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Seeing the golden water column in the golden pool, it was like an arrow, and it shouted through the sky, directly hitting Chu Yan’s chest.

Even 9 Ning, who is guarding Chu Yan besides the sword light of those black iron sword posts, is too late to rescue.

“Not good! This golden pool …”

An icy bitter chill suddenly rushed into Chu Yan’s body, and a strong sense of crisis made Chu Yan’s scalp explode.

“Fight against the water!”

“Xuanshui Shield!”

Without any hesitation, Chu Yan growled, blood light in his eyes was like tide, long hair flying upwards, black robe was like a flag …

With 3 times of backwater running, Chu Yan’s True Qi strength in the whole body instantly increased by 3 times.

At the same time, in the Sea of ​​Consciousness, Black Tortoise Martial Soul emits a monstrous beast roar, the power of Martial Soul surging into a large black light, rushing out, condensing into a huge side in front of Chu Yan Black crystal shield.

“Tianbeng Emperor Technique, Yuan Split!”

“Kaitian Sword Art, Holy Word!”

right hand Sword, left hand fist, outburst all together, under 3x strength, there is no trace of stagnation, suddenly slammed into Jingou Pool.

Boom … Rumble!

The palm glow sword light exploded, and above the golden pool, an invisible barrier exploded in an instant, turning into a sky full of golden light, 4 flying apart.

At the same time, the golden water column hit the black water shield and collapsed.

“Good thing! Take it with you!”

Seeing that the prohibition on the golden pool was broken and returned to peace, Chu Yan sensed the Spirit Power in the golden pool, his eyes suddenly burst into light, and his hands were drawn out together.

shua! shua!

One black and one gold, two rays of light flashed over, the black Zixiao sword and the golden pool suddenly disappeared on the spot.

“9 Nether, with the Dragon Race guard, withdraw!”

With 2 Spirit Treasures in hand, it was too late to be excited. Chu Yan hurried to in midair, 9 Nine Roars almost submerged by the black sword tide.

“Yes … Lord … Lord! Explode for me… ..”


Almost at the moment when Chu Yan’s roar sounded, 9 Ming whole body Diwei broke out instantly, with 3 sharp and 2 bladed swords in his hand.

Divine Weapon, which broke out at the same time, was divided into 8 and spear glow was like thunder, splitting to 8 black iron sword posts.

bang bang bang bang!

The spear glow explodes, the black iron sword post trembles, 8 Dragon Race guards, seize the opportunity, turn into streamers, and fly to Chu Yan.

In addition to 9 ghosts, 8 Dragon Race guards, with bones all over the body like a net, one of the worst, even the entire right arm broke, was carried back by the left hand.


Chu Yan’s eyes twitched, and quickly returned them all to the pagoda, to restore the nourishment of Saint Rakshasa true body.

In just a short time, all 8 Dragon Race defenders were damaged, and I don’t know how long it will take to recover.

If this time is longer, the dreaded Dragon Race guard will have to be explained here.

“Really strong black iron sword post!”

Chu Yan smiled bitterly and shook the head, but then thought about it, Legendary-level Supreme Treasure Zixiaojian got his hand, and he also grabbed a golden pool, and his face suddenly showed a look of ecstasy.

“Leave! It’s not easy to stay here for long!”

Divine Consciousness turned arrows, Chu Yan rose into the sky, moved towards the mountain’s abdomen.

After hundred breaths, Chu Yan ’s Divine Consciousness body broke open the mountain wall and returned to the Fleshy body true body on the Lingyun Sea.

Boom … Rumble!

With the return of Chu Yan’s Divine Consciousness, the entire Heavenly Sword 9 peak was suddenly softly trembled, as if there was some terrifying existence underground, and a roaring sky roared.

“hu ….”

Long relaxed, Chu Yan slowly opened his eyes, his mouth lightly raised.

At this moment, the entire Heavenly Sword 9 peak and the Spirit Sword with mountains and wild all shivered with it. The sword light instantly dimmed, and the spirituality was greatly reduced.

But nobody noticed all this.

Turning his head slowly, looked towards all around, the sword repair genius of all ethnic groups is still fully aware of it, hoping to gain something.

Especially just after being stimulated by Guo Tian City and Miao Lian Anju pulling out 2 Antiquity Spirit Swords, everyone’s eyes are red, like crazy.

Just as Chu Yan went deep into the mountains and returned, during these ten breaths, everyone covered their Divine Consciousness towards Spirit Sword, especially the Antiquity Spirit Sword on the top of the mountain. No one noticed. What Chu Yan did!

xiu! xiu! xiu!

Suddenly, 100 Spirit Armaments, Qi rays of light masterpieces, rising from the mountains and rocks, moved towards the spirit cloud not far away, flew away …

“Ha ha ha, got it, got it …”

“I got it, 5 handles!”

“Sent! Sent! I even felt 7 Spirit Sword …”


With the cheers of the blockbuster, all Jianxiu woke up at the same time and turned their heads in amazement.

But I saw the 3rd Layer cloud, those Sect forces sword repair genius, even a breath, pulled out 100 ordinary spirit Sword.

Although, it is only ordinary Spirit Sword, but pulling out 100 handles at a time is still the worst small force sword repair of cultivation base.

Such a natural phenomenon, suddenly the audience genius, Qiqi complexion changed.

“What … what happened !?”

“3rd Layer Cloud …. can actually pull out 100 Spirit Sword !?”

“Fuck! No, no, the Heavenly Sword 9 peak, Martial Artist in the 3rd Layer cloud, all added together, can pull out 30 swords, it is already a bumper harvest, now … now …”

“This … impossible!”


On the 3rd Layer cloud, the big gains from the sword repairs of the small forces suddenly caused the 2nd Layer and 1st Layer clouds, Heaven Ranking 1000 and Ten Great Influence Jian Xiu’s complexion changed. The 3rd Layer cloud is all ignorant.

However, a scene that even more shocked them, followed by …

boom….! boom…!

Above the peak, 2 plates of jade stone suddenly exploded, and 2 dazzling, sword-like sword lights rose into the sky, and Sword Qi surged into the sky, stirring the whole sky.

“Haha, I succeeded!”

Cape Mansion Cave Mansion, An Yue’s figure flew to the horizon, laughter resounded through Yunxiao …

All sword repairs in the audience, the body fiercely shivered, all turned around to look around, terrified look all over the face.

With a glance, I saw that Anyue’s figure had rushed into the air, grasped with both hands, and held 2 Antiquity Spirit Swords at the same time, holding my hand in the same time, the whole face was red, and my eyes flashed with fineness.

Harvest 2 Antiquity Spirit Swords at once!




After seeing the situation clearly, there were 1000 sword repairs in the audience. Like An Yue, his face flushed, his jaw widened, and his eyes almost burst out of his eyes.

With a sigh of relief, everyone only felt a sip of old blood on his chest and almost spewed it out.

“God ah! This … how is this possible !?”

With 1000 eyes, staring in the air with surprise Anyue, stiff on the spot, all silly …

Heavenly Sword 9 Peak, this is … Heavenly Sword 9 Peak!

Pull out 2 Antiquity Spirit Swords at once, is this a hell! ?

However, I do n’t even wait for everyone to wake up, the mountain under my feet, slightly trembled, all directions in 4 directions, countless sword light, soaring …

With a 1000-inch ordinary Spirit Sword on it, it rushed away from the rocks and flew to the sky, just like a rainstorm, and shot into the crowd of 3 Layer clouds.

1000 … 1000 swords simultaneously out!

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