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Chu Yan’s appearance not only attracted the attention of Mo Wenjun, but also attracted the attention of other sword repairs present.

For a time, I cast on the 100 line of sight and looked towards Chu Yan. I kept looking at it, and my eyes were complicated.

Some people looked towards Chu Yan, with a look of surprise, some with contempt and disdain, and some with a low look and thoughtful look.

Only the monk Holy Son Mo Wenjun, with a sneer on his face, was very proud.

“Chu Yan, here at the Jianya Cliff, as long as Guo Tian City is staring at you and seeing how arrogant you are.”

Sure enough, when the silhouette that fell in the sky began to sparse, Guo Tian City glanced over and stayed on Chu Yan for half a breath, then got up and announced.

“Good! Thank you for your support, this time’s Bijian Dao Dao Conference, can start!”

On the ground, he saw a big wave of his hand, and a row of ladies appeared on the garden path behind him, holding agar jelly food, like a group of people Fairy, quickly shuttle between flowers and green grass, for each table. Wine case, rearranged.

“En !? Martial Sovereign Realm !?”

In the crowd, when someone looked away, they discovered that these ladies were all cultivation base out of the ordinary, and they were all Martial Sovereign Realm Martial Artists.

Moreover, almost every lady with a beautiful face is wearing a sharp Sword Qi, just like body protection True Qi, haunting her body.

“Ha ha ha, Guo Senior Brother is really elegant, beautiful wine and beauty, nothing more beautiful can be imagined ah!”

“Didn’t expect, within the 6 Divine Sect, Martial Sovereign Realm Martial Artist as the servant, and all the beautiful beauties, Sword Qi elegant, really worthy of one of the ten races imposing manner! “

“Drinking and arguing, the beauty is better than the sword! In this case, it really didn’t come in vain!”

“Guo Senior Brother, a giant amongst men, with a Roaming Dragon sword, comprehend on this sword rock for decades, unmatched, these sword hearts, should be repaired as the first foreign sword!”


A group of Martial Artists, drinking fine wine, looking at beautiful women, various flattery, constantly photographed Guo Tian City above the theme.

Chu Yan held a glass of wine in his hand, and looked at all around with a smile on his face. This is the first time he has participated in the Bijian Forum on Taoism. He naturally felt fresh and interesting.

“Everyone, please feel free!”

As the master, Guo Tian City stood up, carrying a wine glass, and greeted the audience from afar, drinking all.

Immediately afterwards, the conference officially began. After each wine case, some people rose from the cups, making friends and chatting in 4 places.

More, but went to Guo Tian City in the main position, and surrounded it with 3 Layer and 3 Layer at once.

“Under Cui Liyuan, there is no deficiency inside the sect door discipline, I have seen Guo Senior Brother!”

A sword repairer, Duan Cup toasted Guo Tian City with a flowery smile on his face …

“In Daan next week, the wine from Heavenly Heart Sect, many thanks Guo Senior Brother, just my taste, full haha, I ’ll do it first …”

“It’s snowing, from the Sky Sea Territory, I hope that this sword meeting will get you Fellow Daoist’s advice …”

“Under …”

A genius, toasting Guo Tian City, self-reported home …

Every Martial Artist will speak with praise from other people present, and the scene is very lively.

That Guo Tian City looked extremely powerful. He smiled and waited for everyone who came to toast. It was a joy for the guests and the host.

Among the crowd, Chu Yan looked at Jian Xiu who each and everyone reported their identity, and was slightly nodded.

Especially three of them, Chu Yan’s Divine Consciousness swept through, also praised.

This first place is the inner disciple called Dalian Temple, named Miaolian Ju’an. The dust on his face is indifferent, as quiet as a green pine, but with the body’s majestic Sword Intent, it looks like a flood.

The second place is from the black corner Cave Mansion. His face is pale, as if he has not seen the formation of sunlight for many years, named An Yue, and it is also a rare genius.

It’s just that although he talked with people, it was half the time, faintly discernable watching Chu Yan.

The last one, naturally the Holy Son Mo Wenjun of the Ming tribe, has a dark face, staring straight at Chu Yan, and his face is hostile.

“Under Chu Yan, the Lingyun Pavilion discipline!”

Chu Yan was carrying a wine glass and toasted to show his gratitude to the host.

When Chu Yan finished the wine case and returned to the back of the wine case, several silhouettes immediately gathered around.

“Jiu Wen, Brother Chu’s name, the sword on the square, which cut off the 10000-year-old black iron sword post, is really my Sword Dao model ah!”

“Yi! Lingyun Pavilion !? Isn’t Chu Yan the genius of the Demi-God family !? Didn’t expect or Human Race genius, it’s really promising ….”


Chu Yan’s identity and cultivation base are stronger than those of many Martial Artists present, which naturally attracts everyone’s enthusiasm and wants to make friends with them.

Chu Yan smiled all over his face, raised his glasses to meet, light and natural.

Not far away, Mo Yan’s cold eyes swept the Chu Yan silhouette, but his heart was extremely uncomfortable.

“Everyone …”

After three rounds of wine and three games, Guo Tian City rose again from the top of the main stage. When he spoke, the audience was quiet and turned their heads to look.

Seeing the scene calm down, everyone looked towards themselves, Guo Tian City was satisfied with the nodded, opened the mouth and said

“Today’s Bijian Dao is almost ready to start! This First Stage, of course, is … Bijian!”

In a word, Martial Artist’s eyes flashed suddenly, and all faces were excited and excited.

This highlight is finally about to begin!

“Everyone, everyone is swordsmanship, naturally it is clear to me, my generation of swordsmanship, to say that the strength is strong, it is inseparable from a peerless Spirit Armament! It seems that everyone is gathered in these 9 Jiantianfeng, I am afraid all This reason! “

“So, in this First Stage, everyone compares, seeing the Spirit Sword in their hands, it is even more outstanding!”

Guo Tian City finished speaking with a smile on his face, looked towards everyone.

“Than sword !? Just better than Spirit Armament !?”

“Haha, treasure sword with hero, Spirit Sword with hero, look at everyone present, who has peerless Divine Sword.”

“This is good! Today is bound to be an eye-opener and a feast for the eyes!”


Hearing Guo Tian City, a group of genius spoke in unison and echoed.

Only Chu Yan in the rear, his face started, brows slightly wrinkle, how did he also didn’t expect, this so-called Bijian, actually turned out to be Spirit Armament! ?


However, without waiting for Chu Yan to speak, in the scabbard behind him, Clear Sky Sword shuddered directly, telling Chu Yan clearly that he would never be a big fan, unless he played against the 8-hand Divine Weapon.


Chu Yan smiled bitterly at the moment, shook the head, and looked helpless.

However, don’t say that Clear Sky Sword is unwilling, even if you are, you are unwilling. As a sword repair, the sword kills, how can you watch it! ?

Moreover, when I stepped into 9 Sword Heaven Peak, Clear Sky Sword had caused the reaction of other 8 antiquity spirit armaments. If I pull out Clear Sky Sword now, I am afraid it will cause unnecessary trouble.

“I will come first!”

Mo Wenjun, the Nether tribe, stepped out and swept his eyes to Chu Yan with a very provocative smile, and then raised his Spirit Armament in his hand.

“This sword is called … 1000 troops!”

Qiang …!

A word whisper, like a long whistle in the empty secluded canyon, which contains a thunderbolt 10000 average potential, imposing manner like a rainbow, formidable power out of the ordinary.

What a great Spirit Armament!

“1000 troops! Kill the enemy by slashing, break 1000 troops, and 10000 chiefs, no frontier!”

The sword came out, the cold and the murderous aura rushed, everyone in the audience, the complexion changed, the nodded Qiqi, endless praise.

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