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The Emperor Soul Tree without Emperor Soul Fruit was also swept by the waves of Vermilion Bird 9, and Emperor Wei’s pitiful weakness.

Chu Yan’s Divine Consciousness, just a light roll, will cover the entire Golden Emperor Soul Tree.

In less than a day, the comprehend fusion is complete!

Ao …!

10000 golden light, gushing from the Golden Emperor Soul Tree, turned into a golden dragon shadow, and the Heavenly Dragon roared, rushed to Chu Yan, and quickly coagulated.

A dragon-shaped golden key, sparkling!


Chu Yan opened his eyes, long exhales one mouthful of impure air, his whole body was refreshing, looked towards the golden key in front of him, and raised his hand to take it.

“It seems that this is the tenth pass, the key to the golden stone gate!” Chu Yan’s eyes were filled with joy.

Without any hesitation, Chu Yan took the golden key, stepped out, turned and walked out of the 9th stone gate, moved towards the 1th gate.

Above the square, a series of natural phenomena just happened, the audience was shocked!

In particular, the excitement of the aragonine sound made everyone stunned …

When the dragon shadow with golden light flashing all over the body turned into a key and fell under the Emperor Soul Tree, everyone knew that Chu Yan… .. had passed level 9!

“Heaven … Tianah! What did I see !?”

“The 9th level, was overrun by …?”

“How is it possible !? It’s absolutely impossible! It’s been 1,000,000 years, and someone has crossed the 9th level !?”

“9 Supreme Sect … Emperor Soul Cave … Secret !? To ….. to be born!”


There was a lot of horror in the audience, and all kinds of exclamations sounded together, and the whole square exploded.

Not only all Elders, but also the young genius of all ethnic groups who were eliminated from the Emperor Soul Cave, were all stunned.

Xiao Wenliang stood among the crowd and was still listening to an Elder, telling Chu Yan’s amazing performance.

Originally, Xiao Wenliang did not disdain, and did not believe at all …

However, before the voice of Elder landed, the whole square was chanting Chu Yan’s name.

At this moment, Xiao Wenliang almost flew out of the liver with fear.

What a joke! ?

That Chu Yan actually broke through the 9th level of Emperor Soul Cave! ?

This … this is true! ?

Originally, after going through the sixth test and being eliminated at the 7th level, Xiao Wenliang was extremely proud.

This result surpassed the overwhelming majority of the quasi-imperial powerhouse, even if it is among Martial Emperor Realm young people, it is not counted.

However, how did he also didn’t expect, that Chu Yan, even surpassing 9 levels, rushed directly into the tenth level representing the secret of the million years of the Emperor Soul Cave!

At this time, Chu Yan, who was completely unaware of the shock of everyone on the square, had entered the tenth gate stone gate.

This is a long golden channel, full of antiquity aura, flooded with it, permeated with Cangsang Constant Antiquity….

After walking for one hour, in front of Chu Yan, a golden gate appeared and closed tightly.

“The Secret of Antiquity of the 9 Supreme Sect !? What is behind this stone gate !?” Chu Yan suddenly felt a trace of excitement.

After all, the 9 levels of the Emperor Soul Cave are really not easy to get through.

Walking to the golden gate, Chu Yan held the key and inserted it into the door hole …

ka ka ka….!

After a series of sounds, the golden light of the door was mastered and slowly opened.

Striding out and walking directly into the golden gate, Chu Yan came to the great hall of a golden and jade in glorious splendor.

The entire golden great hall was empty, except for a golden altar with a stone box.

“What is this ?!” Chu Yan startled, a look of doubt appeared on his face.

Immediately, before walking to the golden altar, looked towards that stone box.

The stone box is one foot long, one foot wide, and the thickness of a palm above the surface, a golden Spirit Mark, sparkling, warm within a tentacle.

This kind of stone, not jade or stone, is extremely rare. I am afraid it is made of the finest spar.

It is said that there is an existence named Shen Jing among the spar. It is said that it will not rot for 1000 years and will not change for 10000 years. It will be stored inside. Even after millions and millions of years, there will be no slight change.

Presumably, this is legendary … Shen Jing!

Reaching for the stone box, St. Spirit Mark in the Sea of ​​Consciousness suddenly shot a golden light and was not in the stone box. Suddenly, the Spirit Mark on the stone box turned into a golden streamer and returned with the light of St. Spirit Mark Chu Yan Sea of ​​Consciousness.

The Spirit Mark on the stone box is disappeared!

Opening the stone box and looking down, Chu Yan suddenly looked dumbfounded …

I saw a jade pendant with a big slap in the stone box, lying in the middle, with a storage Jade Talisman beside it, and nothing else.

Picking up the big jade pendant, I saw nine powerhouses carved on the jade pendant, forming a peculiar formation, killing a behemoth pattern, and the back of the jade pendant was engraved with several Antiquity texts.

“9 Town Divine Sect!”

Seeing the name, Chu Yan suddenly brows slightly wrinkle. I don’t know at all how this jade pendant of Divine Sect in 9 town appeared in this Emperor Soul Cave.

So Chu Yan turned his eyes and looked towards the storage Jade Talisman aside.

“Look what is good!”

Seeing the storage Jade Talisman, Chu Yan suddenly looked overwhelmed and finally broke into here. If he got nothing, he would lose a lot.

Picking up storage Jade Talisman, Divine Consciousness swept away, but found that there was no prohibition on Jade Talisman, it turned out to be an unowned storage Jade Talisman.

Immediately, no matter how much Chu Yan did, he directly dived into Divine Consciousness and looked towards it.

However, under a sweep, Chu Yan’s eyebrows flickered in shock …

Because, among Jade Talisman, there are countless heavenly materials earthly treasures, many of them are heaven-level spirit medicine.

apart from this, there are actually 5 Spirit Sources!

These 5 sources are all 7th grade spirit source …

At a glance, Chu Yan’s eyes suddenly brightened, even breathing quickly.

This spiritual source can enhance the cultivation base!

Even if it is used for 9 meditation, maybe it can restore 9 meditation to Peak state, that is Martial Emperor!

Moreover, now that there are 5 spiritual sources, even if Chu Yan takes his own cultivation, maybe the cultivation base may break through again.

“very good !”

Chu Yan was excited, and quickly collected 5 pieces of Lingyuan into Rakshasa Space.


Five moments when Lingyuan flew out, a Gupu’s scroll flew out with it and landed in front of Chu Yan.

“what is this!?”

Chu Yan startled, then picked up the scroll and slowly unfolded.

On this scroll, all the strange texts were written. Chu Yan looked at it for a long time, and couldn’t understand it!

“What the hell dash !?”

Just about to throw aside, the glory flashed in front of him, 9 Ming holding a 3 pointed 2 blade knife, suddenly appeared in front of Chu Yan.

“Lord, this is God World text!” 9 Ning glanced and bowed.

“God World text !?” Chu Yan froze.

Here is the continent of the foreign domain, why is the word Divine Race appearing, this is too strange.

“You know !?” Chu Yan looked towards 9 Ming asked

“Yes, Lord!” 9 Nodded.

Also, there is a special relationship between 9 Ming and Divine Race, and Divine Race is very likely to be a survivor of God World. The text used is very likely to be God World text.

“Then look, what is written on it!” Chu Yan passed the scroll.

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