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The emergence of Asahi Martial Emperor made the atmosphere tight.

“Xu Martial Emperor, one of the Ming Emperors, is extremely powerful! Didn’t expect. With the opportunity of this master 9 Jian Tianfeng, Lian Xuwu Imperial Capital arrived. It seems that this time the Ming ambition Not small.”

Jiang Yuchuan was muttered. Between his speeches, his eyes flickered, and he glanced back and forth on Mo 1000 Blade and Asahi Martial Emperor, his eyes open.

“Everyone, this time, I am fortunate to have the Nether tribe, recommended by the Big Matriarch, as the 9th sword Tianfeng Deacon Sect, thanks to love!”

Asahi Martial Emperor looked at all directions in 4 directions, and finally looked at the top ten racial forces with a smile on his face opened the mouth and said

“9 Jiantianfeng, a revelation in 100 years! Every chance, whether it is destiny or a change of life, is entirely controlled by the young genius of all ethnic groups!”

Between the words, Xu Martial Emperor glanced, but saw Chu Yan, vision freezes suddenly, a breath of emperor, came straight.

“hmph! ”

Jiang Yuchuan snorted and resolved the wisp of Diwei, and then stared back, Naxu Martial Emperor had already turned his gaze, apparently did not want to fight against the Great Elder of the Demi-God clan.

“In this year’s 9 Sword Heaven Peak, anyone who can get one of the 9 Antiquity Spirit Swords can get the top prizes prepared by the ten racial forces!”

Asahi Martial Emperor’s words, like thunderclap, shake the audience.

“What !? Reward !?”

“Yi !? Never heard of it, the previous 9 Jian Tianfeng, it seems that there is no big prize ah !?”

“Heaven ah! Ten racial forces, joint awards, that is definitely the treasure of heaven defying!”

“Opportunity! Absolute opportunity! You can get 9 Spirit Swords and harvest heaven defying treasures. It’s really right!”

“Haha, Spirit Armament and Chongbao are all mine …”


Full of youth genius, all excited, eyes red, battle intent like tide.

“Okay! Let’s open the Great Peak Array and prepare to enter 9 Jiantian Peak!”

Asahi Martial Emperor looked at the excited genius in the audience. He smiled gently and turned his big hand. He took out a sword-shaped Jade Talisman. After the hand seal was pressed, he raised his hand and threw it to the golden palace behind him.

“It’s about to open! Yi !? That sword-shaped Jade Talisman, …”

Chu Yan’s face was started, Qilin’s pupils swept across, and he immediately looked towards the sword-shaped Jade Talisman of the Golden Palace, his face started.

The golden palace, connected with the Great Peak Array of 9 Jiantianfeng, just forms a portal.

While the sword-shaped Jade Talisman flew to the Golden Palace, it was constantly changing, and evolved into a 9-foot jade sword. Above the sword body, the monstrous Sword Qi was released, exploding the layers of the void, just like a Sword Thunder, directed at the Golden Palace.

Boom … Rumble!

The moment the sword-shaped Jade Talisman touched the golden palace, it exploded a large area of ​​golden light, and like a golden wave, it rushed to the whole sky.

At the same time, the gate of the golden palace also slowly opened, and endless sharp waves rushed out of the gate of the golden palace.

“Really strong jade sword!”

Chu Yan Divine Consciousness surging, forcibly suppressing the Clear Sky Sword behind him, not letting it rush out, only when the jade sword submerged in the golden palace gate, it was long relaxed.

“Please elder and discipline of the top ten races, enter the peak of Heavenly Sword 9!”

The Deacon Elder, shouted loudly, flew to the golden palace gate at the same time.

shua! shua! shua!

Guo Tian City and the others, who had long been unable to live, would still hesitate there, and suddenly a large body rose into the sky, moved towards the golden palace gate, and flew away.

Chu Yan, Jiang Yuchuan and Tuoba Xiong were nodded, and flew away.

Now, Chu Yan represents the Demi-God family, one of the top ten races, so it is eligible to enter the Heavenly Sword 9 first batch.


After rushing into the gate of the Golden Palace, Chu Yan only felt four directions in all directions, endless Sword Qi, forming a frenzy and turbulent sky, but was isolated outside the golden channel and could not be approached.

Flying across the golden channel, Chu Yan Divine Consciousness swept out and carefully probed all around.

It only took a moment to pass through the golden channel. When Chu Yan landed, it appeared in a dense forest.

With a glance of his eyes, Divine Consciousness spread out in an instant. There were four directions in all directions, but there was nothing but big trees.

This forest does not exist alone, but surrounds a soaring peak.

Looking up, I saw a 10,000 zhang peak in the distance, standing in the sky, straight into the clouds, majestic.

This Spirit Peak looks at least has 80,000 feet. Compared with the average Spirit Peak, it is much taller. Moreover, the peak of mountain peak, surrounded by the sea of ​​spirit clouds, is layered, not just a sea of ​​clouds.

Starting from the middle of the mountainside, a circle of clouds entangles like a belt, and then up, there are 2 Layer to the top of the mountain.

Above the entire Spirit Peak, there is no tree, only a large piece of bluestone strange rock, towering over the mountain.

A glance at the eyes will reveal that the rocks are gleaming, reflecting countless bright lights.

It is not because of the special material of these mountain stones, but because almost every mountain stone is filled with various long swords, densely packed, and full of faces.

With the pupil of Qilin running up the mountain, at the top of the mountain, you can also see a Sword Qi soaring and the Antiquity Spirit Sword overflowing above the peak of 4 Spirit Peak.

Buzz …!

Just as Chu Yan’s eyes lit up and stared at the Antiquity Spirit Sword on the top of the mountain, suddenly, a majestic aura, like a gust of wind, swept away with the Spirit Peak as the center, and instantly Rush by.

“En!? This is …”

Qilin ’s pupil failed instantly, even Divine Consciousness could not leave the body ten steps away.

The aura that just rushed over seems to bring Chu Yan’s means to a halt with great power.

“What power is this !? It seems …”

Chu Yan’s eyes lightly wrinkle, looked up towards Spirit Peak, first looked at the Antiquity Spirit Sword with the handle upside down on the top of the peak, after carefully sensing it, hook the head, and from top to bottom, swept through countless mountains Stone’s Spirit sword.

“No! No! It is not the Sword Intent issued by the sword body! It should be the aura issued by this Spirit Peak!”

Chu Yan pondered for a long time, and finally determined that the powerful aura just now was issued by the Spirit Peak in front of him.

This result surprised even Chu Yan himself.

Until now, everyone thinks that the Heavenly Sword 9 peak, the most powerful, should be the 9-hand Antiquity Spirit Sword, followed by the countless Spirit Sword among them.

However, I can’t think of it. The really strongest thing is the Spirit Peak full of swords!

“To suppress so many Spirit Armaments, this peak should be not simple!”

After a little thought, Chu Yan’s face appeared suddenly, slightly nodded.

This Spirit Peak, I am afraid that it has a great future, compared to the 9 Antiquity Spirit Armament, it is not bad.

“Everyone pays attention, take the time, enter the Heavenly Sword 9 peak, step into the 3 Layer spirit cloud, hurry up comprehend, and feel attentive!”

Above the sky, the sound of Deacon Elder, a genius, sounded, reminding all the genius who are in the peak of Heavenly Sword 9.

“1st Layer Yunhai, the top 2 ethnic recipes are available, 1000nd Layer Yunhai, Heaven Ranking 3 top genius, 1rd Layer Yunhai, other genius of all races!”

The voice spread and Chu Yan’s face started.

It turned out that the Heavenly Sword 9 peak 3 layer cloud sea, there are equal order points.

The purpose is for compethend induction of the genius of all ethnic groups.

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