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5 Divine Beast Martial Soul, which was not controlled by Chu Yan at all, sensed the natural phenomenon outside and rioted in unison.

The force of the violent Martial Soul, which turned into a cloud of 5 colors, rushed out and blended with the true body of Saint Rakshasa behind Chu Yan.


Originally in the sky of Sea of ​​Consciousness, among the 5 soaring Divine Beast Martial Souls, suddenly, White Tiger Martial Soul a long whistle turned into a white light, rushed out of Sea of ​​Consciousness World and shot straight into Chu Yan ’s left hand .


A shocking change followed. The silver fork, which was originally condensed on the left hand of Chu Yan, suddenly shone like a Heaven and Earth star, with strong waves, moving towards all around like a tide.

Buzz …! Buzz …!

After the continuous tremor, after the silver fork condensed into the entity, the Spirit Mark on the left arm of Chu Yan, the White Tiger Martial Soul, was brought to life.

At this moment, the three are in harmony, regardless of each other!


a Frightened Heavenly Thunder burst.

All natural phenomenon rays of light between Heaven and Earth, like the ebb tide of the sea, between the tumbling waves, back to Chu Yan within the body, rushing towards Qi Sea.

Thirty two inner dens, like wheels, run fast.

The True Qi frenzy that was originally suppressed by Chu Yan at the cultivation base bottleneck, in this brief moment, surged ten times in an instant, with the trend of rowing mountains and seas, fiercely crashed out.

Ka cha !

A bang, Chu Yan’s cultivation base, skyrocketed …

The next quasi-imperial order 5th layer…!

Lower-level imperial order 6 Layer…!

Lower-level imperial order 7 Layer…!

Lower-level imperial order 8 Layer…!

The next quasi-imperial order 9th layer…!

The median rank of emperor is one …!

Median Emperor Rank 3 Layer…!

5th layer of median imperial rank…!

In the blink of an eye, the cultivation base skyrocketed to ten realm, a heaven and earth realm!

Chu Yan’s cultivation base is also in the lower level of the imperial emperor, and has been upgraded to the 5th layer of the median imperial emperor.

In one thought, the difference between Heaven and Earth …

“Breakthrough! It’s the mid-level emperor’s rank …” Chu Yan’s eyes burst into shock and his heart shook.

When all the auras disappeared, Chu Yan’s body slowly fell from the sky and returned to the Emperor Soul Tree.

The blood-eye golden pupil slowly receded, and Chu Yan looked up and swept behind him, just to see, with a horrified face, as if he saw God like gaze.

“You … you … breakthrough !?” Qi Yue was completely silly, and Sea of ​​Consciousness was a mess.

Even when Chu Yan sat down and restarted comprehend the seventh Guandi soul fruit, Qi Yue was still in shock, unable to extricate himself for a long time.

The scene just now, reflected in his Sea of ​​Consciousness, the shock to him is really too great.

As one of the ten genius of the Demi-God clan, the scene of Chu Yan cultivation base breakthrough just now, the natural phenomenon between Heaven and Earth caused him to tremble.


too strong!

This Chu Yan has extremely terrifying existence in his body, which is by no means comparable to him.

At this moment, Qi Yue finally understood …

Who is the real genius, who is the ants! ?


Next, a more amazing scene appeared, Qi Yue, who was still sullen, was almost shocked to lie down on the spot …

I saw that under the Emperor Soul Tree, the Human Race young man who had just broken through the cultivation base, Golden’s Divine Consciousness, poured out like a tide, and instantly shrouded a large piece of Emperor Soul Fruit.

Immediately afterwards, a path of Emperor Soul Fruit Halo, madly shining …

shua! shua! shua!

Almost the speed of ten breaths. In less than one hour, the number of Emperor Soul Fruits fused by Chu Yan comprehend went directly from the first to the 30th …

Moreover, the Emperor Soul Fruit in the canopy is still madly lit, and there is no sign of stagnation.

“Why, … what !?”

The halo illuminated by Emperor Soul Fruit, Qi Yue, whose eyes hurt, suddenly awakened, and his face was green.

“This … this is impossible! No … maybe!”

In Qi Yue’s stunned cultivation technique, Chu Yan comprehend’s fusion of Emperor’s Soul Fruit quantity instantly rose to 3 15.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

In the Sea of ​​Consciousness, it seemed as if 10000 Lei Qibo thrilled, and Qi Yue’s body was fiercely trembling, and deng deng deng retreated three to four steps in a row, before barely standing firm.

When he looked up again, looking towards Chu Yan, his eyes were full of bloodshot with horror …

“Even if he’s broken through! It’s only the mid-level imperial rank, this … how is this possible !?”

Qi Yue was completely embarrassed and could not believe the facts he saw with his own eyes.

Although there are currently only two of him and Chu Yan in this seventh level, under such a close distance, it is always impossible.

“I … I’m Realm of Martial Emperor!”

Lips trembling for a long time, Qi Yue said a word, he felt emboldened.

Looking at Chu Yan so dumbly, Qi Yue’s heart, the original pride and detached heart, passed by a little.

Faced with such a monster, the powerlessness hidden in Qi Yue’s heart, like a dark rare beast, swallowed him a little.

Another hour passed …

When the number of Emperor Soul Fruits fused by Chu Yan comprehend reached 5 15, under the Emperor Soul Tree, there was a deep sigh and a dark sound rang …

“Chu Yan, I … I’m not as good as you!”

As this sentence said, Qi Yue’s whole person, aura dissipated in an instant, and his expression became extremely disappointed, without support, and he sat on the ground all at once, his expression sullen.

At this time, the trip to the Emperor Soul Cave, as one of the ten genius of the Demi-God clan, was actually subjected to two mental hits in a row.

And the 2 thrashes are all because of the same person …

Human Race Chu Yan!

Now, even if you take a closer look, the black robe silhouette sitting under the tree, Qi Yue’s Divine Soul, will all be cold.

The collapse of confidence is more terrifying than the lack of cultivation base!

Facing the tall Emperor Soul Tree in front of him, it was difficult for Qi Yue to raise a battle intent.

The stronger the genius, the stronger the Divine Consciousness.

However, the strongest advantage is often the deadliest disadvantage.

Therefore, when Qi Yue’s spirit collapsed completely, he wanted to overcome Chu Yan’s probability, which almost no longer existed.

Compared with Qi Yue, whose confidence collapsed, Chu Yan’s imposing manner was like a tide, rushing all the way, and could not stop at all.

The 7th level, 9 19 Emperor Soul Fruit, it took Chu Yan less than 5 days to complete the comprehend fusion.

The last piece, the 100th Emperor’s Soul Fruit, took only one day to pass.

Boom … Rumble!

Xianle fluttered, the divine power surged, Heaven and Earth natural phenomenon broke out.

Chu Yan walked at a steady pace and appeared in front of the stone gate at the 7th level. The whole square, with more than 100 eyes, kept shaking and covered with blood.

However, what surprised Chu Yan was that these people’s eyes only glanced at themselves, and they all stared at Jiang Great Elder of the Demi-God clan.

In the air, a strange atmosphere floated, making Chu Yan a little chilly.

Especially, when Jiang Great Elder, the pair of grievous eyes, looked towards himself, Chu Yan’s cold hair stood up all over his body.

Without any hesitation, Chu Yan passed by and rushed directly into the 8th gate stone gate.

With the disappearance of Chu Yan silhouette, Jiang Yuchuan’s Elder, his face full of purple red, his forehead green muscles burst, his fists clenched tightly, a path of Emperor Breath Cyclone, wanton surge, crossed the void, cut out 100 void crack.


Lost again!

This time, even his own Life Source Spirit Armament, Yue Tiandao lost.

Up to now, Jiang Yuchuan was so poor that even a Spirit Stone could not be taken out.


The shovel sky, sharp sharp aura, blazed away, and cut the entire piece of void in front of Ling Shuangtian from Jiang Elder, all of which were cut into powder.

Yue Tiandao, unmatched!

“Ling Pavilion Lord, Yue Tianjian … it’s yours!” Jiang Yuchuan’s eyes were red and his voice was hoarse.

It is comparable to Divine Weapon’s spirit knife, and it’s changed …!

“Jiang Great Elder, at this level, you don’t need to raise any chips, and I will bet all the winning Emperor Jing and Spirit Treasure, including this handle Yue Tiandao, only change one thing!”

Looking at the Yue Tianjian trembling on the ground in front of him, Ling Shuangtian looked up and looked towards Jiang Yuchuan, which was amazing!

“What !? All … Only change one thing !?” Jiang Yuchuan stunned suddenly, his eyes bright.

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