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Martial Dao cultivation, Heaven’s Chosen Martial Artist Countless, although Martial Dao is the same, but still different.

This difference depends on each Martial Artist, the martial skill used, and even many Martial Emperor Realm powerhouse, will use their own martial skill as their emperor.

Chu Yan, from the first year of entering Martial Dao, decided to use sword to enter dao.

So, no matter when and where, Chu Yan is a real … Swordsman!

This is not only Chu Yan knows, but even Ling Shuangtian is very clear.

Therefore, in the Emperor Soul Cave, Ling Shuangtian used 100 thoughts and took great risks to get a “Heavenly Sword 9 Peak” token from the Demi-God family Great Elder Jiang Yuchuan.

The only function of this token is to pass the Great Peak Array of “Heavenly Sword 9 Peak”.

As long as you hold this token, when you are close to the Heavenly Sword 9 peak, the Great Peak Array will not attack and let it enter.

Chu Yan clearly remembered that as soon as he returned to Lingyun Pavilion, Ling Shuangtian took Chu Yan to Lingyun great hall and very solemnly told the situation of Heavenly Sword 9 peak.

According to Ling Shuangtian, this Heavenly Sword 9 peak is a continent in the outer realm, a Secret Realm of the top ten racial forces.

Above the 9 peaks, there are 9 Divine Weapon swords, as well as a full 100,000 Spirit Sword, known as the Holy Land of all continent Swordsman yearning.

The sword hidden in Heavenly Sword 9 Peak, including the 9 Divine Weapon sword, and even the 100,000 Spirit Sword, all come from mysterious, formidable power is amazing, if you can be at Heavenly Sword 9 Peak, you can gain something for cultivation Sword Dao’s Martial Artist has great benefits.

Therefore, there are countless Swordsman disciple of the top ten racial forces in continent in foreign domain almost every year.

However, if Heavenly Sword 9 peaks, only 8 peaks remain …

According to the news from the top ten races, 10,000 years ago, one of the peaks of Divine Weapon’s sword suddenly flew away without sound for some reason.

Qiang …!

Holding the token of Heavenly Sword 9 Peak, Chu Yan surged with Sword Intent on his body, and the Clear Sky Sword behind him gave a loud word whisper.

“En !? Clear Sky, even you have a sense of this token !?”

To the surprise of Chu Yan, Clear Sky Sword sent bursts of Sword Qi, which seemed even more exciting than Chu Yan.

“Okay! Since that is the case, this Heavenly Sword 9 peak, let’s go!”

Chu Yan pondered for a moment, then he made up his mind and strode away towards the outside of the hall.

When he wanted to come, to go to Heavenly Sword 9 peak, how could he get some Spirit Sword, even as the ascending material of Clear Sky Sword, it is not bad.

After all, Clear Sky Sword has not improved its rank for a long time, just because it lacks Spirit Sword with sword spirit.

At the same time, Chu Yan is extremely interested in the Heavenly Sword 9 peak, 8-handed Divine Weapon sword, very much, and has the idea of ​​playing against his own Clear Sky.

Although, Chu Yan never thought about it, he would change his own Clear Sky Sword.

However, if you can get some Spirit Sword, even if you sell it, it is estimated that it can be a big deal.

In addition, there is one of the most important reasons for Chu Yan to decide to go to Heavenly Sword 9.

That is, at this time, the Sect forces guarding the peak of Heavenly Sword 9 are the subordinates of the Wu people ….

“Boss wise, take me, take me, tear down the Heavenly Sword 9 peak, and kill the Gang of trash!”

Little White Bear heard Chu Yan say he was going to Heavenly Sword 9 peak, and immediately excited ao ao called directly. A pair of bear eyes were all battle intent flames.

“Oh, don’t you want to attack the realm of Monster Emperor? This time, 9 Ming, just go with me, you should cultivate hard!”

Chu Yan pats Little White Bear’s head, said with a smile.

“Ah … okay!” Little White Bear was disappointed, and the old man with a small mouth rising.

However, she also knows that Chu Yan is right. Her current monster cultivator has reached the upper level of the 7th Layer, which is not far from breakthrough Monster Emperor.

And Chu Yan left her a lot of monster cultivator resources, there are several more, enough for her breakthrough.

Leaving Jufeng, Chu Yan came to the Great Hall of Lingyun Pavilion, with the aid of the Transmission Array inside the sect, he set off to Heavenly Sword 9 Peak.

Just when the silhouette of Chu Yan disappeared in the Transmission Great Array, Ling Shuangtian slowly opened his eyes in Lingyun Golden Palace.

“Chu Yan set off!”

With a whisper, the ten elders in the hall started together.

“Although Pavilion Lord and Chu Yan have tokens, they can pass through the Great Peak Array, but the Heavenly Sword 9 peak, and the Ming Clan guards, with the hatred of the Chu Clan against Chu Yan, I am afraid …”

8 Elder looked worried, opened the mouth and said.

“That’s right! Because of this, I issued 9 decree orders and ordered 9 Supreme Sect and other Human Race Sects to prepare for the army!” Ling Shuangtian’s face was indifferent and gently replied.

“This …” Elders froze together.

“Chu Yan’s trip will either fall on the Heavenly Sword 9 peak, or … hehe, I am afraid that the Ming tribe is eating a big loss, when the time comes, if you find me Lingyun Pavilion, my Human Race Sect force, too At that time, let the foreign domain continent have a long eye! “

Ling Shuangtian’s eyes swept, his eyes were thunderous, and the battle intent was free.

“Yes! Pavilion Lord!”

Hearing Ling Shuangtian’s words, the whole hall Elder, and his face was excited at the same time.

Could it be that this time Chu Yan’s Heavenly Sword 9 and his party will become the fuse of the rise of Human Race! ?

On this day, all Human Race Martial Artists, I do n’t know how long I waited …


Space-Time shuttle, the stars are vast.

Even with the aid of Transmission Array, it took 2 days to reach the northern part of Continent, a place called the source of sparks.

Uh …!

In the sky, a crack appeared, and the black robe silhouette flashed, appearing in midair.

Zhang Mu 4 looked, Chu Yan’s expression suddenly started, his eyes flashed.

“Here is the source of sparks !? Not bad … a good place!” Chu Yan looked at the all around scenery and said, unable to bear.

I saw that on the 10,000 li plain below, there were patches of fire red plants, each of which was in full bloom, and the location of the core was a beating flame.

At a glance, it seemed as though there were 10000 sparks spreading over the whole plain, with no end in sight.

A little bit of fire, in the middle of it, makes people feel amazing.

On the horizon of this sparkland, a towering mountain stands just nine.

On top of this mountain peak, a huge spiritual array covers the mountain peak within a 1000-mile radius. In the Array illusory shadow, the streamer 4 overflows, Sword Qi unhindered, imposing manner.

“There is Heavenly Sword 9 Peak!”

Chu Yan’s eyes turned, and before the mountain peak, there was a group of buildings that could be seen vaguely. Some silhouettes dressed in purple robe shuttled in the sky.


eyes slightly narrowed, aura surging on Chu Yan’s body, with both eyes bursting out of the dazzling fine mans.

“This time, let me take these guarded Ming clan and try it out! Look at the strength of the Ming clan and how strong it is!”

At this time, Chu Yan came to Heavenly Sword 9 Peak, and one of the purposes was to fight this Ming clan head-on.

Although the Ming tribe here can only be regarded as one branch at most, the strength of the clansman among them is not low.

But Chu Yan wanted to save mother and fight with the Ming clan, which is inevitable.

Since reaching the continent in the outer realm, the Ming tribe has been chasing and killing Chu Yan. At that time, Chu Yan was not strong enough and could only endure as much as possible.

But now, it’s time to shoot!

Uh …!

The silhouette stormed into a black electric shock, moving towards Heavenly Sword 9 in the distance, flying away.

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