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Just when Chu Yan’s consciousness will completely fall into a deep sleep, the mutation is suddenly born!

Buzz …! Buzz …!

On the sky of Divine Consciousness of Chu Yan, in the sea of ​​clouds pulling up the huge waves, an unremarkable azure sky lotus floated out of the clouds.

In the endless Diwei frenzy, the azure sky lotus, like a candlelight in the wind, was constantly shaken by the surge, on the verge of collapse.

However, in a worrying scene, not at all appeared, and the azure rays of light emanating from Azure Lotus became brighter and brighter, from the light of candlelight, and quickly rose to dazzling light.

Like a star out of the sky, the azure lotus light with mysterious power will sprinkle the sky and earth of Sea of ​​Consciousness World.

In an instant, the mad tide that raged in Chu Yan Sea of ​​Consciousness World instantly solidified …

At this moment, the wind is standing, the clouds are breathing …

The sky and the land, everything and everything, quickly restored calm!

All Dewey seemed to be restricted by something, standing on the spot, constantly gathering, moved towards the azure sky lotus in the sky and gathered away.

Boom … rumbling!

A path of thunderbolt that shakes Heaven and Earth explodes, and the tall mountain-like blue armor giant illusory shadow slowly emerges.

A pair of purple thunder eyes containing the vast Star Sea, Heaven and Earth universe, like 2 dart arrows, shoot straight out, wherever passed, all the diwei, zi zi dissipated.

“All, leave me!”

It was like God ’s anger, and it was like Heavenly Dao ’s holy word, drinking it in one word, dispersing Diwei in all directions, trembling together, turning around and escaping.

A large piece of Diwei, as if the mouse saw the cat, madly moved towards Chu Yan’s in vitro escape.

The golden wave formed by Golden Emperor Wei just rushed across the sky in a blink of an eye, disappearing without a trace, as if everything just happened never happened.

“Hmph! A group of solitary soul, unbound ghost, to the bloodline of the same family, so brave!”

The blue armor giant illusory shadow, with a big wave of his hand, the light of Azure Lotus spilled out like a ripple of water, sweeping to every angle of Chu Yan Sea of ​​Consciousness World.

All the damage caused by the tide of twilight, after the azure lotus light swept through, quickly recovered as before!

Even St. Spirit Mark above the sky, after absorbing the light of Azure Lotus, the fissures of the striatum are healing quickly, and the whole Spirit Mark body has become more golden light.

While waving, Heaven and Earth is steady!

This imposing manner made Chu Yan waking up suddenly stunned!

“Qing … Qingjia giant, who … who are you !?” Chu Yan murmured and asked anxiously.

Chu Yan’s voice caused the blue armor giant’s slow profile, his purple eyes looked like thunder, looking down, a kind of loving color appeared on his face, opened the mouth and said again

“Heaven and Earth don’t exist, sun and moon are upside down, and the world is endangered! Chu Yan, remember … Take the sky tower, Path to Heaven, there … is your destiny! Let’s grow up quickly ! Time is running out … no running out! “

In a word, the blue armor giant slowly turned his head, his eyes were far-reaching, and looked at the top of the Martial Soul mountain not far away, 5 starry Divine Beast Martial Soul.

“That’s all! I will help you again!”

The azure gigantic split and then waved, on the azure sky lotus suspended in the sky, among the 9 holes, among the only 3 azure lotus seeds, one flew out, moved towards 5 Divine Beast Martial Soul, and shot straight away.

call out…!

a Dazzling azure light, passing through the sky, pulling out a long whistle, just a flash, and it entered the Vermilion Bird Wu Soul Body.

Tweet …!

In a loud phoenix sound, Vermilion Bird Martial Soul’s whole body, five colors of emperor fire erupted instantly, and half of the sky was dyed into a fire sea.

At the same time, Vermilion Bird Martial Soul soared into the sky, spread its wings and flew straight into the fire sea, instantly turning into ashes.

“Wh … what !? Vermilion Bird and Martial Soul… ..”

Seeing Vermilion Bird Martial Soul turned to ashes, Chu Yan’s pupil fiercely shrank, just about to open, mutation regeneration.

roar! roar! roar! roar!

Black Tortoise, White Tiger, Azure Dragon, and Qilin roared at the same time, spewing out an extremely thick Martial Soul force and crashed into the fire sea.

4 dazzling beams of light merge into one, like a sword, turning fire sea into two. In the broken Fire Dao, a nine colored dazzling god bird flies over fire sea and soars out.

“This … this is … Martial Soul Form Transformation, the soul of war is reborn !?” Chu Yan’s eyes flashed brightly.

I saw that the Vermilion Bird Martial Soul, reborn in the fire sea, has undergone tremendous changes throughout the Soul Body …

The original fire-red poultry body has been transformed into golden at this time, and the different colored light flows on the body surface, only the wings are still a fire red.

The biggest change is the tail feathers. The nine long zhang long lings are divided into 9 colors and emit dazzling rays of light.

“Chu Yan, remember, the soul of war is not extinguished, Eternal Undying!”

Green armor giant, seeing Vermilion Bird Martial Soul take off and become the soul of war, could not help smiling slightly, nodded slightly, looked towards Chu Yan opened the mouth and said.

“The soul of war is not extinguished, Eternal Undying !?” Chu Yan startled.

Boom … Rumble!

With the sky above, the traveling Vermilion Bird Martial Soul, spitting out a large piece of Vermilion Bird Divine Fire, the silhouette of the green armor giant, slowly withdrew from the azure sky lotus, just a flash, and then re-entered the sea of ​​spirit clouds on the sky in.

Tweet …!

The loud sound of the phoenix blew into a large, naked colored sound visible in naked eyes, sweeping through Heaven and Earth!

When the body trembles, these nine colored waves rush out of Chu Yan’s Sea of ​​Consciousness World, moved towards Chu Yan true body. The golden Emperor Soul Tree in front of him, fiercely surged out.

boom…! boom….!

Seeing the sound of the nine colored sound coming, the Golden Emperor Soul Tree would sit there and watch, under the golden light masterpiece, 100 Emperor Souls burst out together, the violent Emperor Wei appeared again, and the moved towards nine colored sound wave came to hedge.

2 forces collided in the Emperor Soul Cave, an explosion of heaven shaking earth shattering exploded, and the shock wave dispersed.

The nine colored sound wave is like a flood, passing by all the way, accelerating withering and decay, even if it hits the violent Diwei, it is also a touch of collapse, and it can’t stop the power of the Vermilion Bird nine colored sound wave.

The Celestial Emperor collapsed, and the nine colored waves swept by, crashing into the Golden Emperor Soul Tree.

Boom … Rumble!

In the blast of heaven shaking earth shattering cry again, the Golden Emperor Soul Tree was violently impacted, and the whole tree shook violently. Those golden Emperor Soul Fruits hanging above the dense canopy, like dumplings, kept falling!


Seeing the golden Emperor Soul Fruit drop, Chu Yan suddenly eyes shined, True Qi urged, condensed into Gang Yuan giant claw, moved towards those fallen Golden Emperor Soul Fruit grabbed.

shua! shua! shua! shua!

In the blink of an eye, 100 golden Emperor’s Soul Fruits, all of which were included in Chu Yan’s Rakshasa Space …

At this time, the vermilion Bird’s outgoing nine colored sound waves have also begun to slowly dissipate, turning into countless light spots and dispersing the sky.

When Chu Yan looked up again, he saw the golden light and golden divine fruit, and there was a hint of divine might. Even Diwei on the tree became light and breathless.

“Hmph! How arrogant …”

Chu Yan snorted again, raising his hand was a punch of 10000 dragons. The roaring Golden Dragon slammed heavily on the Emperor Soul Tree. Suddenly 10000 leaves flew, and a huge sunken fist appeared on the tree.

It’s not Chu Yan’s violence, but this is the 9th level of the Emperor Soul’s Fruit Tree. It’s too overbearing, and it almost made him Divine Soul annihilate.

Therefore, at this time, Chu Yan, without rage, uprooting it, already looked at Ling Shuangtian’s face.

At the moment, Chu Yan Divine Consciousness is like a net, sweeping out instantly, covering the unrecognizable golden Emperor Soul Tree …

This time, the golden Emperor Soul Fruit Tree of overbearing, there is no more resistance!

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