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In a banquet on swordsmanship, Chu Yan used Qilin’s pupils and the powerful Sword Dao cultivation base to give guidance to all sword repair genius.

However, he is not without gain.

In particular, the a and last a of the ten Sword Marks, Sword of Tyrant, slaughtered all the lives, which made him feel very much.

Taking advantage of the present, in the Sword Manual cabinet, Chu Yan is constantly referring to various Sword Manuals, studying their essence, and enhancing their perception.

In the Sword Manual cabinet, Chu Yan is addicted again …

However, he did not know that everything that happened at the Bijian Lundao Reception had already spread throughout the 9 Jiantianfeng.

“What … what !? That Chu Yan again !?”

“Terrifying! Too terrifying, I heard that Chu Yan’s Sword Dao cultivation base, even Guo Tian City, is comparable.”

“Fuck, fart! I heard that the word Stent inscribed by Chu Yan in the end, even Guo Tian City Senior Brother, couldn’t resist it.”

“Fuck! No way … Guo Tian City Senior Brother can’t resist it !? You bullshit it !?”

“Really, my 7-year-old brother’s cousin’s cousin is also at the reception, and I listen to him.”


“, …”

For a time, the entire 9 Sword Heaven Peak, the genius and Elder of the Great Sect forces were deeply shocked by this amazing news.

Especially those Elders of racial power, under surprised and angry, all looked dignified and worried.

Human Race, with such a powerful genius, made them feel a crisis, but 9 Jiantianfeng started, plus rules and restrictions, and Demi-God Jiang Jiang Elder sits in town, they are not good Hands on.

I can only watch so …

Over time, everyone began to enter the final preparation of 9 Jiantianfeng.

Chu Yan’s amazing news, like a whirlwind, slowly dissipated after blowing through.

Various sects of all ethnic groups have focused all their attention and spirit on 9 Jiantianfeng.

After all, this is why they gather main family genius and come here to wait.

Finally, a few days later, Heaven and Earth mutation appeared slowly …

Boom … rumbling!

xiu! xiu! xiu!

Along with the sound of 10000 thunder and thunder, a large sea of ​​spirit clouds gathered from all directions on the four sides of the sky, covering 4 sword peaks, like a piece of Immortal Realm, covered by clouds and fog, Heaven and Earth hazy.

In the sea of ​​clouds, countless sword light flying shuttles, breaking through the sky and screaming, gave a pleasant word whisper, resounding through Heaven and Earth.

“En!? 9 Jiantianfeng !?”

Chu Yan woke up suddenly from the reference and looked up towards the window.

I saw that in the endless clouds of the sky, gold, silver, red, purple, yellow and other sword light, accompanied by nine colored Profound Light, flew all over the sky.

These sword light and Profound Light flying in the air are not flying indiscriminately, but are constantly moving towards 9 The sky above the Jiantian Peak gathers.

Less than one hour, all the word light and Profound Light gathered together, merged into a huge light group, and began to evolve and distort continuously.

Soon, a golden palace with divine light appeared above the sky dome, on top of the clouds.

10000 Dao Xiaguang is in full bloom, Heaven and Earth is one of the trembling, the endless sea of ​​spirit clouds, all dyed golden, Xianle fluttering, Xianying roaming.

The divine and solemn, Heavenly Dao is transfigured, and it seems to make people yearn for.

“9 Jiantianfeng … Apocalypse! Everyone is ready!”

The sound of Hong Zhong sounded like the sound of thunder, spreading all the buildings in 9 Jiantianfeng, but it was the sound of a nether elder.

shua! shua! shua!

As the sound rang, in the continuous building complex below, a continuous silhouette rose into the sky, moved towards 9 Jian Tianfeng flew away.

In less than breath breaths, a densely packed silhouette, almost 9 Jian Tianfeng all around the sky, the surrounding water can not be drained.

At a glance, it is all young genius of various sects of various races …

“Chu Yan, time is up!”

a The sound rang, but it was Jiang Yuchuan Elder’s Divine Consciousness sound transmission.

Upon receiving Divine Consciousness sound transmission, Chu Yan immediately set off and flew out of the Sword Manual Pavilion, moving towards the crowds on the sky.

“There are ten Great Influence Elder, discipline!”

The announcement of Elder, the Nether clan, sounded, and among the crowd, ten teams of men and women emerged from the crowd, moved towards the golden palace directly in front of them, and flew by.

Among them, there are Elder and recipe of Guo Tian City, Miaolian Anju and other ten racial forces.

These people, all aura strong, cultivation base monstrous, just imposing manner, enough to suppress the audience.

In this person group, apart from Guo Tian City and Miao Lian Anju, Chu Yan Qilin ’s pupil swept, 5 color pupil light, suddenly stopped on a person, Divine Consciousness trembles.

“That young man, Heaven Ranking 11th, is the direct disciple of the Patriarch of the Ming tribe!” Jiang Yuchuan stood beside Chu Yan and explained with his eyes.

“Heaven Ranking 11th !? That Mo Wenjun …” Chu Yan startled, brows slightly wrinkle.

“Ha ha ha, the name of Holy Son, bloodline first, the 2nd is the strength of cultivation base, so Mo Wenjun’s strength is much weaker than him! This Ming tribe learns the witch, wants to use bloodline Power, what dog to restore the Antiquity period, the real fart Saint Race, really a joke! “

In the blink of an eye, a silhouette flew by and fell beside Chu Yan and Jiang Yuchuan. It was the Building Lord, Tuoba Xiong, the deputy of Tianqi Building, explaining Chu Yan’s confusion.

Mo Wenjun’s Heaven Ranking ranked, compared with this person, afraid that it was several times worse, but became a new Holy Son.

“Yes! Chu Yan, don’t underestimate the strength of the Ming Clan because of the strangeness of the Ming Clan Law!” Jiang Yuchuan nodded, looking at the genius gathered by the Ming Clan, his eyes flashed, and then said

“This child’s name is Mo 1000 Blade. It is said to be the illegitimate child of the tribe patriarch. Although the bloodline is impure, but when the Martial Soul was awakened, it caused the” 10000 Sword Peak “natural phenomenon to change its name No more than 1000 blades. “

“Several years ago, at the Heaven Ranking conference, my Demi-God clan genius confronted it. This child is extremely powerful and innate talent! Absolutely a number one person!”

Jiang Yuchuan saw this child appearing, worried that Chu Yan underestimated the other party, and explained in great detail.

“10000 Sword Peak natural phenomenon !? Why is it called 1000 blade !? Not called 10000 blade !?” Chu Yan doubted.

“Oh, it is said that this child Innate sword heart has a sense of heart for all Spirit Swords. So, at that time, the” 10000 Sword Peak “natural phenomenon, according to him, only 9000 999 Spirit Armament appeared, not 10000 blades. So, His name is Mo 1000 Blade! “

Tuobaxiong smiled softly and said.

“9000 999 Spirit Sword !?”

Chu Yan nodded, but his eyes are shining, his face full of surprise, didn’t expect, the world is so big, there are such strange things happening.

However, even Jiang Yuchuan, the Great Elder of the Demi-God clan, rated him so highly …

This Mo 1000 blade is probably not simple!

“Yes please … Asahi Martial Emperor!”

Above the sky, the Deacon Elder, a monk, sounded loudly and announced.

Uh …!

a Jinghong, flying from the horizon, just in the blink of an eye, fell in front of the crowd.

The Celestial Emperor’s prestige instantly rushed into the audience, grabbing the endless waves, and rushing through Baibai, everyone was shocked.

The breath of the tide flows through the audience …

“Pay respects to Asahi Martial Emperor!”

All the people of the Ming tribe present bowed down to meet.

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