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Chu Yan raised his head, glanced Xiao Wenliang at the corner of his eyes, and slightly hooked the head.

This Xiao Wenliang, deliberately aimed at himself, instigated all the big brothers of the 9 Supreme Sect, wanting to turn himself into a target, his heart can be blamed.

However, from the moment he stepped into the stone gate, Chu Yan had decided that the secret behind the golden stone gate would not be made public.

After all, in that case, let’s not talk about causing a lot of trouble for yourself, and at the same time, it may cause unpleasantness among the 9 Supreme Sects.

In particular, Ling Shuangtian, who is currently the leader of the 9 Supreme Sects, is even more unfavorable.

Seeing Chu Yan completely ignoring himself, Xiao Wenliang’s face instantly turned red, and his eyes were bloodshot.

Originally, his proud heart, when he learned that Chu Yan had crossed the tenth level of the Emperor Soul Cave, all turned into a fire of jealousy, and almost burned his reason, all burned to ashes.

Therefore, when Chu Yan’s face was clear, Xiao Wenliang was almost exploding.

“Chu Yan, hurry up, if you dare not …”

However, without waiting for Xiao Wenliang to finish his speech, suddenly a thunderbolt yelled and exploded directly …

“Xiao Wenliang! You are so powerful!”

The thunderous sound, accompanied by the powerful Diwei, grabbed a tide of energy and swept across.

As Diwei passed by, the big guys who were surrounded by Chu Yan all around only felt a tremendous force strike, where they could still stand and were directly swayed by the surge.

Xiao Wenliang was taken care of by the Emperor Wei, as if he had been hit by a heavy hammer, and his entire body flew out, rolling over 100 steps before falling to the ground.


A mouth spouted a big mouth of blood mist, and Xiao Wenliang was full of horrified eyes, just to see the silhouette of Ling Shuangtian crossing out.

“hmph! ”

With a loud hum, Ling Shuangtian, who was covered with frost, was surrounded by emperor’s breath, wherever he passed, the void was trembling, and everyone’s eyes were full of fear.

“I Ling Shuangtian’s direct disciple, you can also question !?”

The words fell on the floor, and everyone’s faces changed, all scattered, and no one dared to stay beside Chu Yan.

Ling Shuangtian is like a mountain peak, traversing in front of everyone, making everyone present look up.

“Ling Pavilion Lord …”

Yuanba and Mu Feihuang, 2 people hesitated for a long time, cautiously opened the mouth and said

“This Emperor Soul Cave is the place where our 9 Sects share. So, can the secret behind this golden stone gate be told by Chu Yan !?”

“En !?” Ling Shuangtian glared, looking at 2 people, complexion sank said.

“You two guys, so want to know, you can let you inside the sect’s discipline, through the 9 levels, go in and see for yourself, or just understood!”


Hearing Ling Shuangtian’s words, Yuan Ba ​​and Mu Feihuang suddenly flushed and almost sighed with old blood.

This is too popular!

Emperor Soul Cave, is that easy to break! ?

Don’t say that they are inside the sect’s youth genius, even if they are themselves, they only reached the seventh level.

Moreover, for a full 1,000,000 years, Chu Yan was the only one who passed 9 levels.

According to this calculation, it is necessary to find another person who can break into the golden stone gate. I am afraid that it will have to wait for 1,000,000 years.

This … is simply impossible!

“Chu Yan, this is not a quiet place! Our Huizong!”

Ling Shuangtian angered the two gangsters half-deadly, turned his head towards satisfied, and looked towards Chu Yan with a smile on his face.

“Yes! Master!”

Chu Yan stood up and accepted the order.

For him, the matter of Emperor Soul Cave is over. He wanted to go back earlier so that he could cultivate the book “Tian Beng Emperor Technique” as soon as possible!

So, hearing Yan Shuangtian’s words, Chu Yan followed Ling Shuangtian directly, moved towards Emperor Soul Cave outside.

Seeing Ling Shuangtian and Chu Yan leave, a group of Demi-God clan turned their heads together and looked towards Jiang Yuchuan.

But Jiang Yuchuan was smiling, and his face was extremely calm.

The two tyrants Yuan Yuan and Mu Feihuang had a depressed face and a black face, but they were helpless.

Only standing in the distance, Golden Robe’s blood-stained Xiao Wenliang, looked towards Chu Yan’s back, and his eyes were full of fierceness.

“Chu Yan, wait for me! I won’t let you go …”


Half a day later, Chu Yan and Ling Shuangtian returned to Lingyun Pavilion.

Ling Shuangtian took Chu Yan and directly drove a large group of Lingyun Pavilions waiting outside the mountain gate to return to Ling Shuangtian ’s Great Hall.

2 people, closed the door and talked for a whole day.

After waiting a day, when Chu Yan came out of Lingyun great hall, the burning flame in his eyes let everyone startled.

However, without waiting for everyone to talk, Chu Yan stood up directly, turned into a streamer, and returned to his own peak.

This time, tens of thousands of gangsters stayed there silly, messy.

The behavior of Ling Shuangtian and Chu Yan, in their view, is too weird …

However, neither Ling Shuangtian nor Chu Yan, who had just broken through the Guandi Emperor’s Soul Cave, were dared to offend easily.

Soon, the gate of Lingyun great hall was opened, Pavilion Lord made a flying shot, and ordered all the elders of the whole family to gather in Lingyun Golden Palace for discussion.

With a single order, the Lingyun Pavilion was shocked …

Countless silhouettes flew from all over the mountain gate and hurried to Lingyun great hall.

In less than one hour, every Elder coming out of Lingyun great hall has a terrified look, looks like an electricity, rushes out of Lingyun Pavilion, and flies to all directions of Azure Dragon World.

The whole Canglong is continent, and it boils with it!

At the same time, Chu Yan was in the hall, chatting with Little White Bear for a while, and came to the cultivation hall alone.

“Cultivation first!”

Taking out that day’s Emperor Bianzhu technique, Chu Yan started cultivation.

After a few comprehends, Chu Yan put away the secret book, turned over his hands, and took out a 7th grade spirit source.


White Tiger Martial Soul roared out, and the rich golden power filled the whole cultivation hall.

On this day’s Emperor Blast, 1st move “Elemental Split” Five Elements will be returned to gold. With White Tiger Martial Soul stimulate, the formidable power will be improved.

With the surge of Rakshasa True Qi, among the spirit sources in front of you, one after another majestic spirit aura rolled like a tide.

For two full days, Chu Yan has been immersed in cultivation, completely obsessed.

The subtlety of Celestial Emperor is far better than Chu Yan’s imagination.

Since entering Martial Dao cultivation, Chu Yan has cultivated many martial skills, and there is no one at all, which can be compared with this imperial skill.

Moreover, with the deepening of cultivation, a very faint emperor’s breath continued to rise, and merged with the White Tiger Martial Soul in midair, turning into a wheel of Heaven and Earth, dazzling, as if it were a piece of Heaven and Earth.

The Art of Blasting Sky, splitting Yuan Energy, splitting 10000 things, and 10000 annihilation!


Suddenly, Chu Yan’s eyes widened and he shot with a palm.

Boom … Rumble!

A dark burst exploded, forcibly shooting the void in front of nothingness, a hand palm seal appear out of thin air, an endless Space-Time storm, rushing out of the palm seal black hole.

“Okay! Successful!”

Chu Yan’s face was delighted, his palms closed and his eyes were shining.

This 1st Style cultivation is relatively easy. It only took 2 days for Chu Yan to master the know-how, but there is still a not small distance from Great Accomplishment.

Slowly standing up, Chu Yan turned over with a big hand, took a token, and muttered to himself.

“Heavenly Sword 9 Peak!”

This token is exactly the token that Ling Shuangtian got from Jiang Yuchuan when he was in the Emperor Soul Cave.

According to Ling Shuangtian, the place represented by this token has a great relationship with the Sword Dao cultivated by Chu Yan!

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