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The development of the matter has exceeded everyone’s expectations.

Whether it was Guo Tian City and others who pulled out Antiquity Spirit Sword’s genius, or the bigwigs of all races waiting outside, it was all a face of doubt and puzzled.

However, over time, things have not changed.

Whether it is Antiquity Spirit Sword or ordinary Spirit Sword, it is still like a dead thing, and it is impossible to detect the trace of Sword Spirit that should be there.

In the meantime, everyone was disappointed. In addition, other Antiquity Spirit Swords or ordinary Spirit Swords that were not born were no longer in touch with any sword repair genius.

A great Heavenly Sword 9 peak has become meaningless.

“No! There must be something wrong!”

Jiang Yuchuan stood outside, trying to break his head without any thoughts.

You know, another genius of the Demi-God family, but pulled out 9 Spirit Sword, he was very surprised, and now he is also disappointed.


Tuobaxiong’s face was the same depressed, and he kept shaking his head and sighed.

“Vice Building Lord, you are experienced and knowledgeable, and you have seen many treasures. Even you feel that these Spirit Swords are different !?”

Jiang Yuchuan turned his head and saw Tuoba Xiong’s tightly knit look, he could not help asking.

Who knows, the other party is hearing this, but directly hooked the head, softly opened the mouth and said.

“Do not…”

“I wonder why that Chu Yan, from beginning to end, has no movement at all, and even a piece of ordinary Spirit Sword, has not harvested …”


Hearing Tuoba Xiong’s words, Jiang Yuchuan suddenly froze, turning his head towards towards the distance.

Sure enough, Chu Yan stood in the cloud of 1st Layer, constantly glancing at the other sword repair genius all around, with his hands on his back, his face calm and calm, and his expression was completely different from the frustration of other people.

“Yi !? It seems a little strange …”

After Tuoba Xiong’s reminder, Jiang Yuchuan also suddenly found Chu Yan’s anomaly, the pupil light flickered, and kept thinking about something.

At this moment, a Hong Zhong’s voice suddenly exploded over the entire Heavenly Sword 9 peak …

“This year’s Heavenly Sword 9 peak is over, everyone, leave immediately!”

Asahi Martial Emperor, with a non-negotiable meaning in his tone, made everyone startled at the same time.

“What !? Leave …!?”

“This is only one day away, and it’s over !?”

“It’s not fair. I got 2 Spirit Swords, they all have 7 8 handles …”

“That is, the people of Ten Great Influence, pulled out 7 Antiquity Spirit Swords, it’s over !?”


A large number of sword repairs heard the sound of announcing their departure, and immediately picked up a voice of unwillingness.

However, there may be some people who did not find the recipe of each race, but the big brothers of all races all understand why Xu Martial Emperor ordered everyone to leave at this time.

Therefore, the big brothers of all ethnic groups, one after another, ordered the recipe of each ethnic group to leave the peak of Opening Heaven Sword 9 and bring Spirit Sword back as soon as possible.

In less than breath breaths, all sword repair genius, leaving the Opening Heaven Sword 9 peak, returned to the square.

“Yi !? Chu Yan, you …”

Miao Lian settled down and the others, took Antiquity Spirit Sword, and returned to the square, where they just met Chu Yan. When she looked up, she suddenly looked stunned.

“Oh, bad luck …”

Of course Chu Yan knows why the other party is so surprised, because he has nothing in his hands, and he hasn’t even got a handle for the ordinary Spirit Sword.

“It’s okay! Don’t worry, this time Heavenly Sword 9 peak is a little weird. Look at me Antiquity Spirit Sword, even a trace of Sword Spirit can’t be sensed, it’s almost the same as it is!”

Miao Lian An Ju smiled softly, and said comfortedly.

Hearing this, Chu Yan chuckled and shook the head without much explanation. After all, no one could tell what happened in the belly of the mountain.

Soon, as the gangsters and disciples of all ethnic groups gathered on the square, a large number of discussions and various noises made the whole square boiling.

Among them, some people were extremely excited, and others were full of frustration.

“Yi!? Isn’t that the Yan Yan of the sword, Chu Yan of the famous sword club !?”

Suddenly, with a mocking voice, a loud treble was raised throughout the audience.

Chu Yan turned his head to see that it was Mo Wenjun, the new pair of the Ming Clan. He saw his ten-handed ordinary Spirit Sword and threw a smug face in front of Chu Yan with a proud smile on his face with a big smile

“Ha ha ha, didn’t expect, such a Renowned Chu Yan, I didn’t even get a Spirit Sword, well, these ten are my harvest, just pick one, otherwise, empty-handed, it’s not good-looking … .. ”

Mo Wenjun’s words suddenly caused 4 all directions. Many people looked sideways and stared at each other …

“Really ah! That Chu Yan, even a Spirit Sword, did not get …”

“Tsk tsk tsk, at the beginning of the square, a sword chopped off the black iron sword column, at the Bijian Lundao reception, and the sword pressure the audience to repair the sword, how great it was, didn’t expect …

“That is, strong in appearance but weak in reality, in fact, the sword cultivation base is extremely poor, relying on the prestige of the Demi-God family, otherwise, how can even a Spirit Sword of ordinary sense not be sensed !?”

“Good! This year’s Heavenly Sword 9 peak, there are more than 1000 genius gathered, almost everyone has a harvest, like him empty-handed, really not much.”

“It’s shameful …. I thought that he and Guo Tian City, Miao Lian, Mo Tianren were an equal-order Sword Dao genius. Look at others …”

“I’ve been understood for a long time, this Chu Yan, has no real name!”


In all kinds of ridicule and ridicule, even some big men of all ethnic groups are sneering, especially those big men of the Ming tribe who see Chu Yan have nothing to gain, and they are very happy.

In addition to Guo Tian City, Miaolian Anju and other genius who have seen Chu Yan true strength, they are all surprised and surprised, looking towards Chu Yan’s eyes, full of inexplicable colors.

Today, there are so many strange things! ?

“Give me … get lost!”

At this moment, Jiang Yuchuan strode forward, standing next to Chu Yan, his whole body was surging, the aura was like a tide, with a trace of murderous intention, looking across the audience and screaming.

Chu Yan represents the Demi-God clan. Even if there is no trace of achievement, it is definitely not something that these people can laugh at.

“Jiang Great Elder, it’s okay, don’t care!”

Chu Yan saw it, but with a smile on his face, he comforted Jiang Yuchuan.


Seeing the expression of Chu Yan, Jiang Yuchuan suddenly started, his eyes twitched twice, hesitated to stop, and finally sighed, and took the head and said nothing more.

At this moment, on the podium in the distance, Asahi Martial Emperor appeared in the air, and a thunderous sound sounded.

“Today, Heavenly Sword 9 peak, unprecedented grandeur, young people of all ethnic groups, show their bravery, gain a lot …”

In a word, the big crowds of all ethnic groups, including Guo Tian City and other genius, were all frowned.

This is really not a taste …

The Nether clan never mentioned the weird situation of Heavenly Sword 9 peak, but instead described it as an unprecedented grand event, with huge gains! ?

What do these gangster guys want to do! ?

Without waiting for everyone to question, Xu Martial Emperor’s voice rang again.

“According to the rules of Heavenly Sword 9 peak, this 1st place is my family’s Mo 1000 blade, so I decided to immediately issue a heavy prize!”

“At the same time, all the disciplines that have won the Antiquity Spirit Sword and the ordinary Spirit Sword with more than 8 handles are all rewarded!”

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was boiling.

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