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Standing in front of the stone wall, Guo Tian City’s whole body was aura surging, raising his hand and reaching for the tenth Sword Mark’s red cloth.

“Chu Yan, take a good look!”

In a word, Guo Tian City pulled suddenly, the red cloth was flying, and the sky was floating …

Boom … rumbling …!

The moment the Red Bull opened, what was surprising was that there was no trace of Sword Qi surge, but instead the sound of a large rumble sounded.

Immediately afterwards, the entire stone wall trembles slightly, and under the rapid sound, a sound like a dull thunder continues to tremble.

“En!? This is …”

Chu Yan’s original puzzled expression suddenly changed after hearing the rapid thunder and thunder.

The pupils of both eyes tightened, and the pupils of Qilin were moved, moved towards stone wall Sword Mark, and looked at them intently.

Under this glance, Chu Yan’s body was fiercely trembling, and in his eyes, a fine mango shined …

tread! tread! tread!

A path of sound, like a flood tide gathering, and like a river breaking a bank, instantly exploding the whole sky.

I saw that as the sound became more and more rapid and clear, large black tides flooded from far to near.

It was from 1000 to 10000, countless golden spear iron horses, people sizzling horses, bloody swords, flags waving, swallowing 10,000 li mountains and rivers.

Coming forward, imposing manner is magnificent, just like trying to level everything in this world!

At this moment, above the sky, in the endless black tide, a little light, suddenly lit up, as if a star suddenly appeared on the sky.


However, that little starlight was flooded at a very fast rate, turning into a silver meteor, breaking through the sky and rushing straight to the magnificent army with thousands of men and horses like black tide!

Thorn! Thorn … la …!

There was a sudden sound of armor piercing, follow closely from behind, and I saw the silver light, just like a spiritual light between Heaven and Earth, shuttled in the endless Kuroshio …

Wherever the silver light passed, the Tie Ma banners flew and flew, falling into pieces …

Without waiting for everyone to react, the silver light swept through the black tide, suspending the sky, below it, the 10000 army tide that had just imposing manner like a rainbow, but it was turned into a sea of ​​blood corpse mountain Slaughter.

The earth roared to a sudden stop, the wind stopped, the clouds breathed …

Between Heaven and Earth, only the silver sword light travels through the sky and floats in the clouds.

“For 80,000 battles in one’s life, one sword will kill 1000000 troops!”

So Sword Intent, overbearing Wushuang, just like the sword of Divine Sword, the sword light passed by, the corpse is 1000 miles, and the blood stained the mountains and rivers.

In an instant, in front of the entire Jianyanyan cliff, all sword repair genius, their faces changed, all kinds of True Qi Spirit Treasure, outbreaks continued, and they fleshy body to protect themselves.

call out…!

Silver light turned, struck in the sky, turned to Chu Yan, as if Heavenly Sword fell straight under the sky.


Facing the attack of Sword Intent, Chu Yan stepped forward step by step, stepping all over the body, and the battle intent was like a tide.

“A good sword of overlord, kill all people!”

Chu Yan’s eyes are like blood, his eyes are as bright as electricity, staring at the silver Star Sword light coming from the sky, his face full of excitement and excitement, drinking words like thunder, roaring into the air.

“Even if you can kill the world, it’s in vain in front of me!”

On the ground, behind Chu Yan, the Clear Sky Sword sheath trembles violently, and Sword Qi erupts like a volcano throughout the body.

“Give me out!”

Drinking a word, thunderbolt stood up, and the Sword Intent storm that lingered around him turned into a sword shadow frenzy, and the silver Star Sword light, including the Corpse Mountain Blood Sea in the distance, was twisted into nothing.

Sword of Overlord, shattered!

Before Mo Jianya, there was a silence …

Everyone’s True Qi rises, Spirit Treasure body protection, but they are all stunned, like a stone carving, standing on the spot.

It was only after ten breaths time that someone suddenly woke up.

“My god …!”

An Yue at Cave Mansion in Black Point, Mian Lian An Ju at Da’en Temple and other sword repair genius, with a terrified look all over his face, his eyes twitched in unison.

Such a horrible Sword of Tyrant, that’s it … it was broken! ?


Above the throne, Guo Tian City held back for a long time, and finally long spits out one mouthful of impure air, muttered

“This Demi-God clan Jiang Elder, really out of the ordinary, actually found such a Sword Dao demon in the Human Race. It seems that the 9 Jian Tianfeng at this time, I am afraid that the result is unpredictable … . “

Look of shock, Guo Tian City’s eyes, constantly flashing, contemplative.

As a sword fool, he was amazed by Chu Yan’s evil Sword Dao cultivation base, but as the 6 Divine Sect’s Heaven Ranking genius, he certainly knew that Chu Yan would become his Rivals.

“That’s all! That’s all! It’s an enemy or a friend. Stay and wait for 9 Jiantianfeng, depending on the battle!”

Suddenly, Guo Tian City’s complexion suddenly relaxed, no matter how he would be tomorrow, today he is talking about it with a sword, and knowing Chu Yan makes him very happy.

“Brother Chu Yan, the end of the ten Sword Marks, I have all the unsatisfactory intentions, so the opportunity is hard to find, why don’t you grind the sword cliff here, and leave a Sword Mark for everyone to see …”

Guo Tian City’s title to Chu Yan has finally changed and his tone has become equal.

Chu Yan’s continuous performance has already been recognized by him, and such Sword Dao genius is definitely qualified to win his respect.

“it is good!”

Chu Yan was deeply touched by the Sword of Tyrant just now, at this time with the body Sword Intent like a tide, the whole body was boiling with blood, and when he heard Guo Tian City’s words, nodded agreed without a word.

Facing everyone’s eyes, Chu Yan stepped out, and the whole body of Sword Intent suddenly surged, and gathered together to his right hand.


Right hand lifted lightly, two fingers combined with sword, raised fingers standing, remotely pointed finger towards 100 stone wall in front of him.

Just a wave, a nearly naked eye, invisible air fluctuations, rushing out, like a mountain breeze, blowing across the stone wall.

Not even seeing a bit of stone dust flying, Chu Yan has already ended, aura quickly restrained.


Chu Yan turned around, facing the crowd, with a light mouth, opened the mouth and said.

The words landed, everyone looked towards Chu Yan’s eyes, and they all started together.

what! ?

Ok … Okay! ?

With 100 eyes, I looked at Chu Yan and looked at the stone wall behind him, but there was no trace of it, but …

Chu Yan at this time, imposing manner all around, fell in their eyes, and it was completely different from the one before the shot.

If you say that Chu Yan just now is like a Sword Intent like a tide, a peerless treasure sword ready to go, then now he is like a treasure sword into the sheath, no trace of aura is exposed, like an ordinary iron sword No difference.

In just a moment, all the battle intent and Sword Qi disappeared.

However, on the stone wall behind him, there was nothing at all …

“Guo Senior Brother, please watch it!”

Chu Yan saw the doubtful eyes of everyone, his mouth lightly raised, and slowly turned around, looking towards the same astonished face, Guo Tian City, who slightly wrinkle, reached out and gestured.

“Ah good!”

At this time, Guo Tian City stared straight at the stone wall where Chu Yan had just waved his finger, but it was somewhat absent-minded. In the midst of nothing, he seemed to feel something, but he was not sure.

“That … Mo Wenjun, you are the person who proposed Chu Yan to preside over the Tao, so Chu Yan, the Sword Mark, will be the first one to be judged by you!”

Guo Tian City turned his eyes and looked towards the distance, Mo Wenjun standing in the crowd suddenly opened the mouth and said.

“En !? I …” Mo Wenjun froze.

“Why don’t you dare !?” Chu Yan smiled softly and looked at Mo Wenjun.

“Joke! I dare not !?”

Hearing Chu Yan’s words, Mo Wenjun suddenly turned red and shouted anxiously.

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