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Just when Chu Yan used the power of flying backwards, he slid into the golden pool, trying to grab the Zixiao sword that was on the way.


a Deafening roar sounded, the Fire Dragon that was engulfed in the fire clouds of Zixiao Sword suddenly ran away.

With the terrifying dragon power sweeping out, the violent force, the entire cave and the entire mountain tremble.

“Azure Dragon, Qilin, suppress me!”

Seeing the monstrous dragon power coming, Chu Yan shrank fiercely, not dare to have any hesitation. Under shouted, the whole body of azure light and golden light masterpiece, 2 extremely huge Divine Beast bodies appeared simultaneously.

Roar! roar!

Azure Dragon Martial Soul came out of the air, near the dragon body of thousand zhang, the whole body of the scale armor glowed, releasing a more magnificent dragon power, a pair of dragon eyes with a big lantern, and fiercely staring at the rushing Fire Dragon.

At the same time, Qilin Martial Soul, pedaling 4 colors of auspicious clouds, wearing 10000 golden lights, the might of the heavenly spirit, sweeping all directions, Qilin eyes of 5 colors lighting, just glanced at the Fire Dragon, Suddenly the animal body shocked.

what’s the situation! ?

This … this is 2 respects … Divine Beast! ?

At this moment, the original mighty Fire Dragon was completely messy …

As the Fire Dragon guarding Spirit Treasure, in this continent, the existence of invincible, even if it was many years ago, one by one powerful Martial Emperor, entered the mountainside, wanted to take Spirit Treasure, as long as he roared, then One is not scared witless scared.

But now, in the face of this black robed youth, he roared a noise, resulting in 2 Divine Beast.

When will the Divine Beast in the outer domain continent, just roar, just come out a bunch! ?

The Dragon Eye was shocked, the Fire Dragon was about to burst out, stared at Azure Dragon and Qilin Martial Soul, half a breath, next moment, the violent beating of the whole dragon heart, Chu Yan could listen.

ao wu…!

A cry of horror and horror sounded, Fire Dragon suddenly woke up, 4 Grab the plane, turn around and escape …


Almost turned into a firelight, a fierce man, plunged into the soil layer below, moved towards the depths of the ground to escape.

“Oh, a Dragon Vein of Tier 6, dare to be arrogant with me!”

Seeing the Fire Dragon running away, Chu Yan smiled gently, then raised his hand and waved.

“Azure Dragon, Qilin, come back!”

xiu! xiu!

The azure light and the golden light flew at the same time and instantly fell into the eyebrows of Chu Yan, returning to the Sea of ​​Consciousness Martial Soul.

A 6-stage Dragon Vein, Spirit Power is extremely strong, and it is also a rare Spirit Treasure.

However, this Fire Dragon spirit vein is most likely the spirit source of this Heavenly Sword 9 peak and cannot be moved lightly.

In addition, for Chu Yan, today’s primary goal is this … Zixiaojian!

I don’t care about other things.

When Chu Yan looked up towards the Zixiao Sword on the looked towards golden pool, the original cloud of fire that haunted it, it had already disappeared.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

After a short period of time, the 8 black iron sword posts that suppressed this night sword seemed to also feel the departure of Fire Dragon, which produced a sense of crisis. The burst of authority suddenly released, and a large wave of swords evolved. Yan.

“Fuck! This Great Array is missing a, still so strong !?”

Seeing that the sword tide was coming, Chu Yan dared to stay there, quickly flashed over, and flew four places in the huge cave to avoid these sword tide attacks.

At the same time, right hand Clear Sky, the left hand Tian Bian emperor technique, constantly blasting out, will quickly consume the sword tide behind him.

However, as soon as Chu Yan broke up, a new wave of swords struck.

“No! Wait for some way, break the sword column Great Array!”

At the beginning, in the square, Chu Yan once cut off a black iron sword column, but now, facing 8 black iron sword columns, the situation is completely different.

Because the black iron sword post on the square is passive, it is estimated to be used temporarily as a Sword Intent assessment.

So, no matter how you attack, it will not counterattack.

But now, Chu Yan is different in the face of the situation. These 8 black iron sword pillars form a Great Array, not to mention counterattack, as long as you approach it, you will actively attack.

The 8-pillar teamed up, even with the sword power of Clear Sky, could not break their counterattack.

After all, the 8 black iron sword techniques, under the superposition, it is not so simple to add formal power.

Chu Yan flickered like a fly, his eyes were bloodshot, staring straight away not far away, the Purple Night Sword on the golden pool, and the thought of flying in the Sea of ​​Consciousness.

“How can I get …?”

“If you want to succeed, you must be close …”

“If you want to get close, you have to stop these 8 black iron sword posts, and the Sword Intent attack like a tide …”

“Block !? How to block !?”

Surrounded by a huge cave space, turned 7 8 circles, Chu Yan brows tightly knit, his face more and more dignified.

“Forget it! I can’t bear the child, I can’t set up Spirit Treasure!”

Suddenly, Chu Yan eyes shrank, clenched the teeth, finally made up his mind.

“Dragon Race, come out!”

“9 Nether, come out for me!”

With a loud sip, Chu Yan waved his hands together, the sea of ​​Consciousness was like a cloud, 9 a terrifying and tall silhouette, came out of the air, and fell in front of Chu Yan.

“Keep them off for half a breath!”

While Chu Yan waved his order, he turned into a lightning bolt and threw himself straight to the center of the black iron sword post, where the golden pool was.

“Yes! Master!”

Without any hesitation, the whole body of the gold skeleton burst into dazzling rays of light. While accepting the order, 9 Ming already took 8 Dragon Race guards, divided into 9 directions, and rushed out.

Each Dragon Race guard, with golden light all over his body, rushed to a black iron sword column respectively, and at the same time he wielded the imperial sword in his hand.

9 Ning was closely followed by Chu Yan, also rushed over the golden pool, the body of Monster Emperor’s power, released like a tide.

With 3 pointed and 2 bladed swords in his hand, he wields a large blade glow, covering the space within 100 steps.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Suddenly, in the entire cave, the blade light sword shadow exploded in unison, and the rest of the swords in the sky turned into a big wave, rushing all directions.

Although Chu Yan knows that 8 Dragon Race defenders, simply impossible is the opponent of the black iron sword column.

However, Chu Yan only needs half-time …

Uh …!

The black electricity was empty, and a long afterimage was drawn. At a glance, it was 10000 steps away. Chu Yan’s True Qi broke out all over his body. The right hand held it, and he held it straight to the purple night sword above the golden pool.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

8 Dragon Race guards, backed by blockbuster black sword shadow …

Every a sword shadow that is not blocked, cut on them, it will leave a bone crack, and the sword light that passes through their bodies is cut straight to Chu Yan, being held by 3 sharp 2 blades, emperor The 9 outbreaks of the majesty exploded, all blocked.

“Get it!”

Chu Yan’s heart was ecstatic, and the speed increased again, relying on the full protection of 9 Ming, getting closer and closer to the golden pool.

However, just in the shape of Chu Yan, he just rushed over the golden pool, a golden rays of light, rushing from the pool, stab Chu Yan straight into the chest.


Chu Yan didn’t expect, the Golden Pool was actually a Spirit Treasure. Under such a sudden shot, Chu Yan couldn’t resist it at such a short distance.

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