not moving, Heaven and Earth will not move!

In Realm of Martial Emperor, every point of improvement is based on the improvement of mood. The improvement of True Qi cultivation base is no longer important.

So, just now, Jiang Yuchuan’s Martial Dao cultivation base, which had not fluctuated for several hundred years, suddenly shuddered slightly.

This sudden change also temporarily made him forget the game, hurry back and sit cross-legged, Divine Soul settled, hoping to catch the mysterious aura.

“It is worthy of the Great Elder of the Demi-God clan. With such a state of mind, I might as well …”

Ling Shuangtian looked at Jiang Yuchuan sitting cross-legged on the floor, and he was deeply moved, and said deep and quietly.

For a long time, when Ling Shuangtian turned and returned, the essence of within both eyes gradually subsided.

Although I was quite envious of Jiang Yuchuan’s chance, others bought it with 4 million Emperor Jing, and others could not ask for it.

Instead, Ling Shuangtian was equally excited.

Because, from the very beginning, when Ling Shuangtian and Jiang Yuchuan made the game, they aimed at Jiang Great Elder’s Life Source spirit knife, Yue Tianjian!

Or to be more precise, it is Yue Tiandao’s … secret!

This secret, Ling Shuang heaven knows, Jiang Yuchuan naturally knows, but the final result depends on the performance of Chu Yan’s last 2 levels.

The terrifying gambling game was completed, and the Emperor Soul Cave Square finally became silent.

On the other side, under the Emperor Soul Tree in the seventh level, Chu Yan couldn’t calm down at all, and his whole body was True Qi, surging like a frenzy of raging sea.

At this time, Chu Yan, after going through 6 levels in succession, Diwei gathered within the body, finally attracted his cultivation base True Qi, and began moving towards bottleneck.

Less than 2 months ago, in Ten Directions Divine Realm, with countless and black beads, the cultivation base went from Martial Sovereign Realm breakthrough to quasi-imperial rank.

After that, he swallowed the rewards of Ten Directions Divine Realm, and added 100 blood crystals and a blood river spirit.

Accumulation is already abundant, but just lack of understanding of Martial Dao and Heavenly Dao, can continue to break through again.

But at this time, in the Emperor Soul Cave, there are more than 600 Emperor Soul Fruits, which contain the inheritance of more than 600 Human Race Antiquity Martial Emperor. Although it is only a part, the accumulation of so many numbers completely caused mutation.

Boom … Rumble!

Rakshasa True Qi, which exploded all over the body, was like a wave of the Honghe River, pulling up the strength of nearly zhang high, and after the entire level 7 of the Emperor Soul Tree, the whole was still moved towards the sky, constantly swept away.

In the endless black True Qi, the tall Saint Rakshasa true body, holding a gold and silver double fork, broke out of the sky …


One foot stepped out, and the whole Emperor Soul Cave shook suddenly, just like God’s anger, shaking the earth and earth.


Roar towards the sky, the red pupil is like blood, looking at Chu Yan’s true body sitting under the tree, seeing Chu Yan’s body all around, the rich and dignified surging like the tide, St Rakshasa true body suddenly opened his mouth and sucked.

Suddenly, more than 600 Emperor Soul Fruit’s breath accumulated, just like the 10000 river returning to the sea, moved towards the big mouth of Saint Rakshasa true body, madly poured into it.

The next moment, a path of blood red lines, flashes continuously on the huge body of Saint Rakshasa true body, like a wave of blood, flowing on its surface.

With the continuous infusion of the emperor’s breath, those blood red lines, rays of light soared from the sky, rushing from all over the body, all moved towards the left hand of Saint Rakshasa true body, madly gathered.

Less than ten breaths, a very complex and mysterious mark appeared on the left arm of St. Rakshasa.

“This … this is …”

Chu Yan strongly suppressed within the body, the True Qi frenzy that erupted like a volcano, forcibly blocked them in front of the cultivation base bottleneck, and looked up towards Saint Rakshasa true body looking towards in midair, his eyes shining like electricity.

The next moment, 2 blood-colored pupil lights, from the eyes of Saint Rakshasa true body, fell straight and fell into Chu Yan’s eyes in an instant.

Blood eyes flew into the body, Chu Yan’s body shuddered suddenly, his feet were away from the body, he flew up and rose into the air …

long hair flying upwards, black robe …

Behind the tall Saint Rakshasa true body, there are 10000 golden lights, all of which melt into the floating Chu Yan body circumference.

Chu Yan at this time, aura has changed dramatically, completely different from the original.

In the eyes that slowly opened, the golden pupil of the blood eye, above the left hand, a silver shadow illusory shadow, slowly solidified, a big mouth, like 10000 ancient Cangsang, Heaven and Earth Vatican-like voice, The whole sky resounds …

“In the name of my holy lord, condense the left hand of Rakshasa, wake me up, the real body of holy Rakshasa!”

This word sounded, in the black Rakshasa True Qi that dispersed Heaven and Earth, countless golden silk threads suddenly lit up, as thin as hair, but with the power of 9 Heavenly Thunder, wandering in the sea of ​​Rakshasa True Qi, as if 10000000 golden lightning snakes are swimming.

Before the blink of an eye, under the fusion and intersection, the golden lightning snake evolved into a thick golden thunder and lightning, zi zi sounded …

Boom … Rumble!

10000 Thunder Simultaneously out, heaven falls and earth rends, the entire Emperor Soul Cave, under the 10000 golden thunder and lightning, was madly trembling.

shua! shua!

In the true body of St. Rakshasa, a streamer is emitted, and in the body of Chu Yan, a streamer is also emitted …

2 The two rushed to the right and instantly blended together!

In an instant, countless inherited memories poured into Chu Yan Sea of ​​Consciousness like a tide.

He saw that at the beginning of the endless years, the presence of a Constant Antiquity stepped out of the access tower and entered the outer domain continent.

A few years later, the Tiantian Tower opened again, a path of the same ancient silhouette, rushing out, chasing that Constant Antiquity body.

A terrifying battle with an enemy of 100!

one gold one silver 2 the sky-shattering light, just like a rainbow, across the sky, slashing the sun and moon, rays of light, and an ancient silhouette, one after another.

Among the mountains of bloody corpses on the ground, holding golden light silver and electricity, scorning the sky …

Suddenly, that Constant Antiquity, soaring into the sky, golden light 10,000 zhang all over the body, rushing towards the sky, endless bloody sky.

Boom … Rumble!

That blow, Heaven and Earth lost its color, sun and moon were dull, and the endless bloody sky, was completely collapsed by half …

The body of that Constant Antiquity, the golden divine runes all over, suddenly dissipated, the whole body exploded, and turned into countless golden spots, dissipated between Heaven and Earth.

That war, the continent in the outer region, the earthquake and tsunami, and the Heaven and Earth riots lasted for 100 years before the aftermath gradually dissipated.

Chu Yan’s eyes shrank suddenly, the endless blood eyes golden light, sprayed out, sweeping into the sky.

Connaught University’s Emperor Soul Cave suddenly fell silent …

Between Heaven and Earth, only Chu Yan and him, the tall golden Rakshasa, stood tall.

“My Lord … come back! This time, I will not let you down!”

Roar! roar! roar!

The words of Sanskrit resounding through Heaven and Earth spread out. In the Sea of ​​Consciousness of Chu Yan, 5 Divine Beasts rose into the sky and roared Vault of Heaven!

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