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“A good army of 1000 troops! Let’s present an ugly man!”

In a word, the Miaolian of Daen Temple settled down, stepped out gently, holding a long sword without a sword, and walked to the front of everyone, slightly bowed, gently said with a smile

“This sword is called …. Chaodu! One sword is extraordinary, Heaven Beyond the Heaven!”

a Sword light like divine light, rising from the sky, long sword without sharp edge, but extremely fierce, Sword Qi stirs, even grabs in the sky, a large piece of Sanskrit music, is eye-catching.

“En !?”

In the hands of Mo Wenjun, the 1000 troops of Emperor Artifact seemed to be competing with one another, under the trembling of the sword body, a path of Sword Intent, rippling like water ripples, moved towards “Super Cross” And go.

This Sword Intent outbreak suddenly made everyone’s face startled and looked at them together.

But I saw that when the 1000 army Sword Intent flooded, Miao Lian settled in the hands of the “super transition” but the Sword Intent darkened, avoiding the 1000 army Sword Intent.

However, waiting for its sharp edge, the sword body of Chaodu Sword is Buddha’s radiance masterpiece, and Fan Yinmiaomiao is one point stronger than before.

“A good” super crossing “, no sharp and no front, no anger and no dispute, not happy or not, self-defense and freedom, good sword! Good sword!”

Someone in the crowd exclaimed, apparently surprised by the performance of the transition.

“The 1000 troops of Senior Brother, imposing manner out of the ordinary, as pointed by the word edge, is like a magnificent army with thousands of men and horses. It is a good sword that is a peerless good sword! Out!”

An Yue, Cave Mansion of Pointe Noire, air-conditioned and awe-inspiring, holding a half-foot sword and stepping out in one step, Sword Qi 4 overflowed.

“Sword Name Crescent Moon, Antiquity Spirit Armament, Grade 3 Sword Soul!”

The cold aura, with a hint of coolness, flew across the audience, everyone in the audience only felt that the pores were shrinking and the neck was slightly cool.

“Ha ha ha, Brother An Yue’s crescent moon, as expected, the name is not in vain. I am the moon wave, but I don’t even have the spirit of the sword.

“Two of you are so polite! Let’s take a look at my hand … the blood-yang sword has cut off the head of 2 powerhouse, drinking blood essence, and the sword edge is red, but can someone take a look !?”

“Mine, look at me …”

One by one Martial Artists, one after another, took out their swords and took out their own Spirit Armament.

In an instant, before the small building, Sword Qi was empty, and the word whisper was like a wave.

There are 100 Spirit Armaments on the emperor’s rank, some Sword Qi is powerful, some sword spirits, some pseudo Divine Weapon appear, but the rank is not high.

“Yi !? Chu Yan Fellow Daoist, everyone shows Spirit Armament, why are you …”

Suddenly, Guo Tian City, who was above the throne, with a smiling face, suddenly saw Chu Yan completely ignoring the 100-arm Spirit Armament at the scene, immediately frowned, opened the mouth and said.

This word came out, with a trace of doubt, and also a trace of displeasure, and even used 30% True Qi to press against Chu Yan.

This imposing manner suppresses, if you change a person, your ears are flushed and hot on the spot, panic.

The whole scene was suddenly quiet, everyone’s eyes twisted together, looked towards Chu Yan.

It’s true that Chu Yan was wearing a scabbard, as if she didn’t have a sword at all!

what’s the situation! ?

Why didn’t Chu Yan have a sword! ?

Facing everyone’s doubtful eyes, Chu Yan stood up, swept across the crowd, and arched his hand

“Everyone, sorry, the sword underneath cannot be taken out casually, otherwise, the possible consequences will be incalculable!”

In a word, all the sword repairs in the audience were stunned.

what! ?

Your sword cannot be taken out at will! ?

The consequences are incalculable. Could it be that your sword is much more powerful than the sword of everyone in the audience, and the genius of the audience cannot bear it! ?

The next moment, including Guo Tian City, all the faces of the audience changed.

“Hmph! Chu Yan, there is less arrogance, what consequences can not be estimated, you clearly rely on the identity of the Demi-God clan, looking at everyone present!”

Mo Wenjun, the Ming tribe, turned his eyes and immediately mocked. ,

“Not bad! Brother Chu, I think you still have the sword!”

“That is, everyone has a sword, and they haven’t seen any consequences, so, despite the sword, everyone should bear it together!”

“No matter what the consequences, everyone is waiting!”


A large number of sword repairs, after listening to Mo Wenjun’s words, were a little displeased in their hearts, so they began to persuade Chu Yan.

Above the throne, Guo Tian City was sneered. In his eyes, Li Mang flashed and said, “What a Chu Yan, who is my sword sword cliff, dare to speak like this, are you the first one !?”

“Don’t you even put me in your eyes !? I don’t believe it. In my sharp sword cliff, there is nothing else I can’t bear!”

“I’ll order you, immediately show the sword!”

In a word, even the 2 Divine Sect Elder, who stood behind Guo Tian City, stepped out in one step, drinking again

“Bright sword!”

“Bright sword!”

2 words, like thunderbolt drinking heavily, shocked the person present, while Divine Soul shuddered.

The violent Di Wei swept the audience. Some wine cases that were close to each other were suddenly washed away into powder and scattered.

Seeing the two Martial Emperors show their power at the same time, the faces of the genius who were present all changed.

You know, this Guo Tian City is the Sir of 6 Divine Sect, even if it is in the Heaven Ranking in the outer domain, it is also the existence of the top 100 ranked, and its battle strength has reached Martial Dao Peak.

Even out of Lilian, 6 Divine Sect sent 2 Martial Emperor Realm Elders to accompany them. These statuses are absolutely out of the ordinary!

Standing in the crowd, Mo Wenjun saw Guo Tian City angry, suddenly his eyes were bright, and his heart was laughing.

didn’t expect, he didn’t use much means at all, then Chu Yan himself angered Guo Tian City and offended the sword repair.


Chu Yan drank out, Motionless As Mountains, his face pale.

“What !? No …!?”

Guo Tian City eyes shrank, the anger in his eyes substantiated, one after another majestic True Qi, burst out of nowhere.

“Chu Yan, you dare not give Guo Senior Brother a face !? I think you really look down on everyone!”

Mo Wenjun was overjoyed in his heart, and quickly ignited the fan.

“Yes! Brother Chu, did you move too much?”

“Everyone showed Spirit Armament, but you refused, could you really look down on us !?”

“Hmph! A Martial Artist of Human Race, by the name of the Demi-God family, is really above the sky!”


The genius present were all flushed, and looked towards Chu Yan, all with dissatisfaction.

For a time, a tense atmosphere swept through the entire conference.

“Everyone, please be safe!”

Suddenly, a loud, bell-like voice suddenly sounded, containing True Qi. At first glance, everyone shuddered and turned to look.

But I saw that Miaolian in Da’en Temple settled down with his hands folded and stepped out …

“This is more of a blessing than a swordsmanship conference, and it was not intended to draw swords against each other. The so-called swords are all based on your heart. Brother Chu may not be at this moment, or it is really inconvenient, I think it’s inconvenient to force it! “

In the words of Miaolian Anju, there is a wonderful Divine Consciousness fluctuation, which sounds word by word, causing the anger in everyone’s heart to continue to dissipate.

Not bad!

This is a cocktail party. Everyone acts according to their wishes. There are specific rules! ?

If forced, it will cause a fight, but it will not be beautiful.

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