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Seeing Mo Wenjun striding forward, Guo Tian City could not help but chuckled, a Divine Consciousness sound transmission poured out

“Wen Jun, according to your plan for sound transmission at my time, as long as you block this sword, I will make Chu Yan embarrassed!”

After receiving Divine Consciousness sound transmission from Guo Tian City, Mo Wenjun’s eyes flickered, took a long breath, looked towards the other party, and was heavily nodded.

However, this expression fell in Guo Tian City’s eyes, but he felt that Mo Wenjun, with a tight expression, proud and contemptuous performance, revealed a hint of grave expression.

Seeing this scene, Guo Tian City’s mouth was light, and he smiled slightly.

This Mo Wenjun, in front of the 100 genius on the scene, as the Holy Son Holy Son, how impossible directly serve soft, of course, will not flinch.

In this way, Guo Tian City can use Mo Wenjun to test it out. How many pounds does this Chu Yan’s Sword Dao cultivation base have?

“Guo Tian City, hehe, very smart …”

For eye contact and Divine Consciousness sound transmission of 2 people, Chu Yan naturally takes in the entire scene, faintly smiled and said.

At this point, Mo Wenjun had walked to the stone wall and looked up towards the empty stone wall.

“100 Black Shield!”

“1000 Leaf Covering Cloud Technique!”

Almost at the same time as he looked up, the imperial technique was working, Spirit Treasure took out, and his body was protected by the inner 3 layer and the outer 3 layer.

“Nothing! Ha ha ha, but like … um !?”

At a glance, Mo Wenjun didn’t see anything. He laughed suddenly, and just started to laugh at Chu Yan a few words. Suddenly, mutation suddenly took place.

It seemed that he was rushed by Mo Wenjun’s emperor and Spirit Treasure aura. On the empty stone wall, a rays of light suddenly lit up.


At first glance, Mo Wenjun only felt the Sea of ​​Consciousness and was beaten fiercely.


kill! kill! kill….!

The cold is like the tide, there is no trace of ice and snow, but the Divine Soul makes people freeze instantly, as if falling into the endless abyss.

This is aura, exactly … death!

Mo Wenjun ’s pupil suddenly shrank and reflected, only a weak sword shadow, zooming in from far and near, followed by endless darkness and icy cold, completely swallowing him instantly .

“What … what !? I … am I dead !?”

The body was fiercely trembling, and the entire Sea of ​​Consciousness was completely chaotic. His eyes were dull, and he was about to fall when he was shaking.

“Wake up!”

a Thunderous thunderous sound sounded, and Mo Wenjun’s body was fiercely tangled.

Suddenly awakened, both eyes looked towards all around, outside the body, inside 3 Layer, outside 3 Layer, Spirit Treasure and secret skill, all working, but his face was pale, his face was cold and sweaty, his lips were purple and blue, the whole person was still In a panic.

Terrifying !

Too terrifying!

Almost at the same time as he saw the sword light, the icy death Aura had already devoured his Divine Soul completely.

“En! The Sword Mark left by Chu Yan, really out of the ordinary, dignified Holy Son Mo Wenjun, actually has no resistance !?”

Guo Tian City on the throne, long relaxed, fortunately, he just suddenly felt a bad feeling, and temporarily let Mo Wenjun replace him, otherwise, maybe this is a miserable situation, it is himself.

Not only Guo Tian City, even the sword repair genius who all around, looked towards Mo Wenjun ’s panic expression, but also all looked surprised.

They simply didn’t expect that on the stone wall, the thin Sword Mark, had such a great formidable power.

“Everyone, shouldn’t the following be announced, let everyone watch together!”

Chu Yan turned around and looked at everyone with a smile, then waved his hand, True Qi rushed and flicked gently, but the rocks were flying.

a Sword Mark, finally fully displayed in front of everyone.

Boom … rumbling!

Heaven and Earth thunder, sun and moon are out of brilliance, Heaven and Earth trembles, the madness evolved from the blockbuster Sword Intent, sweeping Heaven and Earth!

what! ?

The Sword Mark just now is not the ultimate form! ?

Seeing the Sword Mark on the stone wall, mutation occurred, everyone was surprised that the complexion greatly changed.

Even Guo Tian City above the throne was suddenly stunned and completely stunned, but in less than half a breath, True Qi broke out throughout the body, forming a body protection astral qi and covering himself firmly.

Not only him, all the sword repair genius in the audience, all were immediately, urged various means, desperately resisted.

With a sword out, the whole hall was in chaos and everyone was frightened!

Sword Qi has passed, killing intent is like a tide, the air is dead, everyone is shaking, as if taking a breath, it will be completely swallowed by the darkness.

After enough time of ten breaths, Sword Qi dissipated, all talents breathed, came back to his senses.

“Too … too terrifying! The killing intent in Sword Qi, I thought I was going to die!”

“Horrible ah! Even the sword is not drawn, just the Sword Intent, it is so scary! If the sword is drawn …”

“Just now Chu Yan has been reluctant to produce a sword. His sword is definitely not simple!”

“Sword kills! Murder sword …! The sword kills, the sword kills! The road of the sword is also …”

“Serve! I have completely served!”

“,. ,,., ..”

In the whole sword repair, Guo Tian City was the most shocked in his heart.

In vain, he has always recognized himself as a continent in the outer realm, Sword Dao strongest genius, dedicated to cultivation sword fighting the world, overbearing.

But today, after seeing Chu Yan’s killing intent sword, he finally seemed to understand what …

“Kill … man … sword …!”

The road is simple, 10000 roads are one!

In an instant, a clear comprehension in Guo Tian City’s heart suddenly lit up, making him whole person, slightly trembled.

“Good! Good! Good!”

Excited, Guo Tian City took the wine glass in one hand and strode towards Chu Yan, shouted

“Brother Chu, I have a cup for you!”

From the beginning of Chu Yan to Brother Chu Yan, now Brother Chu is open, Guo Tian City’s understanding of Chu Yan has undergone a change in Heaven and Earth turning upside down.

“Everyone! A cup of Senior Brother Chu, thank you for your kind advice today!”

The words landed on the floor, the sword repaired all over the room, all toasted together, face Chu Yan excitedly, all eyes with a trace of different colors.

“You’re welcome! Many thanks everyone!”

Chu Yan saw the wine glasses held high in the field, but also moved slightly in his heart, surging with pride, lifted the wine glasses handed over by beautiful ladies, and sipped them out.

A banquet on the sword, the host and the host enjoyed it!

On the surface, the sword is discussed with wine, but in fact it is a continent between swords and genius.

And this collision, relying on strength only, like Mo Wenjun, who wanted to rely on conspiracy calculations to insult Chu Yan’s plan, was completely defeated.

And Chu Yan’s stunning appearance, as in 9 Jiantianfeng Square, shocked 4 seats.

Swordsman came out of the world, only if so!

First Stage Than the sword, the second session of the Dao, one after the other, one after another, the atmosphere is much more relaxed, the various forces genius, drink to each other, forming groups, get together, or talk about Sword Dao cultivation, or talk about 2 The secret story of Jian Tianfeng.

With Chu Yan, Guo Tian City has also changed a lot, coming down from the main position, mixing with everyone, chatting very casually.

Afterwards, chatting rose, and by the spirit of drinking, some people even opened the battlefield, 3 2 as a pair, and engaged with swords.

The atmosphere of the entire reception was extremely warm, and it took one day and one night.

In the early morning of the 2nd day, each genius said goodbye one after another, returned to his residence, and started preparing for the opening of 9 Jiantianfeng.

“Miaolianju’an, presumably you are familiar with Tuoba Deputy Building Lord !?”

Before Chu Yan left, he found Miaolianjuan in Da’en Temple and asked.

“Good! Tuoba Deputy Building Lord, indeed made a point, but, it seems meaningless! Some superfluous …”

Miao Lianjuan smiled bitterly, hook the head, gave Chu Yan a slight salute, said

“Chu Yan, I look forward to your performance at 9 Jiantianfeng, and leave now!”

In a word, Miaolian Juan also turned away.

So, Chu Yan also left Mojian Cliff, returned to the Sword Manual Pavilion, and continued comprehend his own Sword Manual Tibetan …

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